A power so terrifying that even gods tremble?,'

Xing Jian couldn't even do anything with the wooden man technique he used, and it was blown up in the blink of an eye. Qianshou Zhujian's dirty earth reincarnated with an incomparably condensed expression on his cracked face. The power of the

'It's been a long time since I felt the rush of blood to fight with my life?,'

Although it is only the body of the dead reincarnated from the dirty earth, the incomparable strength displayed in that instant still ignites the fighting blood of Qianshou Hashirama's whole body, and the surging fighting intent fills his whole body uncontrollably.?

Fairy Mode, Activate!!

I saw Qianshou Zhujian slammed his hands together in front of Yuexiong, and suddenly an invisible breath came out, a blood-red and demonic pattern appeared on his face and forehead, and the whole person's aura became completely different from before. .

Fairy mode?,'

Xianjian Qianshou Zhujian turned on the same origin with himself at this time. After learning from the Shibone Forest Immortal Mode, one of the three holy places of immortality, he felt the majestic aura in him at this moment and just now. In an instant, I finally felt a long-lost bloody fighting spirit.

This is what I imagined the god of ninjas to look like?? That ninja Madara Uchiha once looked up to the most?,'

Perfect fairy mode, activate!!

In Qianshouzhujian's uncertain gaze 5.0, in an instant, his hands were gently closed in front of Yuexiong.

'That's it? After Shao Zhe saw that Moment opened the perfect immortal mode, Qianshou Shima opened his eyes in amazement. From the current moment, he felt an aura that was both familiar and unfamiliar.

'That's what Immortal Ha Yu once mentioned.? Is it the perfect immortal model that no one has successfully cultivated for thousands of years?!"

At this time, in the dusty memory in Qianshou Hashirama's mind for a long time, he couldn't help but think of what Immortal Hashu said to him when he was learning the immortal mode in Shigulin Forest.

(Please throw me the flowers for the monthly pass, and you can reward me if you have money).

Collapse Jade System Chapter 284

Chapter 284 The real wooden escape (for a reward and for automatic).

Someone has successfully cultivated the perfect fairy mode:._.''

Qianshou Zhujian's complexion finally changed completely. A blood-red immortal face stared at the moment in front of him. As a person who had cultivated the immortal mode to a very high level, he certainly knew very well what the state of wisdom at that moment meant.

Xianfa · Mingshenmen!!

Putting away the thousands of thoughts in his heart, his hands were lightly sealed between the Qianshouzhuzhu. Under the urging of the immortal chakra in his body, huge red torii gates, one horizontal and two vertical, fell crazily from the sky, and quickly caged in the direction of the moment. set away.

A pair of azure-blue eyes of the reincarnation of the gods watched the countless red torii gates that were firmly locked in their direction descending from the sky, and instantly knew that Qianshou Zhujian's move, under the blessing of the immortal method, could not only suppress the reincarnation of the dirty earth in the original work Madara, can even suppress the action of blocking the ten tails, if these red torii gates

Covered, even the tailed beast cannot escape the fate of being subdued by the sealed Chakra.

'No wonder in the original book, catching tailed beasts is like catching chickens _.''

Seeing the overwhelming power after Qianshou Zhujian turned on the immortal mode to cast the immortal method, he felt emotional for a moment, but his face did not change, and the reincarnation of the gods flashed brightly, constantly using the gods to move.

Moment! Moment! Moment!_._.

Countless huge red torii gates in the sky bombarded the ground, erecting one after another incomparably tall red buildings in the forest, and the shocking momentum stunned all the creatures within a radius of hundreds of miles.

'Can't keep up with his speed._.The ability of time and space is really troublesome_._.''

The Qianshou Hashirama, whose hands are in front of the Moon Hungarian, only sees the huge red torii that is summoned by all his psychics, but he is completely unable to capture the silhouette that keeps flashing and teleporting out of thin air.

You are too slow _._.''

Until the voice suddenly sounded in the ears of Qianshou Zhujian, he was shocked and suddenly turned his elbow and shot out. As a ninja standing on the highest peak in the ninja world, his reaction was not unpleasant, but he turned back and looked in front of him. What he saw was an infinitely enlarged fist in that instant.

Tenseisen · Repulsion Fist!!!

The irresistible and powerful repulsion brought by the Tenseigan of God, with the force of the fist in his hand to shake the earth, bombarded the body of Senju Zhuma in almost zero distance.

In an instant, a fist smashed out, and all the trees and trees in the entire forest in front of him were twisted and deformed by the powerful repulsion force, and the whole person flew out like a cannonball, and the body reincarnated in the dirt was gradually repelled by this force. The fly ash is gone, and the sky is fluttering in the morning.

I saw with my own eyes the catastrophic scene brought about by this climb, and everyone present was silent. In fact, without the powerful repulsion brought by the instant of God's Tenseigan, even the strongest ninja would be impossible. To achieve such an effect with just one blow from his body like he is now.

'If it weren't for the body of the reincarnation of the filth.? From the time we fought to the present.? Even you who have the body of a Yangdun Immortal have already been killed by me twice, right?

In an instant, a light and cloudy voice entered the minds of everyone present. The blue and mysterious Tensei Eyes of God stared at the Qianshou Zhujian, who had begun to condense their bodies in the flying confetti in the distance. expression.

'Isn't the god of ninja Senju Hashimae also his opponent? Obito hiding in the emptiness of the gods, with a pair of scarlet writing wheel eyes wandering, seems to have begun to find his own way out in the bottom of his heart.

'I really failed.? Was I underestimated by the younger juniors?,' Gradually condensed a complete form in the air, after Chisuru Hashimura heard the words he said, the open-minded face on his face. Shao couldn't help laughing at himself with a helpless smile.

However, Qianshou Hashirama's eyes froze, and at the moment when he had killed his own reincarnated body twice in a row, standing among the countless ninjas throughout the Warring States Period, he also asked himself that he had never met an opponent like this, with both hands. A handprint is suddenly formed in front of him, and the endless immortal chakra in his body is full.

Number burst.

Xianfa Wood Escape: Thousands of Hands!!!

The huge roar of rumbling sounded, as if the surrounding air was swept away by a strong wind, and the light in the whole sky dimmed. The huge and magnificent wooden Buddha statue rose out of thin air from the ground, and tens of millions of huge arms gathered together.

Closed behind the head of the huge Buddha statue, it seems like the Buddha who suddenly descended into the world, looking down at the living beings under his feet.

'this is?,'

Except for a moment, despite the huge wooden Buddha statue that rose from the sky in front of him, everyone present almost forgot how to breathe, even the technique of the wooden man, which was as huge as Susanoo just now. , in front of this huge wooden Buddha statue, it is like a baby standing

In front of adults, it is like a world apart.

'Is this the Mudun Qianshouzhujian deified by people? 517" He stared blankly at the huge wooden dungeon Buddha statue that he couldn't see at the top when he raised his head. Even Obito's heart was shocked and inexplicable. The true power of the Senju Hashirama, although I have imagined it for a long time, but it is finally out of sight.

The shock of seeing it before.

'What the hell is that? Who the hell is Susan fighting with?,'

At this time, Sasuke, who was fighting with A on the roof of the stone room, both stopped their movements at the same time, and looked at the huge wooden Buddha statue standing in the forest with dull eyes, feeling as if they were small. Like the grit in the dust.

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