At this moment, the furious roar shattered the glass of the entire bar, and Josbatian, who was blown away by the instant repulsion and embedded in the wall, suddenly activated his fruit ability.

The whole body swelled in a circle, thick hair covered the whole body, and his face turned into a hideous beast form. In the vision of the instant God's Tenseisen, his entire body strength was almost ten times higher than before.

'Who the hell are you?!"

I saw that Josbatian's originally sturdy body had swelled to a level of four or five meters after he activated his Devil Fruit ability. His head had penetrated the ceiling of the bar, and countless gravel had fallen. The thief had already started shaking his legs and was about to escape.

Is this._.animal type devil fruit._.''

Staring at Josbatian, who was so tall that he penetrated the ceiling in front of his eyes, there was a hint of surprise in his eyes. He had experienced both the natural devil fruit and the superhuman devil fruit, and he had the animal type devil fruit. It was the first time I saw it today.


Seemingly capturing the surprise on Momo's face, Josbatian took this expression as a matter of course, and laughed in a deep voice, 'I'm a man with the ability to bear the fruit of the animal family... After the transformation, strength and resistance The fighting ability can be increased tenfold!!”.

hmm. thanks for the commentary... factory

After hearing Josbatian's explanation in front of him, he silently retracted his inquiring gaze, and an inexplicable smile raised on the corner of his mouth. 'Then give you a chance...,'

'It's up to you to witness the first fireworks of my flowing blade in this world. Factory.

Huh?! What..., 'f The seven giant bear man Josbatian's hideous beast face froze slightly. For some unknown reasons, he turned to the moment in the bar at his feet.

There are all kinds of things...all are ashes...the blades are like fire!!"

I saw that he lowered his eyes slightly in an instant, gently picked up the simple and slender Liuren Ruohuo in his hand, and said the liberating words of Liuren Ruohuo in his mouth like an aria.

'Then...what is that?!"

The ancient and obscure liberation words that came out of his mouth in an instant filled the entire space like a spell.

All of a sudden, someone in the place (aedg) in the entire bar suddenly felt his throat dry, as if all the moisture in the air was suddenly sucked out of thin air.


A loud burning sound came out, and the bar, which was originally dark, was instantly illuminated by a fiery red light.

I saw that Momo slowly pulled out the blade like fire from the scabbard as usual, but it seemed as if a whole ancient volcano was pulled out from the scabbard, and the boundless fiery flames from Momo's hand. The scabbard spread out and wrapped around the flowing blade Ruohuo in an instant.

"Kill" that uncle... you are... factory

At this time, even Robin, who was most familiar with Moment, covered her mouth with her slender hand in shock. She had never seen Moment use such power before.

Robin. Get out of the way... corpse

In an instant, he spoke in a deep voice. After all, it was the first time that he had used the first solution, the scorching heat of [-] degrees, which was equivalent to the temperature of the sun's surface.

After opening his mouth to persuade Robin to open his mouth, he casually waved the flowing blade in his hand like a fire, and suddenly this slender sword with a deadly high-temperature flame wrapped around the whole body burned a splendid trajectory in the air, a scorching flame. Almost fills the entire space.

'Good. Very hot... factory

Although it was only a trace of after-flame emanating from the flames, the deadly temperature still almost took away the lives of a few pirates at the wine table not far away. The pirate's face was full of fearful expressions, "Let's run... we will die!!",


It was extremely difficult to swallow his saliva, and he felt the amazing heat from the flaming sword in his hand. He glanced at all the pirates around his feet and began to smash the windows of the bar to escape. Josbati In An Xin, there was a hint of retreat.

Are you trying to escape, right...,' he said abruptly, and the foreshadowing in his left eye seemed to be able to understand Josbatian's intentions in front of him as if he could save his mind.

'Damn...,' Some dared not look at the pair of blue eyes that seemed to save everything. Josbatian scolded and smashed the wall of the entire bar, leaving his group of pirate companions in an instant. He rushed out of the bar and fled towards the direction of his own ship.

"Heh. Cowards who dare not face life and death...,'

(Little A is running naked again this week, everyone don't stop at the top of the flowers to reward the monthly ticket).

Chapter 53 The Sword of Glory (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 53 The Sword of Glory (for a reward and automatic).

Oh. Cowards who dare not face life and death. Factory

With a disdainful sneer, the blue eyes easily locked the figure of Josbatian fleeing quickly, and the flowing blade Ruohuo, which was wrapped in violent flames in his hand, suddenly flashed red.

Flowing Blade Ruo Huo · Song Ming!!!

The Tenseigan of God locked on the huge figure that was moving towards the distance, and saw countless scorching hot flames in the surrounding space flying around in the package, like an ancient Vulcan, and the flowing blade in his hand was like fire, like lightning and flint. The momentum was swiftly slashed out with a sword.

No one can describe the power of this sword. The tornado-shaped flame wall that swept across the sky continued to rotate and burn with a fiery temperature of [-] degrees. It seemed that the target would completely turn to ashes and die.


All the pirates who escaped from the bar were horrified and their eyes widened. In their terrified eyes, the overwhelming violent flames were reflected, and the sky-high flame tornado almost directly burned the entire island in front of them.

The entire earth turned into scorched earth, all the sea water on the seaside was evaporated, and all the objects covered by this flaming sword slash in front of him were completely evaporated and completely evaporated into invisible gas.

The man Josbatian was completely wiped off the map by the sword, and there was no trace of his existence.

Mysteria Island... J Xiao lost... The corpse pirates opened their mouths in disbelief, staring blankly at the Mysteria Island that was completely burned by a single sword in front of him.

I saw that except for the ground they stood on, everything in front of them disappeared with the sword, and now there was only the endless sea and the white mist that was constantly evaporated in front of them.

A fiery sword that burns everything it hits with explosive flames... Corpse

In his mouth, he whispered the description of the invisible empire leader in the world of death, Youhabach, who described the flowing blade as a fire, and seeing the power caused by his sword after the blade was like a fire, he nodded with satisfaction in an instant, 'Indeed Not very easy to control... corpse

In an instant, the flowing blade was slowly put into the scabbard, as if it was like a high-temperature and blazing ancient volcano was re-recovered into the scabbard, and all the diffuse flames dissipated. Only then did all the pirates around feel. As soon as his breathing went smoothly, it seemed that all the moisture in the air suddenly came back.

so... so scary...

He was terrified of the moment when he was standing alone not far away. The Fentian Sword, which was slashed with a flowing blade like a fire just now, had obviously left an indelible shadow on the hearts of all the pirates present.

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