Although ordinary people could not stop him, but now, in front of Ginjō Konggo, stood an unusual man.

He is the captain of the sixth division, Byakuya Kuchiki. He has been waiting here for a while. He knows that since the enemy wants to break into the spiritual garden, the destination should be the headquarter of the first division, so Byakuya is on this path. Waiting on the road.

Ginjo Konggo was the first traveler to come here, so he became Kuchiki Byakuya's opponent.

Kuchiki Byakuya looked at Ginjō Konggo, and said coldly, "Let's fall here, you can't pass under my sword."

After hearing Kuchiki Byakuya's words, Ginjo Konggo also smiled, and then said, "Let me fall before I fight, Captain Byakuya is getting more and more arrogant now."

From his words, it was obvious that he knew Byakuya Kuchiki, which also made Byakuya Kuchiki puzzled.

But then Kuchiki Byakuya was not so interested in the true identity of this man, because as long as he was defeated, everything would be known.

"Let's scatter, Senbon Sakura!" Kuchiki Byakuya is not the kind of person who procrastinates, and the beginning of the battle starts directly.

Thousands of cherry blossoms turned into thousands of petals from where Kuchiki Byakuya stood, and all of them spewed towards Ginjō Konggo.

Ginjo Konggo still has a certain understanding of Kuchiki Byakuya's strength, and he doesn't want to be contaminated by this petal.

This is not an ordinary petal, each one is the blade of Senbon Sakura, and it hurts when touched, so Ginjō Konggo directly avoided it.

He had done his homework before he came to Seirotei. He knew that although Kuchiki Byakuya was very strong, he also had weaknesses.

This weakness usually goes unnoticed, but Ginjō Kugo discovered it, which took him a lot of thought.

Senbon Sakura will turn into thousands of blades, no matter whether it is the first solution or the swastika, but the shape and attack will be different.

But no matter what state it is, as long as Kuchiki Byakuya uses the power of the Zanpakutō, a circle will appear around him.

This circle is called the no-wound circle, which is the place where Senbon Sakura cannot attack. This is a barrier that exists to protect Byakuya Kuchiki himself.

Because the number of blades that Senbon Sakura transforms into is too many, if it is not properly manipulated, it will inevitably cause damage to Byakuya Kuchiki himself.

Therefore, when Senbon Sakura showed her ability, there would be a wound-free circle with a diameter of one meter around Kuchiki Byakuya.

As long as Ginjō Konggo can enter this injury-free circle, he has a great chance of defeating Kuchiki Byakuya.

After all, Kuchiki Byakuya still relies on his Zanpakutō as the main source of damage, and his own strength is not too strong.

Knowing this weakness, Ginjō Konggo didn't seem so flustered when he faced the attack of Senbon Sakura.

He slowly and steadily leaned towards Kuchiki Byakuya, or moved his body, or directly blocked it with a two-handed sword.

Anyway, Qianben Sakura didn't cause him any harm, but Kuchiki Byakuya was such a stupid person.

He had already seen it from Ginjō Konggo's actions, and it was obvious that Ginjō Konggo was trying to get close to him.

Although I don't know if Ginjō Kugo knows about the no-wound circle, it's better to be careful not to let Ginjō Kugo get too close.

Because Kuchiki Byakuya is not immobile, as long as he does not control the petal attack for a while, he can move.

And Kuchiki Byakuya's Shunpo is also extremely powerful. Speaking of this, I have to mention the former captain of the second division again.

The former captain of the second division is not only the master of the broken bee, but also taught the use of Kuchiki Byakuya Shunpo.

You must know that when the captain of the second division did not go to the world a year ago, she used to be called an instant god.

Just from this title, we can tell that her Shunpo ability may surpass that of Captain Yamamoto.

Therefore, Kuchiki Byakuya, who has been instructed by Shunjin, is also outstanding in his Shunpo ability.

In the blink of an eye, he moved several times, pulling the distance that Ginjō Konggo had closed again, and then continued to control Senbon Sakura to attack.

Now it's Ginjō Konggo's turn to have a headache. If he goes on like this, he won't be able to get close to Kuchiki Byakuya no matter what.

Moreover, Qianben Sakura's long-range attack ability is extremely strong, even if he wants to retreat now, it is too late.

As long as he dares to turn around, he will be cut into a thousand holes in an instant by Qianbon Sakura, so Ginjō Konggo has to face Qianbon Sakura all the time.

Although Senbon Sakura has the strength to cover the enemy, the attack power that does not converge in one direction will also be weakened.

Therefore, with the strength of Ginjō Konggo, he would not be surrounded and strangled by Qianben Sakura, and the battle between the two was temporarily frozen here.

The pair who had the same stalemate in the previous battle were the corners of Kurozawa Kiriko and Madaramu, but the two of them at this time had already decided the winner.

The corner of Madaramu was already in a mess, but he still stood tenaciously in front of Kazawa Kiriko, propped up his body with the Onitowan, and prevented himself from falling.

"Haha, you are really strong." Madaramu wiped the blood from the corner of his eyes, and then said to Tongzi Fuze with a big smile.

"I didn't expect you to be so crazy, is it possible that all the gods of death are like you?" Tongzi Fuze also said to Madara eyes.

At this time, Tongzi Fuze is not as intact as before. At this moment, his body is also decorated, but it is not as serious as the corner of the eye.

These injuries were all in exchange for his life, but even though he had been slashed a few times, Tongzi Fuze didn't care that much.

After all, it's all flesh wounds, and it won't make him lose his combat effectiveness, and he is still in the eleventh team building.

Even if he defeated Madarame, there are still many people in the eleventh team who are eager to play.

In the wheel battle, even if it is him, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold on for long, so in order to break through, he will have to use other abilities.

Chapter [-] Chasing the Destroyer

Kiriko Ouzawa's ability is not just manipulating numbers, but he can also use these numbers to strengthen himself.

The twelve numbers correspond to the eleven parts of the body, and the number one becomes his weapon.

By absorbing all these numbers into his body, Kiriko Kazuzawa can gain very powerful power within a certain period of time.

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