The mysterious man was a little surprised by Kirito's attitude, the mysterious man sat in the air, watching Kirito's every move, the mysterious man said, "That is your master's seal, didn't you notice that there is more and more water, it proves you Your strength is getting stronger and stronger, and when this water can spread to your entire inner world, I will be relieved."

When Kirito heard this mysterious man say this, he had more and more questions in his heart. He glanced at the mysterious man and said, "What is your relationship with my master? Why are you in my inner world?"

The mysterious man saw Kirito speak so softly, and his angry attitude was completely different last time. He raised his eyebrows, but didn't ask anything, and the mysterious man said resentfully, "I am a ghost, but I used to be here. It's just the whole thing, but I've been transformed, and it's a thing called Bengyu, which has turned me into a ghost, which is what you call broken face now."

After hearing this, Kirito became more and more confused, especially when he heard Bengyu, his heart suddenly burst. Unbelievable, Xu still has complete consciousness, and Kirito suddenly thought of the behavior of the elder.

Kirito linked everything together at once, and Kirito muttered to himself, "Is it possible that the Great Elder did not absorb the power of the whole, but turned the whole into a void?"

Hearing Kirito's words, the eyes of the mysterious man who didn't care at first suddenly widened, and he rushed to Kirito's side, grabbed Kirito's collar and asked, "What did you say? become virtual?"

Kirito was startled by such a mysterious person. The mysterious person grabbed the collar of Kirito tightly, so that Kirito could not breathe smoothly. Kirito punched the mysterious person fiercely, and the mysterious person sent it all at once. Kirito, taking two steps back, also realized his mistake.

But the mysterious man was still reluctant to bow his head to apologize, Kirito kept coughing, and the mysterious man was waiting for him with an embarrassed look on the side, Kirito glanced at the mysterious man, and said angrily, "How can you ask that? Humans, before you ask them, they will be beaten to death by you."

Although the mysterious man felt that something was wrong, he was still reluctant to apologize. He just looked at Kirito with a strange expression. Kirito looked at the mysterious man's expression and knew that he couldn't push him too hard. After all, Kirito still wanted Some news came out of his mouth.

Kirito rolled his eyes, and was about to speak, the mysterious man looked at Kirito and said, "Don't think about anything, I won't promise you, if you want to get power from me. You have to beat me, and I think about it now, it doesn’t make much sense to get some news, I can’t get out anyway.”

Kirito was stunned and did not expect this mysterious person to be so smart. Kirito was a little helpless. How could this ghost be so smart? Tongre saw that it was useless to say this. Kirito summoned his own Zanpakutō and looked at the mysterious person. He said, "If that's the case, then come on."

The two are fighting again. Obviously, Kirito has failed again. In his inner world, Kirito does not have to worry about whether he will be injured and cannot get up the next day. Kirito always feels that such a hearty feeling is really not good. More, like venting all of my negative emotions.

Kirito felt that this was really very happy. Kirito was lying in his inner world, and the water was slowly flowing over his head. When Kirito woke up, the mysterious man's words still echoed in his ears, "You What is lacking is the desire for life and the awareness of death, you are not lacking in strength, but you haven't figured it out yet."

Kirito felt that what the mysterious man said was a bit strange, and what he lacked was actually the same?Can't figure it out for yourself?Kirito didn't know what the mysterious man meant. Before Kirito could figure it out, the red monkey came to him.

The reason is that Kirito was so immersed in his inner world last night that he shouted and screamed again last night, and was awakened by Kirito with the sleeping ability of the red monkey. It can be seen what happened to Kirito. .

The red monkey looked at Kirito with a worried expression, and asked, "What's wrong with you, Kirito? I really never saw you like this before?"

Kirito smiled and said, "I'm improving my own abilities, and I've recently entered my inner world again."

The red monkey is not a god of death, so he couldn't understand what Kirito said, but he knew that there should be nothing wrong with Kirito, so he was relieved, and said to Kirito, "That's the case, I'll sleep, I didn't sleep at all last night. it is good."

Kirito said a little embarrassedly, "I'm sorry, red monkey."

The red monkey was a little unhappy and said, "Are we still talking about this?"

Before Kirito could speak, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Kuchiki Kazumi's voice said, "Rui Qiao Yifeng has passed the news to us."

Chapter [-] News from Rui Qiao Yifeng

The red monkey looked at Kirito with a wry smile, stretched out, sighed, and said to Kirito, "Let's go, just practice."

Kirito looked at the red monkey apologetically, but didn't say much. After all, they were brothers. Kirito patted the red monkey on the shoulder, and the two hugged each other and walked forward.

Kuchiki and Mei looked at the two of them hugging each other to watch the door for her, obviously their jaws were about to fall, they stared blankly at the two of them, the red monkey blushed when he saw Kuchiki and Mei's eyes, and wanted to push it away Kirito, however, Kirito wanted to make fun of the two of them, hugging the red monkey fiercely. The red monkey had no choice but to endure shyness and remained motionless like a piece of wood.

When Kirito saw that his actions had come to an end, he did not continue. Kirito let go of the red monkey, walked out of the door quickly and said, "Come on, let's go down to find Nishang and discuss what to do."

After waiting for a long time, Kuchiki and Mei found themselves being played by Kirito, and went downstairs angrily. Nishang looked at Kirito and walked downstairs happily, while Kutki and Mei walked down in a huff, and finally the red monkeys were full. He blushed and walked down.

Nishang was a little puzzled and asked Kirito, "Why are you so happy? What happened to Nishang and the red monkey?"

Kirito smiled and said to Nishang, "How do I know, but I heard that Kuchiki and Mei said that Rui Qiao Yifeng brought us news."

Kirito changed the subject, and Nishang didn't say much, "Well, let me show you."

Kirito, Kuchiki Kazumei, and Red Monkey all became serious immediately, and the four of them all sat up. Rui Qiao Yifeng used a font made of spiritual power, which read "The Great Elder will start in three days." Soon Ling The force dissipates in the air.

Kirito frowned tightly together, thinking carefully about the information from Rui Qiao Yifeng, Kirito looked at the four and said, "The elder will start in three days, we have to assassinate him one day in advance, that is, Two days later, then, we will not only have to adjust our state in the past two days, but also inquire about the nearby terrain."

All three agreed with Kirito's opinion, and the four of them split up.Time always flies by, although Kirito and his party are nervous and looking forward to this day, but when the day really arrives, there is still some nervousness.

Rui Qiao Yifeng had already prepared it early. Rui Qiao Yifeng inquired that the Great Elder would prepare things for tomorrow, and told the warriors around him not to disturb him, so Rui Qiao Yifeng prepared some warrior clothes, and Kirito and the others would wear them. In addition to Rui Qiao Yifeng's identity, Rui Qiao Yifeng nervously waited for the dark, and now everything is in place, only Dongfeng is owed.

The night is slowly coming, and the moon is also covered by black clouds. It seems to know that tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.

The Xuye Palace is the residence of the Great Elder. Since this place is not very large, the Xuye Palace is not very big. However, the Xuye Palace occupies half of the whole place. how old are you.

Therefore, Kirito and his party chose to assassinate, otherwise, Kirito and his party may not be able to do without here. Kirito prayed in his heart that this big man must not have anything to do with Aizen, otherwise things will become more and more difficult. It became more and more complicated, and Kirito felt that he was in a huge conspiracy, but Kirito couldn't tell how powerful Aizen was.

Kirito and his group quickly shuttled through the dark night, quietly approaching the Xuye Palace. There were so many people on the street, it was impossible for anyone to see Kirito and his group. Even if they felt it, they felt a black whirlwind. .

Kirito and his party arrived at the place agreed with Rui Qiao Yifeng, and as expected, Rui Qiao Yifeng was already standing there, waiting anxiously.

Kirito's group quickly picked up Rui Qiao Yifeng, Rui Qiao Yifeng looked relieved when Kirito and his group arrived, and hurriedly gave Kirito and his group the samurai costumes, saying, "Quick, put on this samurai costume, come here. When the time comes, I will lead you in, don't say anything, just follow me."

Kirito and his party nodded and hurriedly changed their clothes.Rui Qiao Yifeng looked at them and said, "I have already found out that the first elder is going to prepare things for tomorrow, and told everyone not to go near his room. Tonight is a good opportunity, and we will act accordingly."

After Kirito and the others were all replaced, Rui Qiao Yifeng checked it and found that there was no title, so he accepted his expression, became as indifferent as usual, and began to walk towards the Xuye Palace without any difference in expression.

There were two samurai patrolling the door. The cold eyes startled Nishang, and the pace suddenly became chaotic. Kirito hurried to Nishang, pulled her hand soothingly, and said in a low voice, "Don't look at it. , just follow."

Nishang forced himself to calm down and nodded vaguely. Kirito let Nishang go first, and he followed behind Nishang. Once something happened, Kirito could protect Nishang for the first time.

The warrior at the door saw the group of people behind Rui Qiao Yifeng, and shouted coldly, "Stop, who is it."

Rui Qiao Yifeng had a cold face and said coldly, "Open your eyes, don't you even know me?"

When the warrior at the door saw that it was Rui Qiao Yifeng, he hurriedly put away his ruthlessness, and said flatteringly, "So it's an adult, why are you here so late, and your palace is not here."

Rui Qiao Yifeng said coldly, "What do you know? The first elder asked me to prepare what I needed for tomorrow, and then asked me to discuss tomorrow's affairs with him."

After Rui Qiao Yifeng finished speaking, he was about to lead Kirito and his group in. This action made these warriors panic all of a sudden, and hurriedly stopped Rui Qiao Yifeng and said, "Sir, the first elder said that he does not allow anyone to come in and disturb him."

Rui Qiao Yifeng said with a cold face, "The Great Elder let me in. If you don't believe me, ask the Great Elder."

The warrior immediately revealed an embarrassed look. The first elder had ordered no one to disturb him, but at this time Rui Qiao Yifeng insisted on breaking in. The warrior did not dare to ask the first elder if Rui Qiao Yifeng had been allowed in.

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