Kirito and the others didn't know what he was talking about, and listening to his hula hula's head seemed very painful.Suddenly, the red monkey stood up, imitating the creature Ulla Ulla and said to the creature. After a while, these creatures slowly retreated and left, leaving only the head, Kirito and Chacha, who were confused. Look at the red monkey.

The red monkey seemed very proud at this minute, as if he had done something extraordinary.Kirito wanted to use his special communication method with monkeys to ask what happened to the red monkeys and why the group of creatures suddenly appeared and left when the red monkeys looked high and high, and Kirito begged the red monkeys. It took a long time for it to tell Kirito in its own way.

It probably means something like this: I heard a strange sound just now and it felt very wrong. I didn't know it until we were surrounded. The head told us that at this time the green stars, they were the inhabitants of this planet, and now There is a civil war going on on their planet. The reason is that some people are desperate to plunder the resources of this planet. They don't care about the life and death of this planet. They noticed us when we landed. They were worried that we were the enemy faction. The spy who came here, but this handsome guy went out and slapped this head-to-head for a while, and of course nothing happened.

After listening to this, Tong Cai suddenly realized, but he was very confused. He didn't know that this red monkey lived in that space and never came out. It was strange that he could understand the words on this planet and even talk to people, so he threw it to the monkey. A suspicious look.The red monkey danced and expressed: I don't know this very well, as if I was born with a chance.By the way, the boss wants to invite us to their palace as a guest, should we go?

Kirito thought about it for a while, and now he doesn't know how to get back. It's better to follow them back and ask if they know the way back or the recorded information. This is better than wandering around without a brain. There are many of them, and it will be uncomfortable if any strange creatures are disturbed again.Kirito expressed his promise to the monkey.

The monkey Ulla Ula talked to the octopus face for a long time, and the octopus head waved to Kirito and Chachai, motioning to follow him back to the palace.Kirito politely returned a salute.

The octopus head flapped its wings and flew towards the palace, but it was hard. Kirito, Chacha and the red monkey, the three of them have no wings. This is very uncomfortable. The speed is not comparable to this flight in the air. The head of the octopus ran out of breath after a while.

After a long time, the octopus head looked back at the group of them, and when he saw them running on the ground, he was suddenly puzzled. He only looked at Kirito and the others for a while, and then he patted his octopus head and realized that they had no wings. .

I saw the head of the octopus stand up, and he took out two things like flying machines from his armor and threw them on the ground. They became bigger with a brush, and signaled Kirito and the others to sit up.

Kirito sat on it, it really looks like a flying saucer. Could this group of people be the aliens we often talk about, their technology has reached this point, and I felt threatened by their weapons just now. It's not what an ordinary gun can give me.This vast and boundless universe is really too wonderful. It seems that we are still a little bit into the sky, or that there are many secrets in this universe waiting for us to explore.

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-eight chapters of the trip to the green star

Along the way, the black octopus head of the red monkey Barabara talked and laughed, completely forgetting Kirito and Chachai.Kirito looked at this strange planet, why it looked red from the outside, but turned green after approaching, this huge question has always existed in Kirito's heart.

After a long time, it was still desolate, and suddenly I saw a group of tall buildings standing on the ground!Seeing that I don't know how high it is, I inserted it straight into the cloud.

Fly in and see that various types of aircraft are shuttled in this huge group of buildings, full of the feeling of technology everywhere.I saw Kirito and the others slowly stopped when they were still more than ten kilometers away from the building complex.There is a group of Ura star soldiers in armor who are interrogating Kirito's group.Because Kirito didn't know who they were, he gave them such a name based on the way they spoke.

The soldiers who inspected saw that it was the person who was brought back by the octopus head. They just looked deeply at Kirito, Chacha and the red monkey. Without careful inspection, they opened something like a mask and put Kirito. A group of people go in.Obviously, the status of this octopus head is very high, or he would have been detained and questioned for a long time because of the strange looks of Kirito and Chachai.

Kirito and the others finally entered this legendary palace.But although it is a palace rather than a city, there are high and unpredictable metal buildings everywhere. There is a lot of traffic in the middle of the building, and there are extremely few people walking on the ground.The very strange Kirito wondered why these Ulla people grew wings and why they didn't fly with wings. Instead, they used these tools and some walked on the ground. Are their wings used for decoration?Cha Chai also felt very strange, but with Kirito here, Cha Chai would not think about these things carefully.

Flying around in these huge buildings, Kirito felt some discomfort because he didn't know how many circles he had circled.Suddenly, Kirito saw that there were a group of creatures that looked the same as the Ullas under his feet, but the strange thing was that the backs of these people were bloody and their bodies were bigger than the Ullans. The most important thing was their skin. It turned out to be red, and I saw that they were held together by a long string of handcuffs.

Let this group of red creatures be chained together to form a huge long queue. Next to them, there are Ullans with guns watching over them, and a few Ullans with whips towards those creatures who refuse to cooperate. I beat hard, I don't know what material this whip is made of, but when I saw the Ulla star lightly whipping the creatures in this area, they were in pain as if they had broken their mobile phones. From this, the whip is really good. Unusual.

The octopus leader, who had a good conversation with the red monkey, noticed that Kirito saw the red creature below. He glanced at the group of creatures viciously and wanted to say something to Kirito, but when the octopus leader When he was about to speak, he remembered that Kirito and his gang could understand what they said except the red monkey. It seemed that the two people in front of him couldn't understand what he said. Octopus head felt his headache, and suddenly he seemed to think of something good. He patted his head the same way and didn't move or talk to the monkey, but everything he was thinking about calmed down.

Finally arrived at the palace that the octopus said in the head.It's not the usual magnificent, luxurious and noble look that Kirito imagined.On the contrary, I feel that it is very technological. There are walls made of black luminous materials everywhere, and there are pictures of patterns flowing on them. The roof is also transparent and there is nothing to hide.Kirito was suddenly refreshed, how far the civilization of this planet has developed, it seems that it is higher than where he is, not a grade.

A tall group of people appeared in front of the group, and the octopus head slowly approached them, and no one came to help him open the heavy door, and he didn't see him pushing the door with his hand. Lightly opened by himself.The red monkey was very curious when he saw this strange scene, and he was considered a darling of them, but when it approached the gate, it seemed to have hit something, and was suddenly bounced back.The octopus head laughed when he saw that the red monkey was bounced out.He talked a lot with the red monkey Ulla, and the red monkey knew the mystery, and the octopus head walked in.

Kirito wanted to ask the red monkey what happened to this door, what kind of technology it contained, and how it was so advanced and powerful that even something as powerful as the red monkey was bounced back. It seems that this planet Really unusual.

The red monkey gestured slowly: These people will automatically recognize people. If you are not on its list, then no matter how hard you are, you will not be able to join this door. They have paid a huge amount for this door. The price, this gate is their last hope. If one day they are captured by other creatures, they will definitely be able to defend for a long time with this gate. There are very few people who will be able to freely enter such a life-saving gate, except for those who are recorded. people.

After a while, Octopus head rushed out of the door and slowly came out. Octopus head hurriedly threw two things like earphones towards Kirito and Chachai and motioned to Kirito and Chachai to wear them on their ears.

The first thousand three hundred and ninety-nine chapters huge army

Kirito and Takai had to do the same, because there was no conspiracy in the eyes of this octopus head.The two slowly put on the earphones, "Hello." The voice immediately reached Kirito's ears, and Kirito felt a special surprise.

Kirito was very puzzled where the sound came from, so he raised his head and looked around, and saw that the octopus was bickering and talking, and then Kirito understood what was in his ear. A voice changer, Kirito politely nodded to the octopus.

Suddenly, Octopus head jumped over his head and said to Kirito: 'Okay now you can come in. Octopus head walked with Kirito and the others. Guess was also surprised that such a real scene appeared in front of him, what kind of planet is this and what kind of mystery does he have!

Kirito walked and stared at the scene in front of him and was stunned. Octopus head coughed. For such a situation, Octopus head did not think how wonderful the scenery in front of him was. Kirito, this is the center of our entire planet. Earth, here is also our most important military base. There are too many things here that you don't understand. Don't be in a daze. Don't get lost in a while.Octopus head, why are you building such a military base, Kirito asked.

The Italian octopus head did not answer Kirito's question, just smiled and said, you will know later.The red monkey has been following behind, and seems to be thinking about something. Kirito glanced at the red monkey and said what the monkey was thinking. The monkey was subconsciously startled and thought nothing, but everything here made me A little familiar.Kirito is also more curious about this, why the monkey came to this planet with him, how can he be familiar with it?

As soon as the dazzling light suddenly appeared in front of Kirito and his group, welcome to the green star, I am the management robot here Q, please register here.

Is such a large base managed by this little Q, Kirito said!Octopus head said don't underestimate Xiao Q, he is the smartest here in us, no one can compare to him, it is because of Xiao Q's management that our base is so strict, Kirito has everything here. Too many unfamiliar, more and more let Kirito feel this is not simple.

Xiao Q saw that everyone was discussing him, and there were so many strangers he had never seen before, and he was full of curiosity. Why are there these people he has never seen before? Xiao Q became a little alert, like an octopus. Toutou asked, what kind of people are these General Octopus? Why are they appearing in our military base? No foreigners are allowed to enter here. General Octopus will not forget the provisions of the treaty here!

The octopus head saw that Xiao Q was a little nervous and said, I met them when I was patrolling outside, they came from other planets, and they didn't have any malicious intentions. Only then did Xiao Q's nervous tone calm down. Star guests, welcome to our planet, please forgive my mistakes just now, please allow me to do a check and register for everyone, so that you can come and go easily.

The dark blue lights surrounded Kirito, Chachai and the red monkey, confirming that the security registration was successful, and a door slowly opened in front of Kirito and the others, and the shouting outside the door shocked Kirito and the others. , What is the scene like outside? Kirito quickened his pace and stepped into the gate. Kirito's body fluttered. Guess the red monkey took a step back, thinking it was a trap.

Octopus head laughed, entering this gate, you will be free from the control of the planet's gravity, without the control of gravity, you will naturally float in the air, but without the control of gravity, you will have some discomfort , Kirito didn't speak. Facing the scene in front of him, Kirito was a little surprised. The red monkey quickly ran into the gate. Because he was not used to getting rid of the control of gravity, he directly hit Kirito and turned a monkey.

The monkey scratched his head and looked at the scene in front of him. The monkey was also surprised. Such a large-scale military armed air force, they were dressed in silver-gray armor, like a doomsday mecha. This is simply the plot of the story. They trained You Su, the face of the monster, the powerful muscles rushing all over the body, seeing the head of the octopus appearing in front of everyone, they are shouting good generals, and the voice is shocking and weeping.

At this time, Kirito was thinking, if such a force were to attack the earth, the consequences would be unimaginable, the universe is so big, how many mysteries are hidden, how many strongmen like the old man still exist, and how many are so terrifying. The more he thinks about Kirito, the more weak he feels, and how much chance of victory he has against Aizen.Kirito fell into deep thought.

At this moment, Chachai shouted, Kirito, Kirito, Kirito turned around and saw an unbelievable scene, the head of the octopus who was still in the shape of an octopus just now changed his appearance, and he was wearing a golden armor. On his body, his body has also undergone tremendous changes. He no longer looks like a weak octopus. This is simply a demon king, which really shocked everyone.The octopus head responded, and the entire army stopped shouting and fell silent.

Kirito wondered if you were an octopus head, what happened to you, how did you become like this, what is going on, the red monkey was thinking about something, but at this time Kirito They didn't pay much attention to the red monkey, and they all confused the octopus head. Kirito and the others wanted to know what was going on. How could such an unbelievable thing happen? .

Octopus Totou spoke. At this time, Octopus Totou spoke with shock, the shock that a general should have. Is this still the Octopus Totou just now? Octopus Totou said, Kirito is the absolute leader I lead, it is ours The most powerful team on the planet, the existence of this team can change everything on the planet, they are all under my unified command, and we work together to serve our demon king who fell into prison.We fought for the Demon Lord, and for the Demon Lord we will fight to the end regardless of everything, at this time the cry sounded again.

Kirito has too many questions in the face of all this, and the questions are getting more and more. It seems that this planet is not as simple as imagined. Such a huge team and such a technological team are actually demons. What is going on? , All of this is hard to fathom, and Kirito's solution to these doubts is clear one by one.

What happened to the octopus head Kirito asked, why did you form such a team, aren't you the leader of this planet, who is the prisoner, and the sudden pile of questions that the octopus head faced with Kirito also I don't know how to answer, but I just said, you will know these questions, and now I can't explain it to you. Our name is Qilinyu, the general here, and I am in charge of the management of the army.

Chapter [-] Special training

The red monkey is still thinking about something, as if everything that is happening outside has nothing to do with him, the familiarity with this planet makes the red monkey feel weird, what special energy is attracting them, how does all this happen? The thing, the red monkeys are puzzled, why they came to this planet is all unknown.

Looking at the confused faces of Kirito and Red Monkey, what are they thinking about? Are they all shocking the army in front of them? I believe they must feel the same as me. Faced with this A team composed of demons will surely be surprised.

Kirito has just arrived on this planet, and he doesn't know anything about it. Like Qilinyu said, the three of us, General Kirinyu, are fortunate enough to step into your planet, but now we are too unfamiliar with this place, and many things make it difficult for us. We feel very unfamiliar. Can you show me a little about this place, and it is also convenient for us to live here in the future. At this time, the red monkey was also very curious about what was attracting him, and also wanted to know the cause and effect of the matter, so he also He jumped in front of Qilinyu and scratched his head. He said, General Qilinyu, take us a few tours here, let us see how your troops are trained and what kind of way of life is here.

Qilinyu looked at the confused look on the faces of the three of them, and they didn't know what to say. In order to let them better understand the team he was leading, Qilinyu brought the three to his army. , The people in the army let Kirito and the others have just arrived with extremely strong internal strength. It seems that these people are all martial arts practitioners.

The weapons these people are equipped with are all high-tech weapons. If ordinary people were to slap it, they would definitely be wiped out. They even have such powerful weapons, so why do they need to practice martial arts to improve their internal strength, and such a freshman In the team, no one’s internal strength is so great. Some people’s internal strength has reached level 5 internal strength, and Kirito’s own internal strength has only reached level 8 internal strength. If he can get his training method, he will definitely Great help to myself.

Qilinyu said as he walked, and naggingly introduced his troops, how capable his troops were, in fact, he was exaggerating himself, Kirito and several others were a little impatient, seeing that this was trained by our army The place, do you want to go in and have a look, Kirito looked at the front, there is nothing, what is going on!

Qilinyu said, do you remember which protective cover was on the door when you first came in? There is one here too. You can't see it with the naked eye. Just follow me. At this time, there are two people with silver guns in front of them. Hello, General Qilinyu, Qilinyu ignored them. When it came to open the door for me, I wanted to go in. Those two dared to neglect.

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