'I think this should be the first time we meet (Qian De)._.''

Of course, unlike the eyes of ordinary people, the Tensei of the Gods locked his movement path firmly in that instant, his eyes became slightly cold and he spit out his name in a deep voice, 'Marshal II_: Steel bone, empty

"Marshal Kong!!'. After seeing the person who came, Sengoku and Garp, as well as all the navy soldiers outside the ruins of Marinvando town, shouted in unison.

'The first meeting._.The moment when a reward of [-] million Baileys was offered. One.''

After arriving in front of the crowd, I saw Sora's sturdy hands hug Yuexiong slightly, the M-shaped beard on his chin trembled slightly, and a pair of tiger eyes stared at Momo and the Golden Lion Shiki in front of him. There is the legendary flying pirate Golden Lion Shiki._.''

(Don’t stop rewarding the flowers for the monthly pass, the new world of Xiao A needs to consolidate the achievements).

Chapter 43 Confrontation (for reward and automatic)

Chapter 43 Confrontation (for reward and automatic)

'Both are vicious criminals._None of you can escape today_._.''

I saw Sora's sturdy muscles almost burst out of the suit on his body, a pair of tiger eyes stared at Momo and Shiki the golden lion in front of him, his body was constantly emitting a terrifying and powerful aura. All of them are for me to be obediently in the prison!!"

"What a vicious criminal? _.''

In his mouth, he quietly read the label that the Admiral Sora put on himself, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch slightly. '

'I don't consider myself a criminal as you call me._.''

As he spoke in a deep voice, his azure blue eyes stared at his sky, Sengoku, Karp and all the navies. I also don't think your navy and the world government can represent justice.

'So._.Don't speak to me in such a tone that stands on the commanding heights of morality._.''The last words, 387, are like golden stones that cannot be rejected by others, and the deep blue eyes glanced indifferently at all the people present. of people.

Immediately, under the glance of the instant of God's Tenseigan, everyone present felt that their whole body was in front of these god-like eyes, and even every gap in their hearts was penetrated, and there was not the slightest secret at all.

What's with this feeling._.His eyes two_.

Feeling that the eyes that seemed to be substantive for a moment seemed to penetrate all the secrets in his body, an unnatural strangeness flashed on Sora's face like a conditioned reflex, and he shouted in a deep voice: 'What nonsense!!"

'Our Navy and World Government represent absolute justice in this world!!"

Having worked in the navy for decades, from an ordinary naval soldier to the current admiral, or even the future commander-in-chief of the world government, Sora's aspirations and beliefs are as unshakable as a steel tower, and I see his eyes are firm. Resolute firmly locked the moment in front of me, 'Like you and the golden lion

Dangerous criminals like this are the targets of our all-out arrests and crackdowns!!”

'Heh._.Don't be stupid _._.''

Some sneered and chuckled, Sora's firm and determined eyes were a joke in an instant.

The navy, who has always kept the word justice on his lips, came from his province. Compared with the pirates who are the source of the chaos in this world, they are just a raccoon dog.

'It's not that you have the word justice written on your clothes _._ that you really represent justice"._.''

Forgetting the impassioned and high-spirited Kong in front of him, he pouted his mouth in disdain, and then changed the topic. But the purpose of my coming here today is simply to save the golden lion _._. I am not here to argue with you about this. "._.'' of meaningless rhetoric

'Save the golden lion?!'"

'Hmph...None of you can leave today! Honestly put me in jail!!' Hearing Shansui express his intention for today, Kong Shen snorted coldly.

In the next moment of his exhaustion, all the navy soldiers raised their firearms and weapons in the ruins of Marinfando town, and surrounded the moment and the golden lion in the ruins. Neither can escape.

'What a big battle...,'

In an instant, the azure blue eyes of God's Reincarnation looked straight ahead, and in his eyes, the navy surrounded by countless water and water seemed to be nothing but a group of turkeys, and the indifferent voice from his mouth drifted throughout the Marin ((acfg) Vando, just right....try out my newfound ability...,'

Crystal King's color quality!!!

Before everyone could react, the azure blue eyes opened slightly, as if the air of the entire Marinfando Island was shaken violently. exploded out of his body.

'This is?!!"

Feeling the majestic aura that suddenly erupted from Susanna, Sora and Karp and Sengoku, who were the closest to Susanna and Shiki the Golden Lion, immediately opened their eyes in horror.

Quanta Quanta…

The sound of countless heavy objects falling to the ground sounded, Sora and Karp Sengoku looked around and saw that all the navy soldiers on the surrounding Marinfando Island all fell down like scarecrows.

'Paddle hahaha. Sora. Karp...Sengoku...,'

Forgetting the horrified expressions on the faces of Kong Kong Kong and Karp Sengoku, and found that the expressions on their faces at the moment were the same as when Wang Wang's anger was awakened when he saw him, Golden Lion Shiji couldn't help but feel He laughed wildly, 'In an instant, this kid has millions of people who may not be able to

Enough to awaken the qualifications of a king!! And...,'.

His life king's sensuality... is more terrifying than Roger's!!"

More terrifying than the pirate king Roger?!

The words thrown from the mouth of the golden lion Shiki, like a blockbuster bombarded the hearts of Sora and Sengoku Karp, almost shaking the eyes of the three of them into darkness.

'This guy…,'

Feeling the invisible and majestic momentum that was continuously surging from the body of the moment, the strength of the three of Sora and Sengoku Karp would not be greatly affected, but they also produced a kind of feeling as if they were in a stormy sea. A lonely boat, isolated and helpless in the middle of nowhere, seems to be swept away by a violent giant at any time.

swallowed by the sea.

'It must not be left! Otherwise... the corpse

The radiant eyes locked on the moment of unparalleled momentum in front of him, and the tone of Kong Shensheng seemed to be holding a violent poison in his mouth.

A layer of jet-black aura began to climb up his body gradually, and Sora was like a ferocious cheetah, and the muscles on his body were tensed to the extreme. 'The whole world will be overturned by him alone. corpse

Following Sora's words and actions, Garp and Sengoku behind him also stared at the moment in front of him, and their bodies gradually took on a fighting stance.

(Don’t stop rewarding the flowers for the monthly pass, the new world of Xiao A needs to consolidate the achievements).

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