The extremely freezing cold air exuded from the tip of the knife quickly turned into a large current of ice and snow in front of him, colliding with the super-large fireball in front of him!

One side is extremely high temperature, and the other side is bone-chilling ice and snow. The two extremes collided head-on, and a huge explosion occurred immediately!

Chapter [-] Sangjing vs Molten Hell!

Chapter [-] Yanjing VS Molten Hell!

"Bang!" With a knife, the fiery sea of ​​fire in front of him was split in half, and the cold air in the body formed a strong contrast with the scorching temperature around him, so that at this time, Kirito's body was bubbling up. of steam.

"It can't go on like this." Kirito's heart sank slightly. In terms of attribute restraint, Xiu Baixue has an absolute advantage, but Jiaodu is also a powerful shadow-level powerhouse after all, and his chakra volume is even more terrible, plus Kirito's physical strength is a disadvantage.Although he can still have the upper hand now, but it will last for a long time, and the situation of the battle will soon change.

The battle-hardened Kakuto is naturally aware of this. Although he doesn't know how much chakra Kirito has, judging from the latter's age, no matter how he says it, it is impossible to reach the level of his and the next level.Although there is a saying that people can't be seen, in fact, as Kakuto guessed, Kirito's chakra volume is limited.Unlike ninjas, Kirito's chakra, as physical energy, is related to the physical value of his own attributes. Kirito's physical attribute value is not high, but the concept of armed ghost cloak improves physical attributes to a certain extent.

With this level of chakra, it's okay to maintain a battle below the shadow level. For example, when Kirito was making a fuss about Konoha before, the reason why no one could match it was because there was no shadow-level powerhouse in Konoha at that time.Of course, Danzo is also a real shadow-level strength. In the battle against Danzo, Kirito was once in crisis, but the former died and wanted to perform the ultimate illusion of kaleidoscope on him, which aroused the Otsutsuki that he sealed himself. The power of the Descendant's Destruction Pupil.

Now fighting with the real shadow-level powerhouse, and there are still two, the high-intensity battle continues, and Kirito will soon be unable to bear it.

"It has to be done quickly."

Kirito's heart was condensed, and then he didn't hold back any longer. First, he put away Xiu Baixue on his right hand. Although Xiu Baixue's powerful frontal combat power, as long as a knife was given to Jiaodu, the latter could be severely injured. However, no matter how powerful a weapon is. , If you can't cut people, it's meaningless. It's not because Xiu Baixue is ineffective, but it's entirely a matter of Kirito's own personal strength.However, now is not the time to look into these things.Put away the sleeves Baixue, the purpose is to reduce the consumption of oneself.

The thousand cherry blossoms on the left hand were slowly put down, and the blade and the handle were completely submerged in the different space.

"Unraveling the Thousand Sakura Jingyan!"

Jiao Du's eyes narrowed, his eyes swept across the huge sword formations that rose without warning in the two rows, and he pondered, "Is it an illusion? This strong chilling aura really exists!"

Although I don't know what kind of technique the battle is in front of me, I intuitively tell Kakuto that this must be Kirito's ultimate move.Suddenly, the corners are also ready to use their hole cards.

I saw him move with both hands, and I saw the two mask monsters with fire attribute and wind attribute, their bodies slowly twisted and overlapped together, and the two masks slowly came closer together.

The next moment, a high-pressure wind bomb, a violent flame ball, and both wind-type and fire-type violent chakras gathered together at the same time!

"The wind is oppressing!"

"Huo Dun head hard!"

"Profound meaning molten hell!"

If you say that the front head is hard, it is just a high-temperature flame bomb composed of a super large fireball, the power is enough to burn a forest, and this time, with the blessing of Feng Dun, and both of them are advanced through extreme attribute changes. Ninjutsu, adding up, is not just as simple as one plus one, its breaking power is multiplied and multiplied!

The profound meaning of the A-level fire escape technique, the large-scale fire escape technique, is different from Kakashi's Rachel, which has been further improved by the A-level Thunderbolt Chidori. Regarding the level of ninjutsu, it is still an S-level forbidden technique. But Rachel was at one point, and the destructive power reached the level of S rank.And this molten hell in front of you, its casting range can be extended to a range of one kilometer!Powerful enough to turn an entire forest into ashes!

At this powerful fire escape, Kirito's ability to suppress Shoubaixue's attributes is already negligible. Of course, there are still advantages, but Xiuxuexue in the state of beginning to understand, the ability is concentrated on the attack power of a single unit, like fighting against this. This kind of large-scale offensive, if you want to completely resist it, the cost of consumption will be huge.

Simply from the proportion of his own consumption, Kirito chose Qianben Sakura.

Thousands of huge knife arrays turned into an incalculable number of tiny blades, which looked like cherry blossoms flying all over the sky to the naked eye, converging into a torrent of pink cherry blossoms!

In terms of "quantity", Qianben Sakura Jingyan has completely reached the molten hell that is not inferior to Jiaodu!

Combining the two attribute changes of wind and fire, the profound meaning of the fire escape technique launched by the combination, and the cherry blossom torrent composed of hundreds of millions of small blades, the two face each other head-on.

Immediately in the middle of the collision between the two on the field, a strong reaction immediately stirred up!

The raging hurricane, "Huhuhuhu", rolled up the high-temperature airflow and sandwiched countless sharp cherry blossoms, spreading in all directions!

Wherever he went, he was either torn to shreds by the dancing storm or evaporated by the high-temperature airflow, and torn to shreds by the dense blades!

"Tu Dun Tu Liu Cheng Guo!" Facing this terrifying aftermath, Jiao Du used the most powerful defensive Tu Dun Ninjutsu, and a huge wall like a small city wall stood in front of him.

Kirito is also controlling a part of the cherry blossoms while resisting in front of him. Even so, he can clearly feel the high temperature and burning sensation from the gap.

Just the aftermath of the collision between the two is already such a great power to break, what a terrible power it is in the middle of these two forces!

"..." The confrontation between the two has long since ended, but the blast energy generated in it has not dissipated for a long time.Under the extremely hot high temperature, the small blade was also baked as red as a soldering iron, so the pink cherry blossoms seen by the naked eye also turned into a hot and fiery red!

Occasionally, a few red cherry blossoms passed through Kirito's defense, and when they drifted past him, the sharp blade would cut his skin, and there would be secondary damage with high temperature burns.

However, in fact, Kirito, most of the "red cherry blossoms" will be controlled when they are scratched on him, and only a very small part can't be controlled, and they will accidentally hurt themselves.Looking at the corner on the other side, it doesn't seem to be much better.The earth escape defense of the small city wall level was cracked layer by layer by the high-strength wind pressure and high-temperature airflow, and the "red cherry blossoms" entrained in the airflow even tore the wall into pieces!

However, it is not that Jiaodu did not leave a hand behind. It was already behind the earth escape defense, and a heavy water escape curtain was added, which once again greatly weakened the aftermath of the shock. Of course, there were also a small number of cherry blossoms that penetrated the water curtain. , The cut horns are covered with dense knife marks all over the body.

Chapter [-]: annihilation of a thousand copies of Sakura Jingyan


In the face-to-face confrontation between Yanjing and Molten Hell, neither side took much advantage. The strength of the two is basically the same. .

After all, in terms of self-consumption, the molten hell of Jiaodu is far more than that of Kirito. If it is placed in the same chakra situation, Kirito will definitely win Jiaodu, but unfortunately, this world It would have been unfair.However, in the battle of life and death, there is no such thing as fairness.

"This kid...Impossible! He was able to break through my molten hell!" Jiao Du's eyes widened, watching in disbelief as the pair of forbidden arts collided in the end.The blow just now consumed a lot of his Chakra, and there was a brief period of power emptiness in his body, and he never exposed this only weak point to others, and his expression remained the same. Calm.This is the old cunning and cunning who has lived for so many years. Not only is he powerful, but he is also quite good at grasping people's hearts in strategy.

Kirito really didn't know the corner of the city at this time. There was a short period of weakness, which was a good time to launch an attack. In fact, his remaining strength was not much. The physical strength consumed by Yanjing, although the amount was small The molten hell in Jiaodu is also a huge consumption for Kirito. Now, he is no longer allowed to continue fighting, and this battle must be ended quickly!

With a move of both hands, the cherry blossoms that were flying all over the sky were scattered in all directions, and immediately, above the sky, Qianben Sakura was fixed into the shape of a sword.Formed a row of densely-packed sword postures in the sky!

"What?! This kid actually still has a hole card?!" Feiduan on the side stared at the changes in the entire space, causing such a huge formation, how many backhands did Kirito hide?

Jiaodu's face also darkened, and he muttered, "It seems that the leader asked us to bring this kid back to the organization. It's not wrong. At such a young age, he already possesses such extraordinary power."

"Jianjing Qianben Sakura Jingyan!"

The rows of thousands of cherry blossoms that cover the entire space are in the form of fixed swords. At first glance, they are quite spectacular. However, no matter whether it is the corners or the flying sections, it is clear that the big battle in front of you can't be just It's as simple as a visual impact!

"咻" flew from one of the thousand cherry blossoms hanging in the sky into Kirito's hands.

"One?" Jiaodu frowned slightly. He didn't understand Kirito's intention at this time. He created such a big battle, but now he only took out one of the knives. What is the purpose?The cautious Jiaodu immediately raised his vigilance to the highest level. Because of the huge chakra consumption caused by the molten hell, the short-term weak state of the body has quickly recovered. At this time, he still has a considerable amount in the body. Chakra, enough to fight.

"Whoosh!" The line of sight has never left Kirito's figure, but at this moment, Kirito's figure disappeared without warning from the field of vision of Jiaodu!

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