The black flames played against the white Kirito. The black and the white formed a sharp contrast, and the flames of Amaterasu came instantly.

Just when Amaterasu's flames were entangled in the white Kirito, Kirito moved again. This time, he was exhibiting his newly developed Fenghua Spiral Pill.

Chapter [-]: Overcoming the Power of Void

Kirito's Fenghua Spiral Pill was researched by him for a year. It not only has strong destructive power, but also can be manipulated arbitrarily.

The combination of the two is the power of this trick Fenghua Spiral Pill, and Kirito is ready for this blow at this moment.

Fenghua Spiral Pill came out of his hand, followed by a long chain formed entirely by Kirito's power.

It is because of the existence of this chain that Tongren can perfectly control the position and speed of Fenghua Spiral Pill.

The white Kirito was already entangled in the flames of Amaterasu and could not escape, and now he faced another powerful attack from Kirito.

His complexion changed completely, because he knew that his own strength was completely invincible to defeat Kirito.

If he has been hiding in the depths of Kirito's heart, he can slowly swallow Kirito bit by bit.

However, when he felt that Kirito's power of death was completely exhausted, he couldn't wait to rush out and wanted to abuse Kirito.

But now it seems that he was caught in Kirito's plan. Now that he has appeared, it is impossible to escape.

Since Kirito managed to lead him out, how could he let him go so easily? As long as he dared to turn around and run away, Kirito would definitely defeat him immediately, which would save a lot of trouble.

But this white Kirito is not stupid. He knows that if he runs, he will die, and if he fights hard, he may be able to reverse it.

So after making up his mind, he began to plan desperately. Since this is already the case, he has no meaning to hold back.

The power of void burst out directly from his body, and at the same time, in the outside world, Kirito's body also burst out with a powerful power of void.

Urahara Kisuke and Teezai waited quietly, now they can't help Kirito, everything can only rely on him.

He survived, and the power of the void would be completely suppressed by him. He couldn't hear it, so Naurahara Kisuke had to kill him with his own hands.

This is what Urahara Kisuke has planned for a long time. If Kirito really becomes a virtual, Urahara Kisuke will not give him a chance to cholera in the world.

Kisuke Urahara was relatively confident that he wanted to kill Kirito in this state, but Kirito obviously hadn't turned into a virtual at this time, so Kisuke Urahara didn't rush to do it, but kept watching.

Tie Zhai was also very nervous at this time, because he had to be on guard for Kirito's violent uprising at any time, so even if he used the No. [-] bondage, he might not be able to completely suppress the violent Kirito.

So he has always been preparing to release a more powerful bondage at any time to help Urahara Kisuke solve Kirito who has completely become a void.

However, the two of them were worried too much, because at this time in Kirito's inner world, he had an absolute advantage.

The attacks of Fenghua Spiral Maru and Amaterasu made the white Kirito unable to parry at all, and now there are signs of defeat.

Even if he resisted desperately, he would not be able to resist Kirito's two major killing techniques. It is said that the power of these two techniques is still not as devastating as Lei Dun Qilin's, but they are enough to be used as housekeeping skills.

After all, Kirito's practice this year was not in vain, and the deepest part of the supervision tower was deepened by Kirito.

Because the white Kirito at this time has no power to resist, but Kirito is also afraid that he has any hidden abilities that he has not used yet, so he decided to kill the white Kirito directly.

"Lei Dun Qilin!"

Kirito finally used his strongest skills so far. Although it is said that this is in Kirito's own inner world, it does not affect the power of this move, and the lightning and thunder still exist.

As the power climbed, the huge thunder and lightning unicorn appeared in Kirito's inner world, holding his head proudly.

In its eyes, this low-level ability of the white Kirito is simply vulnerable. With the drive of Kirito, it also rushed directly to the white Kirito.

A huge roar filled Kirito's inner world, and this time, it was still like killing the three Achucas.

The moment Lei Dun Qilin's power came into contact with White Kirito, it absolutely suppressed him.

This pure power of thunder seems to have the effect of suppressing the power of emptiness. Originally, according to the power of Kirito, the white Kirito should be similar to him.

But at this moment, facing the attack of Lei Dun Qilin, he does not have much defense ability. Maybe it is really because Lei Deng has the ability to restrain the virtual, or it may be because the white Kirin had too much consumption before.

In a word, this powerful thunder unicorn collided directly on the blade of the white Kirito, causing a lot of impact on him.

While retreating all the way, the power of the white Kirito has been declining. He regrets it very much. Why not wait until Kirito has no ability to resist at all. In that case, the control of this body is in his hands.

As for now, it's just doing the last lingering. Once the Thunder Dun unicorn explodes, the white Kirito will die, and there is no suspense.

Sure enough, in the final shocking explosion, the figure of white Kirito disappeared, and in the inner world at this moment, only Kirito himself was left.

Because he defeated the other self created by the power of emptiness, Kirito also left his inner world.

Outside, Kirito was still suppressed by the five iron pillars, but at the moment his body did not struggle at all.

Because the power of void in his body has been completely suppressed, Kirito has occupied absolute control of the body.

But because he exhausted all the power of death before, and then fought against white Kirito in the inner world, he is very tired now.

At this moment, the white mask on his face had come off, revealing his own face again.

Urahara Kisuke saw that Kirito's mask had disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face again, but he was sweating for Kirito.

Tie Zhai also withdrew the binding road at this time, letting Kirito's body relax, and then quickly stepped forward to help Kirito up.

Looking at the two people in front of him, Kirito also showed a smug smile, and then said, "The power in my body has disappeared. I want to thank you this time, and I owe you another favor."

"Huh? The power of void disappeared? Who told you that it disappeared?" Urahara Kisuke was stunned, then looked at Kirito.

Kirito was also taken aback by Urahara Kisuke's words. Could it be that he worked so hard and still hadn't removed the power of emptiness?

"But I have already defeated him, didn't you say that if I survived, I would be able to completely suppress the power of the void?" Kirito asked inexplicably.

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