Seeing the three generations of Tuying in the sky go to shade such a huge meteorite alone, almost everyone on the ground could not help but exclaim, and the faces of Heitu and Chitu were even more worried.

"Let me come._.''

Gaara next to him said in a deep voice that he, who used to be a human pillar, has a chakra capacity and resilience that surpasses ordinary people, and madly activates the chakra in his body.

All of a sudden, there was a lot of yellow sand around everyone, and a large amount of sand formed a huge sand hand under the control of Gaara. in this huge meteorite.

I saw that the three generations of soil shadows at the bottom of the meteorite exerted all of their strength, and the blue veins all over the body swelled up, and Gaara on the ground also seeped dense sweat on his face, controlling -900 sand on his face. With a firm persistence.

The huge and boundless meteorite seems to have finally stopped.

'Huh? Have you resisted it?' A somewhat surprised voice sounded from the top of the huge meteorite. The owner of the voice seemed to be talking to himself, 'Hmm. _ This is fine too. _. I don't want to hurt Xiao Nan and Tsunade _._.''

The Art of Melting Lime Condensation!!

Taking advantage of the meteorite's stabilization, the black soil on the ground immediately reacted, and the two kinds of chakra properties of water and soil erupted on the body, and he used his own molten blood to spit out a large group of quick-acting cement from his mouth. It was sprayed on Gaara's sand hand, and in a very short period of time,

Ai Luo's sand solidified into extremely hard cement, which firmly fixed the meteorite above his head on it.

Nice little girl._.Responds very quickly._.As expected of the future earth shadow_._.''

There seemed to be some laughing voices, and a gorgeous royal robe with a white background and black borders swayed gently in the air, and the long silver hair was in the cool wind and snow (ccco fluttered wildly, and the corners of his mouth suddenly carried A slight smile gradually walked down from the top of the huge meteorite.

Hinata Mochi

Looking at the perfect face standing on the edge of the huge meteorite above his head, a pair of blue and mysterious eyes seemed to be staring deeply at the ground beneath his feet, and the name flashed through the hearts of everyone on the ground.

'Sure enough, you bastard! Hinata Setsuna._.''

The moment he saw the huge meteor above his head, the fourth Raikage staring on the ground was filled with incomparable hatred in his furious gaze, and he almost spat his name out of his teeth.

'Ming._.It's Raikage-sama._.Long time no see_._.''

As if he didn't even notice the tyrannical gaze of the Fourth Raikage, the corner of his mouth still had a cynical smile, and his deep eyes seemed to glance at the broken arm of his left hand.

I never thought that you would dare to attack the venue of the Five Shadows Conference today?

Feeling the slightly mocking gaze, it seemed like a sharp knife had slashed through his heart, and the instant Raikage glared at the top of his head almost crushed the palm of his hand.

'Long time no see Asuka Momo. _. You seem to be more handsome than ever. _.'' Looking at the moment when she was standing alone on the huge meteorite above her head, Terumi Mei's smoky eyes seemed like every move she made. It is possible to seduce the soul, but at this moment, there is no trace of emotion in her cold eyes.

Cai, I really want to melt you._.''

'Well, you have become more beautiful and moving. [-]_Beautiful Mizuying-sama_._.'' He greeted Terumi Mei as kindly as an old friend, but his blue eyes involuntarily shifted to Tsuna. The position of the hand, 'of course two _. and my former teacher. _ Tsunade two _.''

'In that moment, two, you. One.'' Looking at the moment that suddenly came in such a shocking way, Tsunade's heart was suddenly filled with complicated thoughts, and a pair of eyes contained i was shocked, missed, lost, sad, There are all kinds of complex emotions.

Is it really a face younger than I imagined?. Are you Hyuga Sesame._.'' Gently ts, Fu returned to the three generations of soil shadows on the ground, and said with a sigh of relief, but stared at The depths of the eyes that held the top of the head for a moment were carrying a very solemn color. Today is such a big gift _._. I have already

I have heard all kinds of rumors about you in the ninja world countless times _._.''

'Huh?. Please give me more advice when we meet for the first time._Old and strong Tuying-sama_._.''In an instant, a light smile interrupted the breath of the three generations of Tuying who seemed to want to continue. The diamond-shaped pattern is looming, and drunkenly scans all the people under his feet, including the five shadows.

'Hmm._.What a rude young man._.''It seemed that he didn't dare to interrupt his lines for a moment, and the three generations of Tukage muttered as if complaining.

'In an instant._.'' Looking at the moment when the huge meteorite came down, Xiao Nan fluttered the white paper wings behind him and flew to his side.

Are you alright?" Gently glanced at Xiao Nan, who had temporarily changed his main breath and wanted to come to the Five Shadows Conference with him, and asked in a soft voice.

'I'm fine. _. I'm sorry. _.'' The moment she looked around, Xiao Nan bit her lower lip lightly, as if she was secretly blaming herself for being useless.

'Those things will be discussed later?. You just stay here for two _.''

The voice was still swaying in the cool wind and snow, and in an instant, he jumped off the edge of the huge meteorite alone, and gently fell to the ground like a gust of breeze.

'The next thing to do now is ._.''

After gently falling to the ground, the lonely and cold eyes glanced at all the ninjas around, and took the expressions on each of their faces into his eyes.

The slightly raised corners of his mouth foreshadowed that something unusual was destined to happen in the future_._.

(Please throw me the flowers for the monthly pass, and you can reward me if you have money).

Chapter 297 Siege (for reward and automatic)

In an instant, the province seemed to be light and like fallen leaves, falling from the huge meteorite to the ground.

Cheng! Cheng! Cheng!?

Xing Jian suddenly fell alone in front of everyone. Suddenly, all the ninja guards under Wuying took out their ninja tools and put the shadow guards of their Ninja village behind him. Locked for a moment.

In addition to the ninja guards beside Wukage, hundreds of samurai guards around them rushed towards the direction of Momo and Wukage like a tide, and they all pulled out the swords in their hands to form an airtight siege.

'Fuck? Corpse

In this lore situation where there is no way to go to the sky, no way to go to the ground, Mo Mo couldn't help but burst out laughing, and he spread his hands in front of him as if harmless to humans and animals, don't make the atmosphere. Are you so nervous? Corpse

'The purpose of my coming here today is not to kill you?,' As if all the ninja warriors around were just chickens, they talked like no one for a moment, 'Or I didn't just now. Will it only summon such a big meteor?

cheat. cheat.

Are meteorites like that just a little bigger?

A few ninja guards who were almost scared by the huge meteor that was summoned from the sky just now, felt the invisible momentum that came out of the body when he said these words, and couldn't help but hold the ninja in the palm of his hand. Sweat oozes out.

Huh?? There must be a limit to bluffing? The corpse looked at the moment with a calm and arrogant attitude, the fourth generation of Raikage who once had the hatred of destroying the village and the hatred of the stomach with the moment, Yue. The anger in the Hungarian accent is about to be detonated, the old Xiang Mo.? Today, no matter what, we

Neither will let you escape!".

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