On the way of growth, with his fighting style, it is inevitable that he will suffer all kinds of damage in the battle.

Zenggi Kenpachi has turned a blind eye to physical injuries for a long time, unless the limbs are seriously injured and the ability to move is lost, then Zakigi Kenpachi will pay attention to it.

But that kind of situation hasn't happened since Zaragi Kenpachi became the overlord of Ryuhun Street.

Now Grimmjow once again gave Zaraki Kenpachi the feeling of being seriously hurt, and it also made him think back to his previous life.

But that was just a casual thought. After all, the two were still fighting, so he couldn't be too distracted.

Zeraki Kenpachi twisted his neck, and then said to Grimmjow, "You are very strong, do you know there is someone stronger than you in the virtual circle?"

"Oh? I just found out that I'm strong, I'm really slow." Grimmjow raised his head and said to Kenpachi Zakigi.

Then he straightened his gaze again, looked into Kenpachi's eyes and continued: "Listen, within this virtual circle, apart from Aizen-sama, I am the strongest, understand?"

Grimmjow's voice was confident.Obviously he is also very sure of his own strength.

"Is your strength the strongest here? That's really boring." Zaragi Kenpachi whispered.

Then he raised the Zanpakutō in his hand, staring at Grimmjow's direction tightly, and swung it down sharply.

Chapter One Thousand

Because Zaraki Kenpachi couldn't keep up with Grimmjow's speed, he also changed his fighting method.

He changed the initial melee combat to the current long-range attack. Only in this way can he deal damage to Grimmjow.

Generally speaking, Zeraki Kenpachi would not choose this kind of fighting method, but it does not mean that his attack is useless.

It's just that Zeraki Kenpachi doesn't like this kind of fighting method, but his attack is also very powerful.

No matter in terms of speed or strength, this move of Zanaki Kenpachi doesn't need his attack power to be weak.

The speed of the sharp blade light was no slower than that of Grimmjow, and in that instant, the attack was already in front of the enemy.

However, Grimmjow's reaction was faster than Zenggi Kenpachi, so facing the huge sword light, he directly greeted him with the sharp claws of both hands.

At this moment, Grimmjow was floating in the air, so after blocking the blow of Kenpachi Zaraki, his body was also pushed back by the huge impact force.

His movement even left a trail in the air, caused by the lack of air caused by the speed.

Grimmjow did not expect that Kenpachi Zaraki's blow had such amazing power that it could push him back so far.

Now the distance between him and Zenggi Kenpachi has changed from less than [-] meters at the beginning to the current distance of [-] meters.

However, this distance was nothing to Grimmjow, because with his speed, he would be able to rush in front of Kenpachi again in one second at most.

In fact, he did the same, and after Zaraki Kenpachi's powerful blow under his crotch, his figure moved again.

The target was still Kenpachi Zengaki who had not moved, and the sharp leopard claws raised again, attacking straight towards Kenpachi's throat.

Grimmjow's attack was going to take Kenpachi's life directly, so he chose the attack position above his throat.

You must know that no matter the defense is strong, the throat is a relatively vulnerable place for them.

And once the throat is pierced, it will be directly killed, even if Zakigi Kenpachi is very durable, he will not stand there after the throat is seriously injured.

Grimmjow's attack was very sharp, and the moving figure brought bursts of sonic booms that resounded in his ears.

Although Grimmjow's attack was also very fast this time, it did not receive the same results.

Because before he even got close to Kenpachi, Kenpachi had already reacted.

He got directly in front of Grimmjow's attack path, directly blocking his sharp leopard claws.

"Hmph, do you think I'll be hit hard by you again? Don't worry, that one just now is the last time you can hurt me."

Zaragi Kenpachi laughed, and his aura grew along with it, and then directly pushed back Grimmjow in front of him.

Zaragi Kenpachi is a fighting-type death god, and his fighting ability will become more and more terrifying as the battle progresses.

The first time he couldn't see Grimmjow's movements clearly, but this second time, he was able to predict the direction of Grimmjow's attack.

"Hehe, it's just a mistake to block my attack, don't you think that's all I have?"

Grimmjow was very displeased with Kenpachi's words and deeds, but he was very proud, and naturally he couldn't bear the contempt of Kenpachi.

"The claws of the leopard king. Break the air!"

This is the strongest attack Grimmjow can unleash with his claws, and it doesn't need to be in the vicinity of the opponent.

This attack form is somewhat similar to the sword light of Zenggi Kenpachi, but it is more powerful than the sword light of Zenggi Kenpachi.

Because his emptiness can be continuously controlled, and unlike the sword light released by Kenpachi Zeraki, he is no longer in control after he leaves the body.

Because of the particularity of this ability, coupled with Grimmjow's speed, under normal circumstances, he would be able to defeat an opponent without even getting close to him.

He also relied on this ability to gradually grow from the lowest-level Daxu Jilian to the current top-level Yachukas.

However, although her strength is already very strong, she still has some distance from the most advanced Daxuwa Stodd.

In the current virtual circle, there are only four big virtuals whose strength can be rated as the Vastord level.

They are ranked in the top four of the ten blades, each of which is the top combat power of Xuye Palace. Although in Grimmjow's eyes, he is the strongest, but this is not the case.

Each of the top four ten blades is extremely powerful, so Aizen also made special rules for them.

That is, they can't release Void Flash under the sky cover, and they can't return to the blade under the sky cover.

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