Their purpose is to enter the Seirei Garden, but now there is obviously no way to sneak in through the chaos of Ryuhun Street.

So they have to find another way. According to an old man, there are still people in the Zhibo family.

Everyone always thought that they should go to the Shiba family. Since they were able to start the battle with Jinglingei, even if they failed, there must be a way to enter the Sereitei.

So after finding out where the Shiba family lived, everyone came to the suburbs west of Liuhun Street.

Zhibo's house is still easy to find, because it belongs to the suburbs, and the whole place is a house of Zhibo's family.

Everyone came to the door of Zhibo's house together, knocked on the door lock lightly, and made a knocking sound.

It was two tall and strong men who opened the door. They looked at the few people in front of them and asked loudly, "Who are you?"

"We're here to find the head of the Zhibo family." The man in the lead said, his attitude was modest and not too public.

"You came to the wrong place." Said, the strong man on the left was about to close the door, but was stopped by one of the group of people.

The man in the lead said again: "Don't be nervous, we are not here to make trouble, on the contrary, we are here to help you."

Although they heard him say that, the two strong men still didn't want to let them go, after all, they had no credibility.

Besides, it's not easy for the Zhibo family to survive in the world now, and they don't want to get involved with those irrelevant people.

But when the two approached the door again, a woman walked out from behind the house, "Wait a minute," she said.

The two strong men also stopped when they heard it, and then made way for the woman to stand between them.

"Let's talk about something, I'm the head of the Zhibo family." This woman was called Zhibo Konghe, and she looked a little revealing in her clothes, with a man-like tone.

Because the already down and out of the Zhibo family, coupled with the large-scale war that Zhibo single-mindedly launched, made the Zhibo family even more miserable.

Including this head of the family, there are only two people left in the Shiba family, and the other is her younger brother, Shiba Gansu.

As for the two strong men, they were servants of the Zhibo family. Although the Zhibo family was said to be down, the two of them never left.

Although Zhibo Konghe is a daughter, she will never lose to any man, including her character.

The man at the head could see that Shiba Sora was different, so he didn't despise her in any way.

"We want to discuss something with you, maybe you will be interested." The man said, and then looked at Zhibo Konghe with great interest.

Zhibo Konghe also looked at him, then said, "Aren't you going to introduce yourself? Are you going to talk to me as a stranger?"

After all, he is the head of the family. Even if the family is a little small, it still has the momentum it should have.

The man smiled, and then said to Shiba Konghe, "I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Tsukishima Shukuro, and these people are all my companions."

Tsukishima Shukuro compared the others with his hands, and then looked back at Shiba Sora with a gentleman-like smile on his face.

"What's the matter with you coming to Zhibo's house?" Zhibo Konghe went straight to the topic, because she didn't like to be around the corner.

"Since you asked so directly, it's not good for me to be procrastinating, and I will express our meaning directly."

Tsukishima Hidekuro paused for a moment, then said, "Our purpose is very simple, that is, to enter the Seiring Garden."

Shiba Sora heard his words, frowned slightly, and asked Tsukishima Shukuro, "Enter the Seiring Garden? What do you want to do?"

"Naturally, I'm going to trouble those gods of death. You must help us, right?" Tsukishima Shukuro asked tentatively.

Although they have never crossed the Seireitei, they are still clear about the general structure of the Seireitei.

If there is not a lot of force, just a few of them can't force entry from the main gate.

Even if you defeat the guards, entering is equivalent to sending your death. After all, there are still many powerful gods of death in Seiringei.

It was absolutely impossible to act rashly. The most important thing was that Seiringei had a layer of architectural protection called Murderous Stone.

This kind of protection turned the entire Seirei Garden into a sphere, and neither underground nor in the sky could penetrate into the Seirei Garden.

However, since the Shiba family can organize troops to attack Seiringei, then they should still have a way to enter this iron wall.

With this idea in mind, several talents came to this remote Zhibo family and wanted to seek help from the Zhiba family.

Zhibo Konghe glanced at several people with suspicion, and then asked again, "Why should I believe what you said?"

Just as Shiba Sora said those words, a two-handed giant sword appeared in the hands of a masked man behind Tsukishima Shukuro.

Moreover, his aura has also changed from dull to violent at the beginning, as if to bring oppression to the entire house of the Shiba family.

Chapter [-] Flower Crane Cannon

Although his aura was very arrogant, he just wanted to intimidate Zhibo Konghe, and then he put it away.

"How is it? Do you believe it based on this?" Tsukishima Shukuro smiled and looked at Shiba Sora, and then said to her.

However, Zhibo Konghe is also someone who has seen big scenes, how could she be directly intimidated by this kind of momentum, so her expression did not change much.

But in his heart, Zhibo Konghe began to mutter, "Could it be that these people are so powerful? I'm afraid that if I don't help them, they will be rough."

Thinking about the current situation of the Shiba family, even if they are swept away by these people of unknown origin, I am afraid that the people from Seirotei will not come to help them.

Because of what the Shiba family did, all the gods of death didn't like them very much. If it wasn't for Captain Yamamoto's order to prevent all the gods of death from touching the people of the Shiba family, I'm afraid her family would not exist long ago.

There is no way, people have to bow their heads under the eaves, even if Zhibo Konghe is not afraid, but she always thinks about her young brother.

"It's not that hard to enter the Seiringei, but it's not easy either," Shiba Konghe said to several people.

Hearing that there was a way to enter the Seiring Garden, Tsukishima Shukuro's smile grew even stronger. There was a way, no matter how difficult it was, they had to try.

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