Collapsing Jade System Chapter 341

Chapter 341 God's Reincarnation Eye (For Reward and Automatic)


After a part of his body was shattered by the instant freezing, the huge white rabbit that Kaguya had transformed into in front of him suddenly let out a roar of pain, and the blood in his eyes became even thicker.

'Is this the tailed beast form of Kaguya Daijianmu?!"

Suddenly seeing the tailed beast-like form that Dajianmu Kaguya had changed in front of him, he couldn't help but widen his azure blue eyes even for a moment, which was something he never expected.

'What a big rabbit Ming._" At this time, only Naruto on the side could express such an idiotic emotion.

'I almost thought I was going to die just now _._.''

In an instant, Kaguya Kaguya, who entered the form of a tailed beast and turned into a huge white rabbit, saved his body that was frozen and shattered in an instant and finally began to recover gradually, and a ferocious light suddenly burst into his blood-red eyes, 'Your existence has Seriously threatened me _._.''

27'The whole world is my most important nursery._.The existence of every creature is the nutrient for me to cultivate new chakra fruits_._.''.

All of you are chakras from me._.''

'This time _._. I'm taking all of you back!!'"

One after another shocking sound resounded throughout the world, and in front of the huge white rabbit that Dajianmu Kaguya had transformed into, bursts of ancestor chakras that were plagiarized from ancient times began to erupt.

Seeing the action of Kaguya Kaguya in the form of a beast in front of him, the mysterious and deep membrane hole in the azure blue Tensei's eyes shrunk to the size of a pinhole, because in his left eye, a shocking and unspeakable reflection was reflected in advance. scene.

'Seal the power of all things, call the dark jade of chaos _._.''

One after another shocking tone like a sigh came from the mouth of the tailed beast-shaped Dajianmu Kaguya, and a mysterious and deep black ball that seemed to devour everything began to expand wildly in front of the huge white rabbit.

In the end seek the jade!!!

'That's _._ Tailed Beast Jade?!"

He stared blankly at the black sphere released by the huge white rabbit in front of him, and began to enlarge infinitely in front of Mosana and Naruto Sasuke. Everyone's eyes couldn't help but be filled with shocking colors. No _._. No The second _. is the jade of seeking the Tao!!".

Is this the power of the ancestors of Chakra...,'

A pair of azure-blue eyes of God's Reincarnation and a blood-red demonic eye of Samsara in front of their foreheads stared at the infinitely magnified huge pitch-black Taoist jade, feeling the power of devouring and annihilating everything, even at the moment of reaching this state. also felt tricky.

In front of this huge block of pitch-black chaos, all the chakras of the yin and yang of the five elements can be swallowed together, which contains the power to return the whole world to nothingness.

'If that's the case, then I'll try my newly acquired ability...,'

In an instant, his thoughts flew, and the six chakras that were as majestic and vast as the chaotic universe burst out, and the blood-red and demonic reincarnation eyes of the gods on the forehead burst out a light that nothing could block, and the endless pupil power suddenly activated. .

Tomb of Wheels and Prisons!!!

I saw that after the blood-red demonic reincarnation eye pupil technique in front of the forehead was activated, it seemed as if a different dimension of space was opened up in the desert, and several inexplicable and bizarre figures flashed in the void at high speed, but it made ordinary people feel You can't see it with the naked eye at all.

That is?!"

Seemingly saved from seeing an incredible scene, Sasuke with Samsara eyes and Kaguya Dajianmu, who had Samsara's eyes, suddenly opened his eyes wide.

The golden wheel is reborn!!!

After activating the pupil technique of the Samsara Eye of God, the vast and infinite pupil power of the instant reincarnation of God suddenly activated, and the twelve dark and deep Taoist jade floating around the body suddenly spun and danced in his right hand. After the circle, it converges into a golden Chakra lightsaber that runs through the sky and the earth, stirring

Looking at the entire lava world in front of you, it seems like there is no end to it.

Aiming at the huge and dark Daoist jade in front of him, he suddenly began to wave the golden chakra lightsaber in his hand, which is different from the previous golden wheel reincarnation explosion. After mastering the ten-tailed yang escape chakra, the moment when yin and yang unite. The power of a sword has been so powerful that it cannot be added.

The harsh cutting sound instantly shattered the eardrums of Naruto and Sasuke. For a while, it seemed that apart from this extremely dazzling golden light, there was no other color between heaven and earth. The golden chakra lightsaber was cut out of the instant's hand in an instant.

Not only that, in addition to the golden chakra lightsaber that splits the heavens and the earth, several inexplicable and mysterious figures in the void also condensed in the hand with the instant, and the golden wheel that runs through the heaven and the earth exactly like the instant is reincarnated. , and a sword slashed out in sync with the moment.

bang bang bang!!!

Several huge golden chakra lightsabers that split the whole world were cut out together, and the harsh cutting sound was connected into one piece in a very short time, and this sound was left in the entire world of Ao Shi.


An indescribable huge explosion of 800 filled almost the entire lava world, and all the surrounding ice sculptures that were frozen and frozen instantly turned into ice crystal debris flying all over the sky.

I saw the golden wheel reincarnated in front of me and the mysterious figures around me. In the chakra lightsaber that wiped out all life, the huge and incomparably pitch-black final jade suddenly burst open and re-dispersed into the whole world. The most primitive chakra in the world is scattered in the surrounding air.

With the incomparably huge Daoyu Daoyu being smashed to pieces in an instant, the shocking shock that erupted instantly sent Naruto Sasuke flying, and Kaguya Kaguya, the tailed beast that turned into a huge white rabbit, gradually turned back into a human form. , changed to its original appearance.

'In the end, the Daoyu jade was actually cut off by someone?!" Kaguya, Kaguya, who had regained her human form, seemed to have become a little weak, and as the body of the Ten Tails, she couldn't support such a huge consumption.

'Everything: ._.'' Staring at the weak Da Jianmu Kaguya in front of him, the momentary eyes of the gods seemed to see the future in the near future, 'It will end today two _.''

(At the beginning of the month, everyone threw me the flowers for rewarding the monthly ticket, thank you).

Chapter 342 Announcement Chapter

Announcement Chapter

Hokage is about to end, and Xiao A will draw a complete end to it in the past two days. I sincerely thank you for your support and company along the way.

Originally, about the new book, I had a lot of wonderful ideas, and I was confident that I could challenge for better results, but I saw that many book friends in the book review hope that Shi Shana will go to the next world, so Xiao A will not let everyone down. I have a plan for the new book. Just postpone it to the future, and then add and improve the design when you have spare time.

I will let you know when the book is open.

So._. Regarding the issue of crossing the new world, I actually designed a perfect plan at the beginning of this book. The collapse jade system will not cause the protagonist to change from a full-level large to a small one, but it can make The protagonist has room to upgrade, which can fully reflect the splendor of each world power system.

Please rest assured.

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