In Kirito's quiet eyes, a strange light flashed faintly, and his palm moved slightly.

After the three enemies in front of her approached within ten steps of her, Anbu finally moved.At this time, she must face the enemies who attack her from three different directions at the same time. She must kill all three of them at the same time. If you kill him, or if he doesn't kill him immediately, if he gets entangled, the consequence is that he and the enemy will be buried in the explosion together!

The figure of the female Anbu, in the eyes of everyone, in an incredible form, is divided into three, and the swords are directed at the three enemies attacking from three different directions in front of them!

"The Dance of the Three Suns and Moons of Konoha-ryu Swordsmanship!"

Chapter [-] Yan Ninja strikes!

The figure of the female Anbu, in the eyes of everyone, in an incredible form, is divided into three, and the swords are directed at the three enemies attacking from three different directions in front of them!

"The Dance of the Three Suns and Moons of Konoha-ryu Swordsmanship!"

"Puchi puchi puchi" three figures, respectively, gave the three enemies who rushed over at the same time, a fatal blow, the enemy was killed instantly by a sword, and there was no chance to even try to entangle.

After instantly killing the three enemies in front of her, the figure of the female Anbu immediately retreated quickly, and suddenly three huge explosions sounded, and the detonating talisman completely destroyed the enemy's corpse.

"Whoosh" The figure of the female Anbu slowly fell in front of everyone in Konoha.

"Kacha" However, despite this, she received a slight shock from the explosion of the three blasting talismans, and the mask was cracked in a corner, revealing a small half of her delicate and fair cheeks, and her pink lips turned red. Not that bright red with rouge, but a completely personal rosy lip color.

"C, are you okay?" The other four asked with concern. Among the Anbu, most of them didn't know each other's identities or names, and only called them by code names.

"It's okay..." Female Anbu turned her back to the crowd and said lightly, and then she saw that she took out a new mask from a scroll, replaced the currently damaged mask, and re-covered her appearance before she stood up and turned around. crowd.

Yun Ren and the others were also staring at the female Anbu with sharp eyes at this time, and said solemnly, "The Konoha-style swordsmanship created by the second-generation Konoha Hokage... I can't believe that this woman has learned it at such a young age. At this level of swordsmanship, the move just now is at least A-level, right?"

"Indeed, it's amazing." Another Yun Ren also pondered in a low voice. Yun Ren, who has always been good at swordsmanship, as an expert, can naturally see the power of Konoha Nu Anbu's move.Yun Ren, who is conceited in terms of swordsmanship, has to admire the swordsmanship level of this female Anbu at this time. Of course, it does not mean that they are willing to bow down. They can really convince their rebellious guys. And only defeat them with an overwhelming stance in battle.

Because the enemy used a suicide attack, even the path of torture and torture was blocked, and the identity of the attacker was still not detected after all.

The female Anbu condensed the seal with one hand, and after careful perception, she put it away.

"There is no chakra reaction from the enemy." The perception ninja on Iwa Ninja's side also said the same.

Yun Ren and the others were also quite puzzled, "It turned out to be a suicide attack, and it was the ninja from that village... Also, the sight knew the walking route of our group, and we ambush here in advance."

Just when everyone thought that the crisis had disappeared, they didn't know the real crisis was coming quietly and quietly!

"Hina, use the white eyes to detect things within one kilometer, including the sky and the ground." Suddenly Kirito said softly.

"Huh?" Hinata was stunned for a moment. At the moment, Anbu and Yun Ninja's perception ninja believed that there was no enemy, but out of trust in Kirito, Hinata immediately followed suit, "Blank!"

Turning on the white eye, ignoring the vision of obstacles, [-]-degree all-round vision, wherever the eyes go, everything is invisible.

Different from other perception techniques, the white eye pupil technique can not only see the flow of chakra invisible to the naked eye, but also observe the target image in a physical sense, which belongs to perception in the physical sense.For example, some ninjas who have the ability to cover up their chakras quietly approach the target from behind to assassinate.If you cover up the chakra, you can block the perception on the chakra, but in action, for example, before approaching the target, someone suddenly turns around, sees you with the naked eye, or hears footsteps with your ears.And Hinata's team, Inuzuka Tooth and Oil Girl Shino's olfactory perception are all perceptions in the physical sense.

"Discover the enemy!"

Kirito narrowed his eyes slightly, "Location."

"Below... right below!" Hinata's expression changed slightly, and he immediately shouted to everyone, back quickly, the enemy is under our feet!

Hinata exclaimed, Konoha Anbu was puzzled, but Yun Ren snorted. After all, they also have perception ninjas on their side, and they have determined that there are no enemies around.

"Enemies? Are you kidding me, I'm nothing like Chakra..."

Then, before Yun Ren finished speaking, he suddenly felt that Chakra, who had been approaching infinitely at some point under his feet, couldn't help but change his face.

"The technique of earth-dun and earth-long spear!"

Suddenly, a sharp rock spear broke out from the ground and attacked everyone on the field.

Kirito easily retreated with Hinata, and Konoha Anbu had Hinata's reminder. Although he didn't believe it, he was at least a little wary, so most of them avoided the surprise attack from below, and was speared by this rock spear. The stab wounds were only minor.However, Yun Ren looked a little embarrassed. Of the four people, one of them was slow to respond. It was the ninja of the perception system. Because he was conceited about perception, he thought that there could be no enemies. Therefore, when the attack came, he did not respond at all. When I came over, I was completely chilled by this rock spear.The remaining three Yun Ren also had their own injuries of varying degrees.

"Damn it! Who! He dared to attack us." Yun Ren, who was quite embarrassed by this sneak attack, couldn't help but scolded.

"It's really a misstep, I squatted so badly, and I only killed one..." As several cold voices sounded, I saw a total of more than ten figures burrowing out of the ground in front of me.

I saw them all wearing ninja robes in a uniform orange-red tone, and the forehead guard that marked the rock pattern on their foreheads, telling everyone their identities without any doubt.

rock ninja...

Chapter [-]: Unfavorable Battle Situation

I saw them all wearing ninja robes in a uniform orange-red tone, and the forehead guard that marked the rock pattern on their foreheads, telling everyone their identities without any doubt.

rock ninja...

"..." Konoha and Yun Ren looked at the line of Yan Ren with extreme vigilance.

Yun Ren was also quite angry at this time. He didn't say anything. The other party killed one of their comrades as soon as he shot. However, although Yun Ren was belligerent, he was not a stubborn idiot. There were so many, and they were aggressive, and they suddenly forcibly endured the killing intent in their hearts.dare not make a sound.

Yan Ren and others also glanced at Yun Ren, who was very sensible and didn't dare to make a sound.

"..." On Konoha's side, the female Anbe, who is the captain of the Anbu department, quickly understood that the situation on her side was unfavorable. Thinking of the enemy who had encountered suicide attacks before, there was no need to doubt that it was from Iwa Shinobi. Handwritten.There are twelve people on the other side at the moment, and from Chakra's perception, the comprehensive combat power is completely overwhelming them. Moreover, in the previous suicide attack, except for himself, the other four Anbu companions all have Injured to varying degrees, the current situation is overwhelmingly unfavorable.

"Oh? It's amazing, I immediately understood my situation." The head of Iwa Ninja fixed his eyes on Konoha Nu Anbu, and said solemnly, "Then it's easy to handle, so far, I believe you won't either. Ask a silly question like our purpose?"

Konoha and the others fell silent for a while, but Hinata was biting her lip with silver teeth.

Kirito remained calm, and lightly held Hinata's trembling palm with one hand, and said in a low voice, "Don't worry, it will be alright."

"Your goal is the white eyes of the Hyuga clan..." Konoha and the others didn't say anything, but Yun Ren spoke first, only to see the headed Yun Ren walking forward and said solemnly, "Yan Ren said. A few friends of Shinobi, your goal is to look down on your eyes, and it has nothing to do with our Yun Ren, but you killed one of our companions when you shot, isn't it a bit..."

"So what?" In the face of Yun Ren's questioning, Yan Ren didn't give any face at all, looked at the latter with gloomy eyes, and said coldly, "It doesn't matter Yun Ren, please stay aside. Go. First of all, if you Yun Ren dare to mix in, we don't mind picking you up together!"

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