Void Kendo·Falling Nova!!!

It seems that the bright stars that were just born in the sky in ancient times fell, and the infinite sword energy of the radiance suddenly filled the eyes of everyone on the Whitebeard Pirate ship.

Facing Bista's superb swordsmanship in front of him, he saw that the flowing blade in his hand was unsheathed in an instant, and he did not use the Zanpakutō to start the solution. Swordsmanship in Void Kendo, sharpened by famous kendo masters.

What kind of swordsmanship is this?!"

Zhe saw the ten thousand zhang rays of light slashed out of his hands in the instant in front of him.Bista's enthusiastic eyes seemed to be lit up by the splendid swordsmanship of the moment.

(Little A is running naked again this week, everyone don't stop at the top of the flowers to reward the monthly ticket).


Chapter 76 Defeat (for reward and automatic)

Chapter 76 Defeat (for reward and automatic)

Chapter 76 Defeat (for reward and automatic)

Keng Keng Keng Two

The sound of countless sword qi clashes permeated the entire Whitebeard Pirate Ship, and in the blink of an eye, a sword that seemed to have fallen from an ancient new star instantly disintegrated all of Bista's swordsmanship offensives.

'What a great swordsmanship...,'

Although his swordsmanship was instantly disintegrated, Bista was not discouraged in the slightest. Instead, an unprecedented look appeared in his eyes. The stunning and splendid swordsmanship seemed to have opened an unprecedented window for him, allowing him to save money. I saw the direction of my future to enter the realm of supreme kendo.

Come again and again!!"

As if the burning exhaustion and blood in the Moon Hungarian were all used up, Bista roared and burst out all the strength of his body.

The chess in both hands is dark and armed with slashing energy, tearing the air in front of him and slashing out countless trajectories that are extremely profitable. Break the material realm.

"Nice look...,'

Feeling the majestic exhaustion on Bista's body in front of him, as well as the countless sharp sword slashes that ripped through the air in front of him, the corner of his mouth raised slightly in an instant. This is the swordsmanship that a super-class swordsman should have. almost…,'

Void Kendo · Divine Speed!!!

Facing the countless sharp sword slashes in the air in front of him, he saw that he would not retreat but advance in an instant, and the flowing blade in his hand seemed to have turned into a waterfall of countercurrent, in just a short moment. In a short time, the infinite dazzling sword energy spread throughout the entire space.

Klang Keng.

The sound of countless sword qi clashes sounded, and all the money and sharp sword qi slashes that Bista slashed in the air in front of everyone was smashed by the infinitely bright sword qi slashed out in an instant.

'What is this sword speed one' two,'

After seeing the countless bright sword energy in front of him shattering all his swordsmanship attacks, in surprise, Bista immediately raised the two western swords in his hands to resist him.

I saw Bista's Western swords in both hands slammed out and blocked all the sword slashes in an instant, and the whole person was instantly smashed back by the powerful force.

'It's over...' The moment when Bista was blasted back, a sound like the dust settled in an instant, as if to symbolize an irreversible fate.

What?!'. Hearing this, Bista suddenly widened his eyes, and a bad premonition suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Void Kendo · Heartless Angel!!!

With the exception of Bista, all the people on the Whitebeard Pirates opened their eyes wide, only to see the slender sword in their hands in front of them instantly slashing out countless swords of brilliance, all the incomparably bright sword radiance It seems to have formed a pair of invisible wings that are icy cold and destroy all life in front of them.

than, but terrifying.

A violent metal roar resounded throughout the Whitebeard Pirate Ship, and the two broken blades in the sky spun frantically, and finally inserted into the ground in front of everyone's eyes.

You have lost...,'

The fluttering black coat gradually fell, and the slender figure stood in front of Bista in an instant, and slowly put the flowing blade in his hand into the scabbard.

'I lost?!"

Bista was in disbelief, and also stared into his eyes in shock, as if he was still carefully reminiscing about the gorgeous swordsmanship that he had just killed.

I didn't expect to be defeated by your three swords...,'

A somewhat helpless and bitter smile gradually emerged, and Bista looked at the two Western swords in his hand that were cut off by the sword energy in his hand with some regret. on the floor.

'I avoided your point...,'

Zui Jing looked at Bista who fell in front of him, and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, 'It's time for you to change two good swords...'

'Change two good swords...,' fell to the floor as if losing all his strength, Bista murmured the words in the moment, a famous sword is the life of a swordsman, accompanied by How could he give up these two Western swords for so long?

, Bista!!"

Seeing that Bista, who was in front of him, bowed down in front of Mo Mo in just a few swords, all the elite backbone pirates of the surrounding Whitebeard Pirates suddenly screamed.

The strength of the man in front of them is beyond their imagination._.

"Whitebeard _._. I'm done warming up _._.''

Ignoring all the shocked gazes around, I didn't intend to be too embarrassing for the pirates on the white-bearded pirate ship. The azure blue eyes finally moved to the tall figure with a white beard not far away. "You don't plan to come out yet." What are you doing? _.''

It's a lie, it's a lie, [-]_.

Is that level of strength just a warm-up?_.

The fact that was easily said in the instant mouth made all the pirates on the surrounding Whitebeard pirate ship shocked and could not accept it.

Kuralalala II_Beat my sons so easily_._.''

With the words of the instant, at this time, he has been silently watching the white beard who fought with Marco and Vista, and a series of hearty laughter like a dull thunder came out of his mouth, 'These children are following me in the new world. I'm used to the smooth sailing at sea _._.''

'Today is just to let them meet (get Zhao) and know that there is a power far stronger than them in this world!"

'Daddy. One.''

Feeling the good intentions of Whitebeard, the surrounding pirates such as Saatchi, Bracken, and Joz were silent for a while.

'Okay _._. Made you wait for a while, boy _._.''

In the midst of laughing, I saw the big hand with the size of the white beard and the palm fan wave, and the eyes sharp like a hawk stared at the moment in front of him.

Undoubtedly, the power that he showed just now has completely ignited him, the strongest man in the world. The blood and exhaustion in the moon's chest, since Roger's death, no one in this world can bring him. Such a touch.

'Next..._. Feel the strongest terror in the world!!"

(Little A is running naked again this week, everyone don't stop at the top of the flowers to reward the monthly ticket).


Chapter 77 Edward Newgate

Chapter 77 Edward Newgate

Chapter 77 Edward Newgate

'Speaking of which you are really a monster.

I saw a tall figure with a white beard standing in front of Shan Mo, and even if he was as tall as Mo Mo standing in front of him, he could only reach his knees.

I don't know what kind of power those five guys in Holy Mary Joarie have _._.''

The white beard and snow-white beard trembled slightly like the beard of a crescent moon, and the eyes in front of his eyes were like those of an excellent junior. His eyes were full of admiration and relief, 'Until now, I finally understand a little bit _. Why do you To be able to destroy the Holy Mary Joa from the hands of the five of them liberates so

Too many slaves _._.''.

Your approach is very suitable for Lao Tzu's appetite!!".

How about._.Snake boy "._.''

Generally speaking, Whitebeard laughed in a muffled voice and sent out his invitation to Tishana, 'Would you like to consider coming to my pirate ship to be my son?"

To be your son?!

Hearing Whitebeard's sincere invitation, he shook his head with a helpless smile._. This is not because Whitebeard was humiliating him:._.

But this guy Whitebeard likes to call all his crew sons, and treats them like his own son, and his crew likes to call him. Dad, he has no interest in the treasures of the sea , regards his son as his greatest treasure, and does not allow anyone to harm his son


Whitebeard has a broad mind. Since most of the crew members are people who are despised by the world and society, for the fact that Whitebeard regards the crew as sons and family members, Marco and Bista are full of admiration for him. and grateful, so affectionately called him 'Dad', often able to forgive him

Fight with your life.

But for Moan, what impressed him the most with Whitebeard was not the moment of war in the original book.

In the original work, the mermen and murlocs on Fishman Island were abused by the pirate navy and the Tianlong people, and Whitebeard said a word because he was not used to these practices. From then on, this site belonged to Laozi, never again. No one dares to bully the mermaid and the murloc family on the fish-man island, and use the Whitebeard Pirates to kill them.

His name has protected the entire other small islands that have been implicated, and his approach and courage are admired by thousands of people.

Therefore, in the war on the top, as one of the King's Seven Martial Seas, the murloc Haixia, Jinping, would rather be arrested than oppose the naval headquarters to fight him. This is the power of the strongest man in the world.

Recovering all his swirling thoughts, his eyes gradually refocused on the huge figure with a white beard like a mountain in front of him, and a playful smile appeared on his handsome and flawless face, "Why~_. Known as the strongest white beard in the world Are you also interested in recruiting me on his pirate ship? [-]_.''

'Is the strongest in the world..._.''

Hearing the words spoken in front of me, I saw the white beard in front of me froze for a moment, and then shook his head helplessly, "No: ._. I have no interest in this so-called world's strongest name _.''

'Even the strongest person in the world is only a human with a heart after all:._ Less

I saw that the white beard in front of him looked very serious, his voice was low but thought-provoking, "One day I will face death _._. So ._.''

'My sons are my greatest treasure and treasure! Kuralala_._.''

Here, Whitebeard glanced at all the pirates on the pirate ship around him with sharp eagle-like eyes, and laughed heartily again, with a brilliance that was regarded as a treasure in his eyes.

"Edward Newgate, Whitebeard ._.''

Whitebeard looked at his crew's eyes as a treasure, and naturally he couldn't escape the deep eyes of the moment. Although he couldn't understand the feeling of Whitebeard in his heart, it didn't affect (ahcc) the moment that he was in front of him. The admiration of a man like a mountain, he couldn't help thinking inexplicably, 'It's true

Nice guy._.''

'Okay, the instant boy _ two since you don't want to be my son "._.''

After picking up his mood, the muscles of Whitebeard's whole body, which were so strong and heinous, tensed slightly, and suddenly burst out with an aura like a tsunami, 'Then come and play with me happily! !".

Since that guy Roger died:._.I haven't had a good fight with people for a long time_._.''

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