In terms of the degree of damage, Kirito's attack should have caused the greatest damage to the interior of Seiringei.

Fortunately, when the two were fighting fiercely, the gods of death had already retreated first, leaving enough space for the two of them.

Otherwise, no matter who is involved in the battle between the two, they may suffer annihilation.

Even a captain-level mission may be severely damaged because it can't bear it, not to mention others.

The area that was destroyed by the unicorn unicorn was about several kilometers in radius, and it was even one tenth the size of the Seiring Garden.

And there are large and small cracks around it, which look shocking, and it is hard to imagine that this was caused by a single person's attack.

And Aizen who suffered this attack was even more tragic. Half of his body was nearly destroyed by the explosion.

Now he, only the head is complete, and even the internal organs are all gone, which shows the power of the unicorn unicorn.

"Uh, I didn't expect your move to be quite powerful, but I really want to disappoint you, I'm still alive." Lan Ran looked up at Kirito.

Although he struggled to even raise his head, there was no trace of pain on his face, and he still had that icy cold look.

Because of the power of Bengyu, even if Aizen suffered a lot of damage, he could recover in an instant.

However, Kirito knows that even if the power of Bengyu is so powerful, there should be constraints.

He guessed that Aizen might temporarily lose his fighting ability after the wound was healed instantly, or it might reduce his fighting ability.

After all, no matter what kind of treatment it is, it will not be perfect, even if it is the power of collapse, it should be the same.

"Ten Fist Sword!"

This is the ability of Kirito Susanoo, who can transform into a huge sword shape in his hand to attack.

The attack of the Ten Fist Sword is very deadly, because it is not only superior in attack ability, but also has the ability to seal.

Even if Aizen is too powerful, once touched by the sharp blade of the Ten Fist Sword, he will lose his ability to fight.

In that case, Kirito has a greater chance of winning, so at this moment, he is very powerful.

The huge energy body, manipulating the Ten Fist Sword, directly stabbed Aizen who was standing there without showing any mercy.

At this time, Aizen's injuries had completely recovered, and then his knife was raised.

He really did not expect that a Kirito who was not a big man in his eyes could force him to such a degree.

"The fourth stage!"

At this moment, Aizen, because of the change of mood, the fusion of Bengyu and him was also promoted at the same time.

Now he has undergone a huge change in form. The vertical eyes between his eyebrows are opened, and the original two eyes have also become completely black.

The pupils of normal people have white eyes, not much blue dye now, the pupils have become completely black, and they look very scary.

And behind him, twelve white wing-shaped things grew at the same time, very huge.

"The Ninety of the Dao. The Black Coffin!"

Aizen is very strong, and it can be seen from the fact that he can completely give up singing and release the binding path up to level [-].

At this time, Kirito was directly restricted by Aizen, because he was controlled by Aizen's ability.

But that was only a momentary stagnation, because at this time, Kirito had completely burned his spiritual pressure.

Now he is like a fighting machine, and even the blood all over his body is boiling.

You can even see the blood and sweat spilling out from between his pores. In order to defeat Aizen, Kirito has already fought hard.

Now he is not only overdrafted in spiritual pressure, but also overdrafted in life.

Because only in this way, can a powerful force be obtained in a short period of time, even if there will be a strong backlash after that.

With the sharp swing of Kirito's ten fist sword, Aizen's black coffin was directly smashed into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, Kirito's knife aimed at Aizen. This time, without any restriction, Kirito's knife slashed towards Aizen fiercely.

However, Aizen also knew that Kirito's attack was very powerful, so he naturally couldn't stay in place.

Just as Kirito's knife was cut down, Aizen also moved, and his figure suddenly retreated, narrowly escaping the attack of the Ten Punch Sword.

"You, you have completely angered me." Aizen did not expect that the battle between him and Kirito would be so stalemate.

Originally, he thought that he could completely knead Kirito in the applause, but now it is not the case.

Because of Kirito's strength, he can even suppress Aizen's ability, so that the status of both sides is reversed.

After escaping Kirito's attack, Aizen immediately started a new round of evolution. This is the final fusion form of him and Bengyu.

This form is centered on his vertical eyes, like a butterfly cicada sloughing off, and the epidermis directly fades.

Then a body reappeared inside, and this body seemed to give people a very uncomfortable feeling.

Because behind this body, there are dozens of huge necks with heads, which look very strange.

At this moment, these heads all opened their mouths together, and the Reiatsu in the air instantly gathered.

"Radiant break!"

Aizen's attack is like Daxu's Void Flash, but in terms of strength, it is much stronger than Void Flash.

The devastating rays of light were sprayed directly from the many heads, and then converged to form a huge beam of light.

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