Children are simple. It's easy to write all their feelings on their faces...  

But! Why did she..."

But suddenly. Hancock in front of him stretched out his slender hand and pointed to Robin next to him. He was a little unconvinced and said: 'Can you stay by Mr. Shan's side all the time?!".

Because I've been with Uncle Setsuna a long time ago... Corpse

Seeing that Hancock pointed the finger at himself, Robin, who was originally cold and wise, responded rudely: 'I'm sorry you came too late... little.

Damn. You woman...,'

Although they are still only teenage girls, the struggle between Robin and Hancock is not inferior to those harem dramas in the flash memory.

I saw Robin and Hancock, two stunning young girls, facing each other across the air, and violent sparks erupted in the air...


He seemed to smell the strong smell of gunpowder in the air, and he coughed softly in an instant. 'The most retreat tomorrow morning... The Russians must leave for Little Hancock...'

I felt a little reluctant in that moment, but I still gently reached out and rubbed the smooth hair of the girl in front of me, Hancock, with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, 'The future is still very long, we will always have a chance to meet in the future, Xiaohan Cook...,'

'Work hard to improve your own strength...Jingtori will become the emperor of Amazon Lily as soon as possible...Become the captain of the Nine Snake Pirates...Less one hand caress Hancock's hair in front of him, and he speaks softly in a melodious tone,' in the future, he will be able to become My help...,'

'Yeah!' Kazuo Cook also seemed to enjoy this moment of intimacy, and nodded vigorously, 'I will definitely practice hard...become the emperor of Amazon Lily and the Nine Snakes as quickly as possible. Captain of the Pirates!"

By the time…

I can truly stand by your side.

The next day Qingzhan early in the morning.

When the first ray of Zhanxi on the sea splashed on the sea.

The instant and the Robin fisherman Fisher and the three Hancock sisters came to the seaside of the Chambord Islands.

'Okay...the Russians will be separated here, Fisher...,' said with a smile, 'this cooperation is very's nice to meet you, Fisher...'.

It should be an honor for me to meet you, Mr. Shan..., 'I heard the words of Shan Shan, and I saw the fish-man Fisher's panic in the imperial city, 'It was you who really rescued so many slaves... We owe Your kindness will never be repaid...,'.

Don't mind... It's just a gesture of effort..." Facing the fisherman Fisher's gratitude in front of him, he seemed extremely indifferent. From the very beginning, his purpose was to rescue the three Hancock sisters, and the other slaves were just incidental. .

Is it a big effort...,' Wen Yan fisherman Fisher smiled bitterly, describing himself as a hero who destroyed the Holy 630 Mary Joa and fought against the Five Old Stars by himself, presumably the world will never find it except for the moment in front of him. A second person came out.

No matter what... Mr. Shanna, you are the benefactor of all of us...,' Fishman Fisher said with a serious face.

Fishman Island? . . .

, Neptune, Princess Baixing..." There will be opportunities for everyone...

'Next...are you going to be a pirate...', Shanna suddenly opened his mouth and looked at the murloc in front of him.

Huh?!" Fishman Fisher looked strangely at the moment in front of him. This is what I decided last night. I haven't told you yet. How do you know?".

Who knows...,' Momo smiled noncommittally, 'Just guessing...,'.

You are really an existence that people can't see through...,' Fishman Fisher laughed, 'but I do plan to be a pirate... um. Let's call it the Sun Pirates! Haha!!"

Looking at Zhan Xi on the sea in front of him, he chuckled lightly, saving himself witnessing a history...

(Little A is running naked again this week, everyone don't stop at the top of the flowers to reward the monthly ticket).

Chapter 66 The World Destroyer Strikes (For Rewards and Automatically)

Chapter 66 The World Destroyer Strikes (For Rewards and Automatically)

Time to noon.

On the boundless blue sea, a luxurious and magnificent champagne-colored ship rides the wind and waves.

There are gorgeous facilities on it that ordinary people can't imagine at all, and it is simply a pleasure to enjoy, as if it were a dream ship that sailed from a fairy tale to reality.

Of course, this is a material created from nothingness using the transcendent spiritual power of God's Tenseigan. Ships like this do not exist in the world of pirates.

'Ah. It's so exhausting...,'

Lying lazily on the beach chair on the deck, basking in the warm sunshine after the sea in the morning, you can enjoy the fruit and champagne that Robin and Hancock are rushing to feed next to you with your mouth open. long exclamation.

Life is like that.

What more do you want.

Daughter Island Amazon Lily is located in the windless zone beside the great navigation route. There are huge sea kings in the windless zone, so ordinary ships cannot enter the waters near Daughter Island. The gang of powerful female pirates on the Nine Snake Pirates, any man as long as

If you get close, you can't escape the end of being destroyed.

Of course, in front of Moment, these obstacles are just false...


The moment he was lying leisurely on the beach chair on the bow deck and drinking champagne, the Tenseigan glanced casually, and suddenly saw a strange situation on the sea.

Momo a hundred times the cannon!!

Suddenly, from the very far sea, a huge shadow moved from far to near at an extremely fast speed, and quickly enveloped the ship where they were at that moment.

Someone is actually courting death...,'

Suddenly, someone interrupted his leisurely afternoon, and his originally peaceful expression gradually disappeared, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but raise a cold arc.

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