As Kirito gathered his strength, a thunder ball with a whirlwind was emitted from the palm of his right hand.

Don't look at the small size of a thunderball, but the power contained in it is terrifyingly strong.

Kirito is ready, and his right hand has begun to vibrate slightly, which is caused by the power being too strong.

The hurricane driven by Neutra was imminent, and at the same time that the wind blade cut through Kirito, he launched an attack.

Kirito directly pressed his palm on the hurricane, and the extremely violent hurricane was directly blocked.

It was as if it blew directly onto an airtight wall, and without the slightest sign of moving forward, it stopped in front of Kirito.

"Wind is the shape of Aotian, thunder is the bone of regretful sky, the wind causes thunder to move, thunder shakes the wind, the wind is the soul, the thunder is the soul, the vision rises, the bones are cold, drink!"

This is Kirito's chanting of Jiutian Fenglei, because the power of this move is amazing, so the energy of Kirito's body alone cannot be satisfied at all.

So find a good way to rely on this kind of chant, borrow the power of heaven and earth, to make up for this lack of power, and form a deadly attack.

With Kirito's loud shout, the lightning ball that had only resisted Neutra changed dramatically.

The lightning ball started from Kirito's palm and exploded in the direction of Neutra.

Thunder was mixed with wind blades, hurricane was mixed with lightning, and a huge blue-purple shock wave directly wrapped Neutra.

Because the power was too great, Kirito had no choice but to put his left hand up, just to maintain the stability of this move.

This shock wave was vented directly in front of Neutra, even if he was currently in a hurricane.

But this powerful force had already penetrated the hurricane's block, and then eroded Neutra's body.

The huge shock wave lasted for about ten seconds. Although this time was not long, it was enough to achieve what Kirito wanted.

Now the place where Kirito is fighting is no longer what it looked like at the beginning, not only the deep pit under his feet is even bigger, but also a huge tunnel appeared in the direction of Neutra.

That was the remaining power of the nine-day wind and thunder that Kirito exerted, and it was only the remaining power that destroyed the place like this.

Neutra, who was at the forefront of the shock wave, was naturally the direct victim of this attack.

Now he is no longer arrogant at the beginning, because the mouth that keeps vomiting blood can no longer speak.

And his sanity was almost in a semi-conscious state, and only his eyes were still staring at Kirito.

It seems that he is very unwilling and wants to stand up and fight against Kirito, but now that he is still alive, it is already his luck.

Because in the end, Kirito could no longer control that power, after all, he was only a mortal body.

This huge power can indeed bring a fatal blow to the enemy, but it also has a lot of counter-injury to himself.

Kirito's right arm is now completely paralyzed, but fortunately there are no other injuries.

It can be said that Kirito completely defeated Neutra, but although he won, the price he paid was not small.

Kirito sat beside Neutra, glanced at him lightly, and then looked into the distance.

There were battles in other places, and more than one, and Kirito knew it was inevitable.

After all, they directly entered the virtual lair, and coupled with the reason of Aizen, how could they not encounter a battle.

What Kirito is most worried about now is Rukia, because she is also a member of the vice-captain, and this action is naturally followed.

However, Kirito knows her strength, and at most she can remain undefeated under Kirian, but if she encounters a big deity above Achukas, I am afraid that Rukia will be in trouble.

However, Kirito's current state is also very poor. The previous battle has cost him too much energy. Even if he wants to help others, he can't move for the time being.

He had already transformed Zanpakutō into his recovery form, and he was looking for a relatively hidden position.

After all, he just had a war with Neutra, and it is very likely that there will be other virtuals here to support.

With his current state, if he encounters an opponent of the same level, it will be difficult to deal with.

Kirito glanced at Neutra before leaving, and now Neutra is obviously dying.

Kirito didn't want to do anything to a dying person, so let him die slowly, so Kirito just left.

However, Kirito's departure was unnecessary, because he didn't know the rules of Xuye Palace, so he was so cautious.

In Xuye Palace, each ten blade has its own palace, and the place where Kirito and Neutra fought before is his palace.

This palace is called the Palace of Despair. Here, the low-level virtual cannot be approached here, unless it is the same ten blades.

Therefore, even if Kirito cultivates here, there may not be anyone coming over for a while. After all, the other Ten Blades are also busy now.

They all received orders from Aizen to intercept all the gods of death who came to attack at various positions in the Xuye Palace.

And their subordinate officials also acted independently. After all, there are not a few death gods who came to the virtual circle this time.

Just when Kirito and Neutra fought, almost at the same time, a battle took place in another place.

The two sides of the battle were the [-]th Blade and the [-]th Division Captain Shiruro Ukitake, and the battle between the two was now heated up.

The nine hundred and ninetieth chapter of the swastika of floating bamboo

The [-]th blade of the Xuye Palace is called Aronillo Eluruyeli, and it is a ghost with a long iron helmet on his head.

Aronello is the only one among the Ten Blades who has grown from the lower-level Daxu Kirian to the present.

His ability is to devour endlessly, as long as it is something that can provide him with energy, she can devour it.

Whether it is Void or Death God, as long as he is defeated in his hands, he will be swallowed up by him. It is also because of this that he gradually becomes one of the ten blades.

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