Because he received an order, he did not guard Grimmjow's side during the time when Death was invading.

Now that he had felt Grimmjow's Reiatsu disappear, it naturally aroused his anger.

As a result, Rukia, who had not yet been under much pressure, became the target of Xiao Long's anger.

Although Xiao Long is Grimmjow's subordinate officer, his strength can be said to be quite strong, after all, he is the first broken face created by Aizen.

In comparison, Rukia was a little weaker, she couldn't even solve it, and in the face of Xiao Long's rapid attack, she could only keep fleeing.

But the Xuye Palace is so big, and she is not familiar with the geographical location at all, so she also suffered some injuries along the way.

It might be that Xiao Long didn't want her to die directly, so he didn't release the return blade, and just kept making normal attacks.

While running away, Rukia thought to herself, "What should I do? He is much stronger than me, am I going to die?"

After all, it was the first time for a little girl to face such a situation, so how could she not panic now.

However, she is still relatively calm, after all, her current movement direction still has a fixed direction.

That direction was naturally the direction Kirito was in, and she had felt the spiritual pressure of Kirito's outbreak before.

But now that the Reiatsu has subsided, it means that Kirito has a great possibility to have defeated his opponent.

And the broken face who is chasing her behind, obviously will not have the strength of Kirito, which is why Rukia wants to escape like Kirito.

And she also knows that after defeating the enemy, Kirito will definitely worry about his own safety, and will follow his own Reiatsu to find it.

In this way, the meeting time between the two will be shortened, which can also greatly improve their chances of survival.

However, although Rukia had a small calculation in mind, Xiao Long was not stupid. At this moment, he could already feel a powerful spiritual pressure coming towards him.

And this spiritual pressure is obviously from the god of death, maybe it is the rescue of this little girl.

So in order to avoid accidents, Xiao Long decided to directly kill the fleeing female Death God here.

"Truncate it. Five worms!"

Xiao Long directly opened his first solution, and ten sharp blades extended outward from between his fingers.

Then on the back of his neck, a blade shaped like a scissors also extended, which was very eye-catching.

After releasing the return blade, Xiao Long was even more powerful than before, and he moved around and reached behind Rukia in an instant.

The sharp five fingers slashed directly behind Rukia, but luckily Rukia was not too weak, and barely escaped the blow.

However, her forward direction was directly blocked by Xiao Long. At this moment, Xiao Long was standing on the road between Rukia and Kirito.

"Give up, by the time your rescue arrives here, you will already be a corpse." Xiao Long is like the ruler of Lucia's life.

Although the road ahead was blocked, Rukia did not show despair, because she knew that once she gave up, she would definitely die.

Relying on your own strength to do the last struggle, maybe you can create time for Kirito, so that Kirito can come over in time.

Thinking of this, Rukia also made up her mind to fight Xiao Long desperately, so she pulled out her Zanpakutō.

"Ling Wu. Sleeve Baixue!"

This is Rukia's first solution, and the Zanpakutō was covered with a white frost at the moment of its first solution.

Her sleeve Baixue is also a Zanpakutō of the ice and snow type, but it is not as strong as Hitsugaya Toshiro's Hirinmaru.

Although Rukia also knew the difference in strength between the two sides, it was impossible for her to sit still.

Chapter [-]: Rukia's battle

As the vice-captain of the Seorei Tei Shinigami Division, even if he died, he couldn't give in to Xu.

This is her pride as the god of death, and her pride as the vice-captain of the [-]th Division. No matter what, she will fight.

"First Dance. Moon White!"

Following Rukia's interpretation, her Zanpakutō activated its power, and a white light rose directly under Xiao Long's feet.

The temperature of this white light is extremely low, and it can instantly freeze opponents who cannot dodge in it, making them unable to move.

Xiao Long was standing there at the moment, although he knew that Rukia had already used his abilities, but he did not move a step.

In this way, he was directly frozen by Yuebai's icicles, but Rukia also knew that the enemy could not be defeated like this.

Just as Rukia thought, Xiao Long forcibly shattered the icicle and walked out within a few breaths after the icicle froze his body.

"The power of your death gods is really weak, you should die here early to avoid suffering." Xiao Long said, and immediately set off.

Rukia knew that Xiao Long's attack was melee, so she had already released Yuebai at her feet.

The moment Xiao Long rushed in front of her face, she also reacted instantly, running away from Shunbu.

And Yuebai also rose at the right time, and once again sealed Xiao Long's body in the icicle, restricting his movements.

"Good opportunity." After Rukia successfully blocked Xiao Long's body, she did not choose to continue attacking, but bypassed Xiao Long directly, wanting to move on.

Because she knew very well that her attack could not cause much damage to Xiao Long, so it was the wisest choice to retreat.

But this idea of ​​Rukia was extremely wrong, because she chose to retreat, that is, turning the most dangerous back to Xiao Long again.

Before, it was because Xiao Long did not release the return blade, and the damage he could do to Rukia at will was extremely limited.

But it was different now. After returning to the blade, Xiao Long's strength increased exponentially, and in the moment after breaking the ice, he reached the back of Rukia.

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