Whether or not to master the quality. But what is certain is that this guy is incredibly strong...,'

Faster than light?!

Stronger freezing ability than frozen fruit?!

Qing Nan was defeated in less than half a minute?!

After listening to Qing Nan's helpless memories, a series of incredible question marks suddenly appeared in the heads of all the admirals present.

Does such a person really exist??

'In an instant...,' and Akainu next to him, after hearing what Qing Nan said, murmured the name repeatedly in his mouth, as if to engrave it deeply into his heart.

His physique is really incredible...,'

Following Qing Nan's words, Akainu seemed to be caught in the scene where he was fighting with Shanna before. In that instant, countless huge vacuum palms filled the whole space, and the naval battleship of several hundred meters was instantly destroyed. Smashing, this is simply not the effect that the human body can achieve, even if it claims to be beyond

The Sixth Form of Taijutsu, which is the limit of human physical strength, can't be compared with it at all.

'When I fought him...he smashed our entire naval battleship with just a slap from his body...but if I hadn't escaped quickly."'Two,' Akainu feels like thinking of this. Pain in half of his body.

'In addition to the ability to float and fly similar to the fluttering fruit... he also summoned countless huge meteorites from the sky out of thin air...,'

As he spoke, Akainu's eyes seemed to reflect the doomsday scene of countless huge meteorites covering the sky and destroying the world at that time, "Almost all naval battleships and soldiers were destroyed by him like this,"

The words Akainu said were like punches after punches, and they hit the hearts of everyone present.

After Roger opened the era of the great pirates, such a terrifying guy who was an enemy but not a friend appeared again, which was undoubtedly a worse blow to their navy.

'And the navy we sent out to investigate has also relayed the news...,'

At this time, Lieutenant General Crane, who was standing between Sengoku and Garp, also said in a deep voice, with a wise light flashing in his eyes, 'In the end, I got nothing... This person seems to appear out of nowhere in O'Hara.,'

'Indeed...we have never heard of such a guy in the sea...don't listen to Lieutenant General Crane's information, Qing Nan's face is a little dazed and he doesn't seem to be a pirate...,'

'I don't care if he is a pirate or not!' At this time, Marshal Sora directly interrupted Qing Nan's words, his resolute and sturdy face was covered with iron blood and decisiveness. The second attacked the navy and destroyed ten of the navy's top warships...killed thousands of navy soldiers. Soldiers...disintegrated the demon slaughter order that the world government was very summoned...,'

'In the history of the Navy. No one has ever committed such a heinous crime!!',

, Cyborg, Sora's voice is like his praised nickname, as loud as gold and iron, "and the historian Nicole Robin who escaped from O'Hara. guilty, '.

The country of Zange... I'll leave this matter to you...,' Marshal Sora's voice was scattered throughout the room, and he suddenly raised his wide coat behind his back and left Qing's ward first, because he had to deal with the world government after he left. Accountability.

Gotta get these two guys back!!"

After Marshal Sora left the room, everyone who stayed in the room looked at each other, the atmosphere was terrifyingly depressed, because each of them had already felt the anger contained in Marshal Sora's tone.

In the history of the navy, no one has ever dared to block the demon slaughtering order, let alone killing so many navy elites at one time, destroying ten of the navy's top warships.

'Crane...you post it now...,'

In the still dead silence, Sengoku turned his eyes to Vice Admiral Crane beside him. Shen Sheng issued the second order. At that moment, there were Nico Robin and the former Vice Admiral Saron, who had defected from the Navy. Bounty orders are made...,'

'As for the charges... it's up to you to list them...'

Facing Lieutenant General He, who was beside him with goosebumps but full of energy, staring into her wise eyes, Sengoku's tone was deep and resolute. …None of us can allow anyone to appear again to defy the majesty of the Navy!!”.

Yes. ' After hearing Sengoku's order, Lieutenant General Crane nodded slightly and walked out of the room skillfully.

After watching Vice Admiral Crane go out, Sengoku glanced at the many elite naval generals in the room, and couldn't help but sigh softly in his heart, for some unknown reason why One Piece Gore suddenly sounded in his heart. ·The last words that Luo Jiexing (Li Zhao's) shouted before his execution.

'Want my treasure? I can give you all of it if you want! Go find it! I put all my treasure there!!"

The words that Roger shouted before his death undoubtedly changed the situation of the entire world in front of him, causing everyone to rush to the sea, causing countless pirates to compete for the ultimate treasure OnePiece. They fought hard to form the entire era of the great pirates, which undoubtedly gave

The world government and their navy have brought unprecedented devastating impact.

And now, this moment of mysterious appearance out of thin air...

What is his ultimate goal...

What kind of changes will it bring to the world?

(Don’t stop rewarding the flowers for the monthly pass, the new world of Xiao A needs to consolidate the achievements).

Chapter 19 Shock the world (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 19 Shock the world (for a reward and automatic)

The next day.

Newsbird shocked the world with a newspaper and a bounty.

Dad! Come and save IN! Something big has happened!!”

On the vast sea of ​​the new world, the huge and majestic Moby Dick broke all the waves in front of him. One with a golden punk head and a dagger in the middle of the moon. The young man with a tattoo of the Whitebeard Pirates on his mouth. People screamed loudly.

Curara… Factory

Edward Whitebeard's unique laughter spread throughout the Moby Dick, the so-called world's strongest man moved his big feet, and his huge and burly body almost shook the entire pirate ship.

What happened to make you so shocked...Marco...,' Marco, who held up a newspaper in shock, ran up to him, Whitebeard took the newspaper in his hand and saw the contents of the newspaper Surprised, he blew his crescent-shaped beard, 'Huh?! O'Hara. Someone actually destroyed the sea

The army's demon slaughter order?!"

I saw a brand-new newspaper with striking photos covering almost the entire newspaper.

In the largest photo, a perfect and handsome face occupies the whole picture, with long silver hair and a pair of blue eyes like the stars, as if he is watching everything in front of him with a look of indifference to the common people. Reveals an indescribable temperament, as if the whole person is not

The cliff is like the world in front of you.

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