Eternal, the name of the moment has completely become the biggest legend in the world after One Piece Roger...

On the huge and majestic Moby Dick.


The big ship with Suicang broke through all the huge waves in front of him, leaving behind the golden punk head of the first moon, Marco, who had a tattoo of the Whitebeard Pirates on his mouth, and Shi for the newspaper in his hand.

"Don't call the Marco II newspaper I've seen it all _._.''

The incomparably thick voice sounded, and Whitebeard's burly body that was as high as five meters seemed to vibrate the entire Moby Dick with every slight movement. breath.

As if he could shatter the entire sea in front of him with just one hit._.

This is called 'the strongest man in the world. A living legend, Whitebeard_._

Destroyed the Holy Land Mary Joa _._. Cullalala._.''

After saving the newspaper that looked as small as a Band-Aid in his own hands, Whitebeard burst into a hearty laugh that shook the entire sea. This is something that even Roger couldn't do when he was alive. _.I really want to meet this interesting young man_.''.

Unexpectedly, since he disappeared into the new century five years ago:._As soon as he came out, he did such a big thing that shocked the world._.''

I saw Whitebeard's side, Marco and Foil Bista and other captains and cadres in the Whitebeard Pirates, all with expressions of horror written on their faces, 'But the world government has raised him to such a high level. ._.''.

I'm afraid I also want to point the whole world at him._." Immediately, Marco quickly reacted, and said with a deep expression.

Kuralala:._.Since he was able to destroy the Holy Land Mary Joa at the hands of the five terrifying monsters in the World Government Headquarters._.''

I saw the white-bearded big hand waved, and the sharp eyes revealed the brilliance of Tedzhi. got him _._.''

'The only thing I want to know now is ._.''

'On this infinite sea _._. How high can he fly._.''

The Beast Pirates.

'Humph:._., Eternal, Moment._.What a big name _.''

·…for flowers·…

The dull voice sounded, a tall and burly figure, with black hair on his head and shoulders, a long beard and a pair of monster-like water chestnuts, and his left arm was covered with shocking scales. The most feared captain of the Beast Pirates in the New World Ocean


'There are people in this world who call it that. Eternal seriousness is ridiculous

The sound like muffled thunder kept coming out of Kaido's mouth, causing dozens of man-made devil fruit people around the ship to tremble.' But since the five monsters in the world government can destroy the Holy Land Marijo Ya... This guy will not let me down...,'

'It's so boring. Such a boring world should have been destroyed long ago...,'

Recovering his wandering thoughts, Kaido's mouth let out a burst of boring sighs, and from time to time the tyrannical eyes shot out the light symbolizing the madness and destruction, 'After I control the whole new world...,'

'I'm going to create the best war in the world!!'

In the endless sea of ​​clouds.

Countless pirate ships are floating in the sea of ​​clouds in the sky, on the largest flying pirate group.

'Paddle hahaha. Instant this kid...,'

Golden Lion Shiki's iconic and unique laughter spread throughout the entire Air Pirate fleet, and a look of nostalgia precipitated on his dark face, 'After entering the new world for five was destroyed as soon as it came out Holy Land Mary Joa I,'

'Have you crippled the five old stars... it really fits that guy's style...,'

'But then again... we haven't seen each other for almost five years since this guy entered the new world...,'

While laughing wildly, I saw the golden lion Shiji slammed his hand and commanded the countless pirates around him. 'All speed up for me! Target the new world!!"

(Little A is running naked again this week, everyone don't stop at the top of the flowers to reward the monthly ticket).

Chapter 64 Boya Hancock (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 64 Boya Hancock (for a reward and automatic)

New Naval Headquarters Base.

Since Marin Vando was destroyed in an instant, the navy moved its brand new headquarters base to the new world, which is the location of the original navy G1 branch.


Warring States, who had been promoted to the marshal, wore a white admiral's coat, sat behind the desk, and sighed deeply, 'This guy in an instant......there is no one who can check and balance him...'

'Really didn't expect... this guy went to the New World after so long silence...,'

While throwing the senbei in his hand into his mouth, Garp's tone seemed very heavy, and it was so earth-shattering as soon as he came out,'

'What makes me unacceptable is that...even the Five Old Stars in the Holy Land Mary Joa are not his right. Seven zero zero's hands...,' Sengoku continued after pondering for a moment, in fact, for the death of so many Tianlong people this time , he himself is not angry, because in fact, he is not very pleasing to the eyes of Tianlong people.

But the power displayed in an instant made him feel a little panic. As a senior naval officer for many years, he certainly knew in his heart the strength of the five monsters in the world government.

But now even the Five Old Stars have been defeated by him. Could it be that there is no one in this world who is his opponent...

'That kid....Maybe what he showed five years ago...isn't his full strength...,'

Hearing Sengoku's words, Garp's heart became very heavy, "To be honest... I haven't figured out where the limit of that kid is until now..."

Wen Yan Senguo sighed deeply: 'I guess no one would have thought... Since Roger died, such a guy would be left out of thin air...,'

The words of Sengoku fell, and the entire Marshal's office fell silent, and the thoughts of Sengoku and Garp seemed to fly back to five years ago in the silence...

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