Well done Sasuke!!"

Seeing that the endless white hair gushing from Kaguya's body was all burned down by Sasuke's Amaterasu, Naruto's face suddenly cheered up. 'Save me now!!"

I have to say that Sasuke is much more reliable and calmer than Naruto, who has a lot of nerves. I saw a kind of intoxicated brilliance flashing in his left and right eyes, 'What we are facing now is not ordinary opponent.... as long as one of us dies...,'

'The whole world of ninjas is completely over...', staring at Kaguya Daikanuki in front of him, Sasuke didn't forget to watch out for the moment on the other side. As if dripping water, 'you've thought about your tactics, no less

Drilling?! Of course I thought about it...,'

Hearing this, Naruto was stunned for a moment, although he said he had already thought about his tactics, but the expression on his face reflected that it was not the case, 'My tactics are!!"

The Art of Multi-Shadow Clone!!

I saw Naruto's voice just fell, and immediately put his hands together in front of him, and immediately surrounded by endless white smoke circled.

Ao! Ao! Ao!…

Between the Olympics, countless Naruto shadow clones circled out of thin air in the air, and they surrounded the big Jianmu Kaguya and Momo in front of them.

Has the action begun...,'

Sasuke's eyes narrowed slightly when he saw Naruto performing his most uncomfortable multi-shadow avatar technique, he pulled out the Kusama sword behind him, and his muscles were tense, and he made a gesture of cooperating with the attack.

You are the mother of Uncle Liudao, right... I'll let you use the unique secret technique I developed..." Between the words, I saw a burst of extremely sharp light from Naruto's blue eyes, and his hands instantly burst into Quickly seal in front of him.

Seduction · The Art of the Male Harem!!

Whew! Mmm! Whew!  …

I saw that under the control of Naruto's transformation technique, everyone opened their eyes in horror, only to see all the Naruto shadow clones surrounded by them, all transformed into handsome naked men. .

This is…,'

Looking at the group of beautiful men with perfect bodies and appearances transformed by Naruto in front of them, all of them made frivolous and provocative gestures in front of Da Jianmu Kaguya.

Everyone present, including Dajianmu Huiye, couldn't help being stunned, his eyes widened and his pure white eyes were stunned.

This idiot... how could this kind of ninjutsu work against such an enemy...,' Sasuke, who was preparing to cooperate with Naruto's attack, was already silent, and the corners of his mouth kept twitching slightly.

Just as Sasuke's voice fell, Naruto grabbed Kaguya Okanuki for a moment, and suddenly punched Kaguya out of the sky.

'It really worked?!!' The ninjutsu of an idiot like Naruto really worked, and Sasuke's big mouth could fit his fist.

'As expected, he's a willful protagonist... A ninja who is the first in unexpectedness...'

At this time, even the moment when he was standing on the side, he could not help but helplessly reached out and stroked his forehead, because he saw his own figure in the seduction and male harem technique performed by Naruto.

This idiot... don't need to transform me into it...,'

A pair of azure blue eyes of God's Reincarnation stared at the undressed self, who was constantly posing frivolously and teasingly at Dajianmu Kaguya, and a handsome and flawless face was facing under the sprinkle of long silver hair. Dajianmu Kaguya made the gesture of blowing a kiss, and after seeing this scene, she couldn't bear it even for a moment

The corners of his mouth twitched.A word mark appeared on his forehead...

Super · Shinra Tianzheng!!!

Between the speechless twitching of the corners of the mouth, I saw the blood-red and demonic reincarnation of the gods in front of the forehead surging frantically, and a majestic and irresistible shock repulsion suddenly erupted in the center of the moment, instantly killing Naruto and the people around him. The two of Sasuke flew out, like two bright pops flying down to the extreme

Above the frozen lava land.

'You two boys, hurry up and die for me!!"

Staring at Naruto and Sasuke, the two chaotic boys were blasted out by the repulsive force of the reincarnation eye of his own god, and he gradually retracted his blue and deep eyes with some headache in an instant. I'll clean up the two of you later!!".

Damn. It hurts... factory

I saw Naruto, who was blasted into the frozen lava land in the distance by a burst of surging and majestic repulsion. In pain, he kept rubbing his butt that was about to break 4.3 points, and he kept complaining and squirting. , 'It's all your fault that you didn't grasp the timing just now, Sasuke, you really are the tail of the crane

'What did you say?! You idiot!!' Hearing Naruto's complaint at this time, Sasuke, who was also smashed to the ground, jumped up, 'How could such tactics deal with an enemy of that level? Will it work!?".

But it has already worked! In short, you are holding back!'. Naruto continued to shout at Sasuke.

Zuizui listened to the bickering and noisy voices of Naruto and Sasuke from far away. This scene was the same as the original scene, which made the moment feel that time seemed to return to the past.

(There is an urgent need to rush to the list, please throw me the flowers for rewarding the monthly pass, thank you).

Collapsing Jade System Chapter 345 The world is attacking (reward and automatic)

Chapter 345 The world is coming (for a reward and automatic)

After his thoughts broke free from the farce brought by Naruto in front of him, his mind gradually returned to the reality of his eyes.

It's time to hurry up and end this final battle...

The azure blue eyes of God's Reincarnation stared drunkenly at Kaguya Dajianmu who was stunned by Naruto's palm and flew into the air unharmed.

It seems that in the years when I was sealed...,'

I saw Dajianmu Huiye slowly floating into the air, staring at Moment with icy and pure white eyes drunkenly, 'After you got the chakra and knowledge you shouldn't have...and extended many strange techniques... ,'.

Save Naruto's boring ninjutsu just now left a deep impression on her... 'J's blue eyes looked at Kaguya Daijianmu floating in the void, and the smile at the corner of his mouth was intriguing.

But no matter what....Mothers are completely immortal beings..."At this time, the deep and high-pitched voice of Hei Jue gradually came out from the wide sleeves of Dajianmu Kaguya," except for the two Indra and Ah The power of yin and yang in the hands of the reincarnated boy of Shura can be sealed...even if it is your day

To the moment...,'

'Can't be her match either!!'

Just as Hei Jue's voice filled the air, Da Jianmu Huiye's blood-red and demonic reincarnation writing wheel eyes erupted with majestic and shocking pupil power. Like a mighty prison.

Heaven's King!!!

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