His lips touched a few times, but he couldn't make a sound, but from the shape of his mouth, it could be seen that he was questioning Kenpachi Zaraki.

The self who had the advantage in the first place was suddenly killed by the opponent. What is the concept?Grimmjow had never seen anything like this.

But this kind of thing really happened to him, and because of this blow, he would immediately fall because of the serious injury.

Zaragi Kenpachi looked at Grimmjow, but he didn't show any expression, he just said, "Go in peace, you tried your best."

As if he was comforting a hard worker, his flat tone made Grimmjow even more desperate.

Because after Zaraki Kenpachi said this, he delivered the same blow again, and the shocking sword light struck Grimmjow again.

Grimmjow could no longer have the ability to struggle, so he could only wait quietly for death to come.

At this moment, Grimmjow once again remembered his own experience along the way, how difficult it must have been to go from an ordinary virtual to a ten-blade.

From the very beginning of the most ordinary virtual, he has always retained his inner sanity, and he wants to become the strongest man in this virtual circle.

That's why he kept fighting with other virtuals in the virtual circle, and then devoured the opponent's power after winning.

Until now, he had no idea how many battles he had experienced and how much emptiness he had swallowed.

Even during this period, he almost became other virtual energy sources, but every time, he was able to reverse and become the final winner.

But I'm afraid it won't work now, because he was injured a little too seriously before, so now, he can only watch the deadly sword light cut straight at him.

He closed his eyes reluctantly, until Kenpachi's attack turned his body into two halves.

With the sixtieth blade, Grimmjow's life has come to an end, and with his fall, the gods of death in Seoringei have once again lost a strong enemy.

And Zaragi Kenpachi, who defeated Grimmjow, didn't have much joy. After all, the method he used to defeat his opponent was not his favorite fighting method.

Even though he was the one who survived in the end, Zaraki Kenpachi shook his head gloomily, then smiled at himself, put away the Zanpakutō, and moved on.

Chapter [-] Two scientists

There is still a fight in the current virtual night palace, and it still maintains a tense and urgent atmosphere.

But there is one place, although a battle is taking place, it is not the blades of the two sides meeting, but a very calm battle of wits.

These two people are the representatives of their respective IQs, Nie Yuri of Seireitei, and Sal Apollo Glanz of Xuye Palace.

The two were the technical developers of their respective camps, and because of their personalities, they didn't want to go crazy with armed attacks like the others.

They have their own way of fighting, that is to use wisdom and means to convince their opponents.

"Yoyo, I didn't expect that there are people like you in this virtual circle." Nie Yuli's expression is very strange, which is also his usual expression.

At this time, he turned his head sideways, his eyes widened, and he looked directly at Sar Apollo on the opposite side, asking questions.

Sal Apollo also looked at Nie Yuli with disdain on his face, and then said, "Are you qualified to talk about me? Let's look at your own appearance and talk first."

Indeed, Nie Mayuri's dress is very strange, wearing a

Judging from his image alone, he would never have thought that he was a scientist with extremely high intelligence.

In comparison, Sal Apollo's image is not so weird. He has long pink hair, a very delicate face, a pair of elegant glasses, and light red lips on his mouth.

"Huh? My appearance? Does it surprise you?" Nie Yuli looked at his appearance, and then looked at Sar Apollo with his expression again.

"Forget it, there is nothing to talk about with a creature with a low IQ like you." Sal Apollo rubbed his hair with his hands.

"Kill him." He was very direct, pointing his finger at Nie Yuli and giving an order to his subordinate officer.

As the technical researcher of the Void Night Palace, Saar Apollo has a large number of subordinate officials for his orders.

His subordinate officers are also the most numerous among all the Ten Blades, and he himself does not know how many there are.

At this moment, he has issued an order, so all the broken faces in the scientific research bureau acted.

"Wow, isn't it a bit too much for so many of you to beat me!" Nie Yuli shouted loudly.

It looked like he was frightened by these people, but he wasn't, it was just his habit.

"Open your paws. Kill Jizo!"

Although Nie Yuli shouted loudly, his response was very fast, which directly opened his first solution.

Although there are a large number of enemies, it is obvious that among this group of people, there is not a single strong person.

After all, he is engaged in scientific research work, so when Sal Apollo chooses subordinate officers, he will naturally choose some with higher intelligence.

As for strength, he doesn't care too much, after all, his own strength is strong enough.

Although these small characters occupy an absolute advantage in number, they do not have much impact on Nirvana.

After all, Nie Yuli is also a captain-level figure, and his combat power is also the top existence in the Soul Society.

Therefore, no matter how these little scoundrels kept going, they all fell under the knife of Nie Yuli, and none of them could hurt Nie Yuli.

Although all his subordinates were beheaded, Saar Apollo did not have any mental fluctuations.

After all, he let these little minions rush up just to consume Nirvana and weaken the strength of the powerful enemy.

As for himself, he had already turned away when the little scoundrel rushed up, and he had to do some preparations.

Thrall Apollo, who returned here again, changed into a suit, which was his battle-exclusive outfit.

As for the outfit he wore before, he didn't want to get dirty with that research-exclusive outfit, so he deliberately changed his clothes.

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