I saw a sneering smile on the corner of his mouth in that instant. He has the Tensei of God that penetrates the entire space and has no dead ends. With the divine foreshadowing that predicts the future in advance, how could he be attacked by someone, 'You seem to have a short memory. Ming._.Akainu._.''


Just when Akainu was a little surprised by how he addressed himself, a feeling of extreme danger surged from the bottom of his heart, and a familiar scene was reflected again in his suddenly widened eyes.

Eighty Gods Air Strike!!!

In an instant, I saw the power that had been brewing and accumulated to the extreme in the hand suddenly shot out.

(Don’t stop rewarding the flowers for the monthly pass, the new world of Xiao A needs to consolidate the achievements).

Chapter 26 Buddha's Warring States (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 26 Buddha's Warring States (for reward and automatic)

Suddenly, all the air in the entire space between Akainu and Akainu was completely removed, and countless huge vacuum palms between the visible and the invisible appeared out of thin air in the space.

In an instant, every move seemed to be like the fist of the god king from the Divine Race, and it instantly disintegrated the Akainu and all the lava in front of him.


As if the sound resounded throughout the ocean, Garp stared in shock for his own eyes, and Shi Ting shot out countless huge vacuum palms out of thin air in an instant, and in a blink of an eye, Akainu was blasted into the ground. .

'Sakaska Skina Kid_. Factory

Shi Wei was in front of the bottomless pit that was bombarded with a single move. Garp swallowed his saliva with some difficulty. He could no longer be sure whether Akainu was alive or dead. "It won't die._.''

Although I don't really appreciate Akainu's character, as a comrade-in-arms of a faction, Garp naturally wouldn't want Akainu to be killed in an instant.

'Is it true that human beings can perform such physical arts..._.'' Garp's eyes were very solemn and he took the moment of floating in the air.

He is also a master who specializes in qi and physical skills to reach the peak of this world 02. Of course, Garp knows very well what kind of concept it is to use only human flesh to perform physical skills like the moment just now.

This kid looks like he's only in his twenties. How could he be so strong?_.'' Karp stared at the moment in mid-air in disbelief, saving him the fact that he seemed to be writing easily and holding hands Robin, the little girl beside her, acted with ease.

'Lieutenant General II of the two natural devil fruits and the naval hero Garp._.''

In an instant, he floated in the air and whispered softly, as if he was just telling a trivial matter, 'I can't think of one to kill a Tianlong person~. It has alarmed so many people in your navy_.''

Killing a dragon._.Just :._.

Hearing the words of the moment, Garp, who was standing on the ground under his feet, twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

Although he is very disliked by those arrogant and dangerous Tianlong people, Karp, but ask yourself that this world has never seen anyone dare to kill a Tianlong person so blatantly, killing a world noble that the entire world government must do its best to protect .

Especially in the face of the navy for them, this has undoubtedly pushed the entire navy to an extremely embarrassing point. If it can't catch the moment or kill him, then the entire navy will not want to raise its own in front of the world government in the future. Skull.

Four hundred and fifty million for the instant two and seventy-nine million for Nicole Robin._.''

'You have killed the nobles of the world! You!".

Unforgivable sin!!"

Accompanied by a thunderous roar, the entire space around him was filled with countless golden rays of light.

Boom boom boom._.

A burst of incomparably powerful golden shock waves rushed towards Moment in an instant, and a huge ripple visible to the naked eye floated in the air.

'Hmph._. Buddha's Warring States._less

In an instant, the blue eyes glanced slightly, and immediately saw a huge Buddha statue with golden brilliance not far away, which was rapidly attacking him, and immediately pulled Robin beside him, and the blue star flashed in his eyes pass away.

Reincarnation Eyes Approaching!!.


The huge golden shock wave waved in the air, and the Warring States, who had transformed into a huge Buddha statue, was slightly stunned, and turned around to search for traces in an instant.

'On your head! Warring States!" Garp, who was standing on the ground, noticed Moment's whereabouts for the first time, and immediately spoke loudly to remind his old comrade Warring States.

That way of moving without warning:._.

what happened._.

Looking at the sky with an obedient expression, Garp secretly raised his guard in the bottom of his heart.

'Buddha's Warring States._.Tekken Garp:._.''

Holding Robin next to him in one hand, he proudly floated in the sky, and his deep blue eyes stared drunkenly at Sengoku and Karp under his feet, and there was no fluctuation in his tone, 'I just passed by Chambord today. Archipelago II _. Not here to fight you:._.''

Passing through the Chambord Islands?!

Then what is his purpose? After hearing the words of the moment, Sengoku and Garp immediately thought about his purpose in their hearts. After all, with the power and danger displayed by the moment, every move is enough to affect them. Tensioned nerves.

'If I'm going...no one in this world can stop me two,'

In an instant, floating in the sky to save the two of them, he stated a fact in a drunken tone, "Besides...

'I feel like fighting with me. Sakaski and Polusalino II,'

He spoke softly as if reminding Sengoku and Karp. The Tenseikan of God penetrated the countless broken ground beneath his feet, and he saw the dying Kisaragi and 550 Akainu in the cracks of the island that were almost pierced through. .'The two of them seem to be engulfed by the sea soon...,'

Sakaski and Polusalino?!.

Damn...,' Sengoku and Garp immediately reacted when they heard the words that seemed to remind them, and they couldn't help but curse at the same time.

But the movements in their hands did not stop at all. The two immediately jumped into the deep and bottomless pit in front of them, and picked up countless broken rocks.

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