'Naruto!!" Sakura was shocked when she saw this scene, and was about to rush over, but was pulled out by Yamato and Saii beside her, brought to the eagle drawn by Sai's super beast pseudo-painting, and flew towards the sky. .

More and more restless _._. Xiaonan let's go _._.''

Seeing the giant purple chakra beam that was constantly swallowing up in front of him, his face was calm for a moment, but he grabbed Xiao Nan next to him with one hand and teleported towards the middle of the chakra beam.

I saw that the Chakra beam of light that rose to the sky gradually dissipated, and even Xiao Nan and Naruto all disappeared into the beam of light, and everything was calm again, as if nothing had happened.

Countless white rays of light flashed around the body, and in an instant, a hand tightly grasped Xiao Nan's hand, and the figure seemed to keep falling down.

For a moment, even for a moment, I couldn't tell the surrounding directions, and I just felt as if I was traveling through countless time and space.

In an instant, his feet finally touched the ground firmly, and Xiao Nan, who was holding his hand, also fell to the ground drunkenly.

In an instant, the blue eyes of God's Reincarnation narrowed slightly, only to see that the place where they were at this time was no longer a desert of yellow sand, but a green grass.

Looking far into the distance, there is also a magnificent and magnificent city, in which there are towers of buildings standing straight into the sky, showing a scene of peace and tranquility.

"Sana.? Here is?," Xiao Nan was surprised to find that she and the two of them were no longer in the desert at this time, but another unique scene.

'If I guessed right?,' Seeing Xiao Nan, who was originally cold and beautiful, a child-like expression of surprise appeared on her pretty face, and she couldn't help but smile for a moment, her eyes staring dimly at the far (alright) Fang. A magnificent city. This should be the Loulan that used to be in the past,'.

Loulan in the past?! Could it be?,' After hearing Momo's words, Xiao Nan opened a pair of beautiful eyes in surprise.

'That's right?? I think we should have traveled through time and space.? Returned to a certain passage in the past?,' he explained softly to Xiao Nan next to him. In fact, his heart was also secretly analyzing the situation in front of him. Whether it was what he expected, no one could be sure.

Click! Click! Click!?

At this moment, six or seven stout and tall human-shaped puppets appeared around Shanna and Xiaonan. After discovering the two, they immediately launched a fierce attack, and shot out the kunai of Qianli from their mouths.

(Please throw the flowers and monthly passes in your hands to me, thank you).

Collapsing Jade System Chapter 254

Chapter 254 Nami Wind Minato (for a reward and automatic)

Seeing the puppet soldiers suddenly appearing around the two of them, the expression on his face did not change in the slightest. It was naturally impossible for such a clumsy attack to escape the insight of his twin eyes of God.

Paper Dance Paper Rain!!!

It just didn't take an instant, Xiao Nan by his side had already reacted immediately, and Miao's body was surrounded by countless pieces of paper, forming a pair of angel-like wings in an instant, shooting out countless pieces of money. sheet of paper.

Pin! File! File!?

The constant crashing sound of golden mounds sounded, and the kunai shot from the mouth of the puppet soldier was all shot down by Xiaonan in the blink of an eye, and even the body of the puppet soldier was cut into pieces by the sharp pieces of paper shot by Xiaonan. Fragments of the ground.

After seeing this scene, the corner of her mouth rose slightly. You must know that Xiao Nan, as a member of Xiao's organization, is not a weak vase, but a powerful ninja at the shadow level.

In the original work, even Uchiha Obito, who used the plug-in ninjutsu Wanhua abbreviated wheel to make his eyes intimidating, almost died - 117 - under the technique of Xiaonan's paper of the gods, and finally relied on sacrificing a writing wheel The eye used Izanagi to change the fate of death.

After Xiaonan solved all the puppet soldiers in a blink of an eye, Wei Wei was the leader. Since so many puppet soldiers came out to attack them, it meant that Baizu should have come here earlier than the two of them, and used the dragon's veins. Power controls these puppet soldiers.

'If it doesn't differ from the plot of the original book? As long as you kill Baizu who controls the dragon veins? You should be able to go back? The corpse's blue eyes flowed, and she thought carefully in the bottom of her heart.

After making up his mind, he was about to take Xiao Nan up to the sky in an instant, but suddenly the vision in his left eye saw a new change, and the movements in his hand could not help but stop.

'Who are you two??'

Ping Shu's voice came, and I saw that there were three people in front of Shanna and Xiaonan, with strange masks on their faces, and they seemed to be wearing the ninja fighting costumes of Konoha's past wars.

Gold flash (bhec) light wave wind water gate??

Zhan saw the three ninjas who suddenly appeared in front of him and Xiaonan, and the eyes of a pair of reincarnated eyes flickered slightly. From the masked ninja headed by them, he could vaguely distinguish that they were the four generations that he had met when he was a child. The chakra of Hokage Wave Feng Minato is warm and majestic.

'Who are you?' Although Zhao had already guessed the identities of the three in front of him, he turned his eyes to them in an instant, and asked indifferently.

Seeing the moment when the man glanced at him, Minato Namikaze, Zhiwei Younv, and Dingzuo Qiu Dao shuddered in their hearts. This kind of aura that was so powerful that it seemed to have no bounds, they had never felt it on anyone. .

his eyes.

Looking at the pair of mysterious blue eyes that looked like a starry sky, the three of Namikaze Minato suddenly felt a powerful pressure that seemed to be the difference between humans and gods, as if their whole body was pierced by these eyes. A little bit of a secret.

'We are Konoha's ninjas. We came here specially when we heard the drunkenness here. No, we are tired._ Sannami Feng Minato was the first to react, and said intoxicated.

This should be Loulan _[-], who used to be decades ago, but I don't know what time it is now._.'' Seeing Naikaze Minato in front of him revealing his identity as a Konoha ninja, he thought to himself in an instant.

'If I guessed correctly, the two of you should be from the future, right??" Minato Namikaze suddenly asked tentatively.

'Huh? That's right.'._.'' For a moment, he was slightly surprised, but he answered truthfully.

"Because six years ago, there was a man named Baizu, who also came here from the future: ._." Namikaze Minato said with a drunken mouth, secretly guessing the purpose of this mysterious man and woman coming here. .

'Baizu came here six years ago?


I only heard the sound of screaming from the city building in the distance in front of me, and I immediately recognized that it was Naruto's voice.

'It's the boy from Konoha just now:._.We have to save him!"

Hearing Naruto's voice, Minato Naikaze in front of him suddenly had a serious expression on his face. He stretched out his hand to grab Shiwei and Qiu Daozuo who were beside him, and he used the technique of Flying Thunder God to disappear in place.

Is the technique of flying thunder gods?_ When San Yi saw the three of Namikaze Minato who disappeared in front of his eyes, he narrowed his blue eyes slightly, and put his hand on Xiao Nan's shoulder beside him. After launching the gods, the two disappeared immediately in place.

When Shanna and Xiaonan reappeared, they were already in the city buildings inside Loulan. There were western-style buildings everywhere. Countless tall buildings were like iron towers rising from the ground, straight into the sky.

What appeared in front of them was the unfortunate Naruto who was chased by a large group of flying puppet soldiers. When Naruto was about to be injured under the pursuit of this large group of flying puppet soldiers, Minato Namikaze suddenly appeared. The three of them defeated all the puppet soldiers and rescued him.

'Thank you all:._.''The rescued Naruto was sitting on the ground in embarrassment and thanked him. At this time, he suddenly saw the moment floating in the air not far away, and the wings of the paper angel behind him were flying. Xiao Nan, who was in the middle of nowhere, couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: 'In an instant?! You two came here too?!"


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