Hitsugaya Toushiro explained his ability to Halibel, and from his words, he could tell that he was going to make a big move next.

"To be honest, I haven't been able to fully control this move, so if I can, I won't use it."

Hitsugaya Toushiro looked at the ice flower behind him, and now with the passage of time, half of his ice flower has melted.

The ice flower represents his spiritual pressure strength. It was the strongest at the beginning, and now it has half of his strength at most.

"That's okay, I think I should still be able to control this move." Hitsugaya Toushiro said softly.

"Please report your name, Thirtieth Blade, this is respect for you." Hitsugaya Toushiro said.

"Harribel, Tia Harribel." She told Hitsugaya Toushiro her full name.

"My name is Hitsugaya Toshiro, captain of the tenth division." Hitsugaya Toshiro also explained his identity.

"Frozen and Hundred Flowers Burial!"

After saying this, his attack began, and a huge gap suddenly appeared in the sky.

And Harribel was just below the gap, and at this time, a lot of ice crystals emanated from the gap.

"I thought you had some incredible abilities, but it's just like that." Halibel sneered.

Because Hitsugaya Toshiro's attack didn't seem to be threatening at this time, just like ordinary snow.

"Burning sea current!"

Harribel wanted to use the same trick to evaporate Hitsugaya Toushiro's ice, but this time, it wasn't as she imagined.

Because above the tip of her knife, a huge ice flower bloomed, and then an ice flower also bloomed on her body.

"What's going on?" Halibel didn't understand why her searing current couldn't melt the ice crystals.

Moreover, after the ice crystals attached to her body, ice flowers would bloom immediately, even blocking her movements.

"This is my surefire blow. I named it Bingtian Hundred Flowers Burial. As the name suggests, when the number of ice flowers on your body reaches one hundred, your life will end."

Hitsugaya Toushiro's voice sounded in Halibel's ears, and now she has been completely restricted by Binghua.

I saw that the number of ice flowers on her body was increasing. As the ice crystals formed by the burial of Bingtian Baihua kept falling, finally, the hundredth ice flower bloomed completely.

At this time, Harribel seemed to be frozen inside. Although she couldn't see anything from the outside, in fact, her life had ended.

At the place where she was, there was a spectacular looking ice flower tower that reached the sky and could be seen even from a distance.

"Is that the ice of Captain Hitsugaya?" At this time, Broken Bee, who was fighting the enemy, looked at the ice in the distance and muttered.

Now her situation is not optimistic, because he is fighting against a character even more powerful than Halibel.

He is the twentieth blade in the virtual circle, Balegang Ruizenbon, his strength is definitely the top in the virtual circle.

Chapter [-]: Flowers and Crazy Bones

At the same time, Ke Yatai Stark, the strongest ten blade in the virtual circle, also appeared, and the person who fought with him was also a strong man.

This person is Jingle Chunshui. He is the closest to the center of Xuye Palace, so he will meet Stark here.

Originally, Stark did not want to participate in the struggle, but Aizen told him to protect the Xuye Palace when he left.

No way, even if you don't like fighting, you have to stand up at this time, after all, the gods of death have already hit the door.

"Dude, in fact, I don't like fighting very much, otherwise you should go back." Stark said to Jingle Chunshui.

Jingle Chunshui smiled, and then replied, "Actually, I don't really like fighting, why don't you just get out of the way?"

Although the two of them are very humble in attitude, everyone knows that no one will give in at such a time.

"Well, I'm afraid I can't promise you." Stark gave a positive answer. His duty was to guard this place, so how could Jingle Chunshui pass by?

Even if Aizen is no longer in the virtual circle, it is precisely because of Stark's obstruction that it will not arouse the suspicions of the gods of death.

The three of Aizen are now ready to act in the Soul World, and their goal is Seoreitei.

And the battle that is still going on in the virtual circle is their best cover, so that they don't have to worry about the return of the gods of death.

Jingle Chunshui pulled out his Zanpakutō with a smile, frowned slightly, and then said to Stark: "In this case, I can only shoot."

"The flowers are chaotic, the flower gods cry, the sky is chaotic, the demons sneer, and the flower fields are crazy!" This is the beginning of Jingle Chunshui.

With the release of his first solution, the two Zanpakutō that were originally held in his hands changed their appearances.

From the initial shallow punch shape, it has become the current two knives, one long and one short, with gaps on the backs of the knives.

Seeing this, Stark also drew out his knife, holding the knife in his right hand, and stretched his body lazily.

Then just as he stretched out his body, his knife directly launched a powerful attack.

The sword light traversed the sky and directly slashed at Jingle Chunshui opposite him, but Jingle Chunshui had already entered a fighting state, how could he be injured by such an ordinary blow?

"Oh, you actually attacked me, I thought you wanted to warm up before the battle." Jingle Chunshui said.

"Well? I'm just warming up." Stark raised his eyebrows and said to Jingle Chunshui.

Jingle Chunshui smiled, then didn't speak, because he also planned to express his thoughts directly with attacks.

Jingle Chunshui rushed in front of Stark in an instant, and then slashed with two swords one after another, to make a powerful attack on Stark.

But his blow was easily dodged by Stark. Not only that, but Stark responded directly to Jingle Chunshui after dodging.

His knife was very fast, and he slashed directly at Jingle Chunshui, but fortunately, Jingle Chunshui also reacted and avoided it in time.

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