Kirito always felt that he seemed to understand something and could not catch it. Although the Soul World is not the sunshine that Kirito first knew, [-]% of the Soul World is more comfortable than the world. Tong As the gods of death, Renren and Kuimu and Meishen have long implemented the law of death, and it is impossible for the two of them to sit idly by.

Moreover, there is also the matter of Rui Qiao Yifeng, and it is even more impossible for Kirito to leave. The four of them decided that there is enough time now, so they should settle the matter here first, and then move on.

Chapter [-]: Reunion with Rui Qiao Yifeng

Kirito and his party witnessed their so-called Great Elder inserting the Zanpakutō into the whole body to increase their soul concentration. Even though the Great Elder is a god of death, such behavior is almost the same as Xu, serious and serious. Violating the rules of death.

The same person saw the whole and let out a tragic cry. Kirito even felt that the whole one looked at him with eyes for help. Kirito couldn't bear to look any more, and walked out with the red monkey, the dead wood and the beauty and the neon clothes. After seeing the crowd, even when Kirito and his group walked a long way, they could hear the crowd in the square cheering because the animal was dead. Kirito looked from a distance, and could even vaguely see the smugness of the grown-up.

Kirito's eyes showed grief, anger and unwillingness. Kirito vowed to make this elder pay the price. Kuchiki and Mei are also gods of death. She can best understand Kirito's feelings. Kuchiki and Mei clenched their fists and patted Kirito on the shoulder , said comfortingly.

"Kirito, let's go back now. After we go back, let's make a good plan and we must solve this elder."

"Well, let's go." Kirito also knew that it was too obvious to stand here now, and it was not the time to find a place to live with Kuchiki Kazuma and discuss the future.

However, what they didn't know was that when Kirito and his group were about to turn around and leave, the man in black who was handing the knife on the stage looked back at them, but turned back in an instant.

The four of them looked a little angry after experiencing the impact of the Great Elder incident. Kirito closed his eyes, quietly thinking about what to do in the future, and kept beating the table with his hands.

The red monkey said with some doubts and some certainty, "Kirito, I always think that person is Rui Qiao Yifeng, but it stands to reason that if Rui Qiao Yifeng would have noticed that we were nearby, how could he turn a blind eye."

Kirito feels that the current situation is like a big net. Kirito feels that he has only caught one of the nets. Kirito has an intuition. This time, this incident must have something to do with Aizen. Kirito thought of it and watched it. At one glance, Kuchiki Kazumi immediately knew what Kirito was thinking.

Kuchiki Kazuya looked at Kirito and said, "Since Aizen got Bengyu, his spiritual pressure is obviously stronger than other Death Gods, and Bengyu can protect the body of Death God, and the body is immortal and indestructible. This is the power of Bengyu, Also, I once saw Aizen transforming Void Death with my own eyes." Kuchiki Kazumi said this, his body trembling slightly, as if recalling the scene that surprised her.

"After Aizen deified Void Death, the Void's power was obviously different from before, and his appearance also changed, with a hard shell on the outside, but his original face was revealed, although his form should be It has changed, but he still loves killing, and the essence of killing has not changed, and Aizen can never get one out."

"When I was about to leave, I fought against these ghouls of death. Their shells were so hard that even my Zanpakutō couldn't easily cut them in." Kazuki Kuchiki said with mixed emotions.

Kirito's mood was also very complicated when he heard what Kuchiki and Mei said. Aizen's use of Bengyu's power was so powerful, and this group of dark legions had such strong strength. Kirito felt that his strength was not enough. Kirito's heart Increased desire for power.

Kirito shook his head, a little annoyed, and no one noticed it, Kirito said to Kuchiki and Mei and the others, "Let's do it today, let's rest early, we are also here for the first time, in order to prevent accidental Kuchiki and Mei and Nishang. I live in a room, and I live in a room with Red Monkey. Tomorrow morning, Kuchiki and Mei will go out to inquire about news, and Nishang and Red Monkey will be responsible for inquiring about the news around people."

Kirito looked at the eyes of the three, and all three agreed, and that's all.

Both Kirito Kuchiki and Mei didn't fall asleep, and one was thinking about Aizen. Although Kirito wanted to return to the soul world impatiently, Kirito knew that his strength was still not enough. There is still some distance from Mei, let alone Aizen.

During this kind of cultivation, Kirito unknowingly entered his inner world.

Kirito walked step by step in his inner world, the inner world was dark, and even the water had reached Kirito's ankles, and Kirito looked at his inner world with some doubts.

Kirito has not been here for a long time. The last time he came here was when he communicated with his Zanpakutō. Now that he is here again, Kirito walked forward a little confused, not knowing where he should go.

"Heh, are you lacking strength again?" A hoarse voice came from a distance, which startled Kirito, who immediately entered a state of alert, holding his Zanpakutō tightly in his hand.

"Who are you? How are you in my inner world?" Kirito asked loudly.

When the mysterious voice heard Kirito ask him, he laughed in anger, and snorted coldly, "Hey, you don't even know my existence, hahaha, it's funny, it seems that your master never told you. Ah, since that's the case, then you can do your own research."

Kirito was a little anxious after hearing this, and was really confused. Kirito didn't know where the mysterious voice came from. Kirito turned around and said loudly, "Where are you? Why can't I see you? Who are you? Who? What does it have to do with my master?"

Kirito's consecutive questions were not answered. Suddenly, a figure came out from behind Kirito, and the hoarse voice echoed in Kirito's ears, and Kirito even felt a damp feeling "Who am I, You'll find out sooner or later, but the question now is, I can give you the strength you need."

Kirito hurriedly turned around and waved the Zanpakutō in his hand, but before the Zanpakutō touched the corner of the mysterious man's clothes, he ducked far away. Kirito wanted to see the appearance of the mysterious Kamito, but He always felt hazy.

Kirito asked suspiciously, "Why should I trust you?"

After listening to this, the mysterious man laughed loudly, and said confidently, "Just because you need strength now, because you can't beat me, is that enough?" After speaking, the figure became even more blurred, and when Kirito came back to his senses, he couldn't take a picture. The clear face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, Kirito flew out without even thinking about a Zanpakutō, and the mysterious man escaped at once.

Some sarcastically said, "With your current power, you can't get any power from me at all."

Kirito lost his mind by such provocation, and rushed out at once, Zanpakutō dragged sparks on the ground, and Kirito kept saying incantations, "Ghost Road, one of the bound ways, plug"

After Kirito finished speaking, the spiritual power flew out like a rope, and the mysterious man remained motionless and even showed a mocking smile.The mysterious man was waiting for Kirito's bondage to wrap around his body. Kirito was overjoyed, and he picked up the Zanpakutō from the ground. Disappear.

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-six chapters of Kirito's doubts

Kirito's eyes widened all of a sudden, a little unbelievable, and the whole movement was sluggish. Kirito held the Zanpakutō tightly in his hand, looked back and forth, looking for the mysterious figure, Kirito shouted " You coward, don't you just hide back and forth?"

The mysterious man was obviously a little angry when he heard Kirito say this. He suddenly appeared in front of Kirito and said, "Your Zanpakuta is not bad. It's hard for your master to spend all his efforts to make this Zanpakuta for you. , but, you don't seem to have used his own strength, and you have wasted your master's efforts."

When Kirito heard the mysterious man say this, his blue veins protruded, and he looked at the mysterious man angrily, and said, "Shut up, there is something for you to come out and fight with me."

The mysterious man smiled contemptuously and said, "What I'm afraid of is that if I come out, I can knock you down with one finger."

Kirito held the Zanpakutō tightly in his hand and said, "Then let's try it."

The mysterious man was surrounded by a circle of black mist, so that Kirito could not see his appearance at all. Kirito put away his distracting thoughts and calmed down. Zanpakutō also seemed to feel Kirito's firmness and bloomed with dazzling light. The light, the mysterious man saw the light from the Zanpakutō, and put away his contempt, raised his eyebrows, and said, "This is what it looks like!"

Kirito shouted, slammed his feet on the ground, and rushed out at once, like an arrow from the string, and flew out at once.The mysterious man didn't seem to care as he did at the beginning, his body collapsed tightly, his legs began to shrink, and he watched Kirito's every move closely, and even his fists were tightly clenched. .

Kirito rushed to the front of the mysterious man, and the mysterious man flew behind Kirito all of a sudden, his fist slammed out, bringing a strong wind, making Kirito decide that his face started to hurt, and Kirito turned around suddenly. , Zanpakutō also stabbed along the inertia, the fist and Zanpakutō collided together, making a huge noise, and even the water under Kirito's feet began to splash.

The two were deadlocked for a second, and both flew out, especially Kirito, who had been retreating for a long time. Kirito slammed the Zanpakutō on the ground and slipped a few meters before stopping. Kirito suddenly stopped. He knelt on the ground, his expression surging, his expression changed and changed, and finally, he spit out a mouthful of blood.

On the other side, the mysterious man also withdrew a few steps before he stopped. Although his expression changed, he still resisted the urge to spit out blood. He breathed repeatedly, and his complexion returned to normal.

Kirito looked at the mysterious man with an unwilling face, the corners of his mouth were bleeding, the mysterious man looked at Kirito, and said calmly, "Although your strength is not bad now, but if you want to gain strength from me, you are still far from it. , go back and prepare, and come back to me." After speaking, the mysterious man disappeared from Kirito's field of vision.

Kirito shouted angrily, "No, don't go, I'm not convinced, don't go!"

Kirito suddenly woke up. As soon as Kirito opened his eyes, he saw the face of the red monkey appearing in front of him. His body reacted all of a sudden. He punched the red monkey, but the red monkey did not respond at all. When he came over, he looked at Kirito in disbelief. He didn't even believe that Kirito could hit him, and Kirito stayed there all of a sudden.

After a while, the red monkey snorted, Nishang and Kuchiki Kazumei hurried over to help the red monkey, Kuchiki Kazumei looked at Kirito complainingly, and said, "What are you doing, the red monkey is worried about you with sweat on your face, hurry up and take us Called, and you punched someone."

Kirito only woke up at this time, and hurriedly looked at the red monkey, got out of bed quickly, and asked, "Red monkey, I'm sorry, I was dreaming and made you worry."

Nishang silently treated the wound on the red monkey's face. At first, the red monkey still had some grievances and looked at Kirito, but, seeing the appearance of Kirito sweating profusely, plus Nishang's treatment for him, soon The pain disappeared, and the red monkey didn't care.

The red monkey looked at Kirito worriedly and said, "Kirito, what's wrong with you, I have never seen you like this, what are you dreaming about?"

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