Since I have been sleeping peacefully in the Pure Land of Bliss, I don't want wars...

Then create a world of peace and no war for them...

This is just something that I can do with my own thoughts right now, isn't it...

Hearing the answer made by the instant, I saw the immortal Six Paths floating in the void slightly pondering, and a relieved smile appeared on the old face, 'The replacement thing is not as bad as I imagined..."

After all, he called the ninja world he created with his own hands to ruin...

This is something that even the Six Paths Immortals are unwilling to save

It's been so long since you died... Your chakra and obsession are still hanging around in the world and won't let go...,'

Zhe saw the relief on the faces of the six immortals in front of him, and the faint blue eyes flashed with the brilliance of saving the world. As a traveler, his vision of calling things and this world is completely different from others.

'Everything is too much... Fate is bound to end soon...,' said in a soft voice, but the words he said sounded like a bronze bell and entered the heart of the six immortals in front of him, 'Even if you don't intervene in the protection... J is naturally this world It will still have its own development...,'.

Immortal Six Paths...Since you have chosen to leave the mundane world without worrying about the world...why do you have to hold on to such obsessions..."In an instant, the brilliance in the eyes, Naruto and Sasuke behind the words may not understand, but he I believe that the immortals of the Six Paths in front of them will be able to exhaust themselves, 'When will you be like this....

To achieve true detachment??”

'Everything is too fateful, it must be done sooner....Let's go with the flow...,' The voice fell, and I saw the eyes of the immortal Six Paths in front of me, and there were some murmurs in my mouth. A kind of deep and simple truth between heaven and earth, the eyes of the eye of reincarnation came out.

The real brilliance of knowing, 'I'm too persistent...'.

You are such a peculiar person.... Hinata Setsuna...,'

(It's streaking again, I hope to rely on everyone's rewards and monthly pass flowers to put the book on top).

Collapse Jade System Chapter 355

Chapter 355: The Future of Yaxiong (Seeking Reward and Automatically)

"Maybe _._. I should have let go_.

As he spoke, Immortal Six Paths had a completely relieved smile on his face, and his whole body gradually revealed a faint brilliance, which gradually dissipated into nothingness under the incredible gaze of Naruto and Moment.

Ninja World._.I'll leave it to you_.

When the voice of the immortals of the six paths was finally subdued in the air in front of them, it was only at this moment that the traces of the immortals of the six paths were truly completely disappeared in this world, leading to the unknown other side.

Liudao old man, he lost one J Xiao _.

With a murmur in his mouth, Naruto stared blankly at the Six Paths Immortals who had completely disappeared in front of him. His simple mind couldn't understand the meaning of Fan Han in what he said just now. Why did he touch the Six Paths Immortals so much.


After the Six Path Immortals completely dissipated in the air, a slight gasp came, and Madara Uchiha, who was lying on the ground, suddenly woke up and turned around.

'Return to the light._.''

Seeing Madara Uchiha quietly awake at his feet, his tone was not surprised at all. In fact, his strength has reached the current state, and nothing in this world can surprise him.

"Hinata Setsuna._.''

Reluctantly opened his eyes and cleared the figure standing in front of him, Madara Uchiha had a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth. At this moment, it seemed that it was very difficult to even speak. The final winner of Zhelai is you Ming. _.''

'I thought I was in control of the whole world _._. I didn't expect that in the end I was just a chess piece that was used by others _._.'' Lying on the ground with a weak moan, Madara Uchiha's face Shang Sheng's face and expressions are unclear, and his tone is mixed with too many complex colors, some are depressed, some are lonely, some are helpless

'This game is yours to win_.""_.''

Listening to Uchiha Madara Shenri's words, everyone present was silent. At this moment, they were all witnessing the end of an unparalleled hero, and their mood could not be said to be depressed or happy.

'My dreams are shattered _._.''

Lying weakly on the ground, his eyes slightly opened his eyes and looked up at the sky. The white cloud dog in the sky seemed to let Uchiha Madara see Senju Hashima, Uchiha Quanna, and the world in his dreams. The low voice gradually As the breeze from the battlefield disperses, 'but the world goes on._The future is

I can't see what it looks like anymore_.Factory

"Uchiha Madara._You are a good opponent II_Production

Listening to Madara Uchiha's words, I could hear the regret and unwillingness in his heart, and suddenly said, 'But your vision can't be detached from the pattern of this world after all._.''.

No matter what the future world _._ has nothing to do with you "._.''

Looking at Madara Uchiha, who was lonely at his feet, his blue eyes narrowed for a moment, and he couldn't tell whether it was sadness or pity in the depths of his eyes, 'You who were deprived of ten tails and all chakras by Kaguya Kaguya _._. have survived It won't be long _._.''

'Die drunk like this. _. For you who have been fighting from birth to death since the Warring States period, [-] _ should be an insult. _." Mo Chen whispered softly, the dark and mysterious immortal tin stick R in his hand, The magic spear swayed gently, and the blue eyes were inexplicably tired.

'Hehe._Thank you two_.''

A relieved chuckle came out of his mouth, Madara Uchiha and Shanshen both read the thoughts of each other at this moment, only to see a lonely smile on the corner of his mouth, 'If it wasn't for the opponent._Perhaps we Be able to be friends [-]_.''

friend? _.


With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he silently shook his head in an instant, and his azure blue eyes said a silent goodbye to the stranger who was standing in front of him.

The dark immortal tin cane F magic spear in his hand was slightly raised, and in the surprised eyes of Naruto and Sasuke behind him, he lightly tapped Uchiha Madara's Tsukune's mouth in an instant.

Suddenly, Madara Uchiha, who was lying on the ground dying at his feet, gradually dissipated into the air, leaving not even a tiny particle, as if he had never appeared in this world.

'Madara disappeared_._." Naruto, who was stunned behind him, murmured for Madara Uchiha, who disappeared in front of him.

'Has Madara's existence been wiped out by him?_" Only the intoxicated Sasuke stared at the dark immortal tin cane R sharp gun in Tishana's hand, and a deep shock flashed in the purple Samsara eyes in his left eye, "''" If this weapon hits me _._. What will happen to me._.''

'Okay _._. Madara Uchiha's matter is over _._.''

After saving Madara Uchiha completely disappearing in front of his eyes, he slowly exhaled a turbid breath, and raised his head slightly. The war is over _._ You two don't need to follow me anymore._.''

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