As for their leader Kirito, the ability to blur has also improved a lot, and his blur is also changing.

Because of the autumn rainbow in his body, the mask that was supposed to be white had seven different colors.

This color occupies the entire right half of the mask. It can be said that the current blur is already a version that combines the power of death.

Although Kirito's life at this stage is boring, it is still very fulfilling, because there is something to do every day, and there are always people around.

For the current situation, Kirito thinks that it is not bad. After all, there are broken bees, and it is always better than training alone here.

Because the second step of Kirito's blurring has entered a small bottleneck period, he feels that there will be no progress for the time being.

So he thought it was to study other directions, such as the domineering mix and match of armed colors, plus the ability to write a kaleidoscope.

Kirito tried to cover the mask with the domineering look of armed color, but found that he couldn't cover it at all.

Maybe it's because the mask's power is too strong, or maybe there's a reason other Kirito don't know.

However, Kirito succeeded in releasing the Spiral Pill in a virtual state, and even the shadow avatar technique was successful.

Kirito thought, if there are more than one, even dozens or hundreds of virtual selves exist at the same time, the power is simply terrible.

But this can only be thought about, after all, no matter which skill is released, it will consume Kirito's power.

His power is limited, so Kirito especially wanted a way to restore all his power instantly.

So he told Broken Bee about his thoughts, but what came after was Broken Bee's ridicule, saying that he would think of something useless.

Fighting exhaustion is a common occurrence, how could there be a way to restore it to its peak state in an instant.

Although the broken bee rejected Kirito's idea, but Kirito still feels that there is hope to be able to do this.

However, because it was really too difficult to achieve, this matter was first put on hold by Kirito.

After thinking about it, Kirito should focus on the blur first. After testing the spiral pill in the blur state before, Kirito also started the next test.

After the spiral pill, there is the spiral shuriken, and the virtual colleagues can also release this move, and the resulting power is about twice as strong as before.

The final test was Fenghua Spiral Pill, the ninjutsu. The power of this move was already astonishing.

Now coupled with the blessing of the virtual power, Kirito's weathering spiral pill directly opened a large pit with a diameter of [-] meters on the ground.

Not only himself, but even Broken Bee was taken aback, but fortunately this move was not aimed at the top, otherwise there would be another hole in the sky here.

This time Kirito's experiment once again caused a reaction on the surface, but this reaction was only within the second division.

It didn't attract much attention, so Kirito and Broken Bee were relieved, both of them were worried.

After all, this is the second time, because Kirito's skills have brought shocks to this underground world, and every shock is not small.

This time, Kirito didn't dare to use the Lei Dun unicorn in the state of virtualization. I am afraid that if he really used this move, at least within the attack range of the Lei Dun unicorn, the sky here would not have any reservations. .

Because of this carelessness, Kirito was also temporarily removed from the underground world by Broken Bee, and he was forbidden to test high-intensity skills here again.

After all, this place was left by the previous captain, and Broken Bee didn’t want it to be destroyed by Kirito, even if Kirito didn’t do it on purpose.

Kirito, who was chased out by the broken bees, was not idle. Although he could no longer perform attacks, he could practice some other skills.

For example, with his kaleidoscope, he could feel that the ability of the kaleidoscope should be more than just Amaterasu.

However, other abilities have not yet appeared, and Kirito can't figure it out. He can only feel the less obvious power by always opening the writing wheel.

Kirito tried various methods for a while, but he was unable to unearth this hidden power.

However, because of Rukia's actions by accident, Kirito discovered the ability of his kaleidoscope that he didn't know before.

This hidden ability is very powerful, similar to ninjutsu like hypnosis, but much more advanced.

In this regard, Kirito also gave him a more pleasant name, called "Yue Du."

Chapter [-]: The Ability of Kaleidoscope Writing Wheel Eyes

Kirito realized that the ability of his eyes was thanks to Rukia, because when Kirito was experimenting, Rukia's sudden arrival let Kirito know the result.

At that time, Kirito was looking forward intently, and he thought that the ability to hide his eyes was also aggressive.

That's why he kept staring at the target, hoping to cause damage to it, but there was no result.

Rukia saw him standing there motionless from a distance, so she naturally wanted to go up and check the situation.

But it didn't matter if she stepped forward. When she saw Kirito's eyes, she was completely controlled by her body.

Then her spirit was also controlled by Kirito. Fortunately, Kirito had no killing intent, so Rukia was just lost in the illusion.

Kirito also discovered the abnormality of Rukia, and guessed that his ability should be a kind of illusion.

After all, Kirito used to get reward items for returning book scrolls in the arsenal system, so he still knew a little bit about it.

Rukia's current state is an illusion, and from the perspective of the situation, it may be a high-level illusion.

After all, it is an illusion released through the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, how can the level be low, the most important thing is that Kirito can also control the illusion at will.

After Rukia was under control, he closed his eyes and entered the illusion together.

The scene here is exactly the same as that of Sereitei, but the difference is that there is no one here.

Apart from Rukia who just entered here, and Kirito who came in later, there are only two of them in this environment space.

Originally, Rukia didn't understand what was going on, but suddenly she couldn't move, and then everyone else disappeared.

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