Chapter 85 The Donji Cide Family

Chapter 85 The Donji Cide Family

Compared to Benjamin's white beard in the sea, Blackbeard Tickey is more like a pure pirate in the moment.

He has a cool personality, actually advocates strength, is arrogant and reckless, and fears death. For the white beard who has cared for him for [-] years, he can secretly kill. Tough but sinister, cruel and greedy, this is the most intuitive view of him. .

'Will you kill him now._.or._:.

Forgetting the black beard in front of him, there was an extremely cold murderous intent in his slightly squinted eyes, which almost condensed into a substance that stabbed his face.

'This guy._Are you going to kill me._.''

Feeling the sudden burst of exhaustion, the eyes slashed back and forth on his face like a sharp blade. The power and might that seemed to be able to turn his bones to ashes at any time and the next second made Blackbeard unable to resist the start of the whole body. Unconsciously trembling, 'Run away _. No~_.''

'In front of this man's power, there is no way to escape.

'Titch._.You 07 what's wrong with this guy_._.''

At this time, the number of pirates on the deck gradually increased. Seeing that Blackbeard's whole body was trembling, he asked strangely, 'Why is the whole body shaking? _.''

Seeing so many pirates around him, he finally gradually suppressed the killing in his heart, and the future has not yet happened.

At this time, Blackbeard has not yet revealed his own minions and faces. If he kills him now, then the relationship between himself and the entire Whitebeard Pirates will undoubtedly be pushed to a point where it cannot be turned around.

'Hmph._Russia will let you hang on for a while [-]_.''

Withdrew his gaze on Blackbeard Tickey, and raised the corner of his mouth in disdain, 'Anyway, in front of my eyes of gods _. You won't have any chance of success in the future: ._.''

When you think you can control everything._.

Wouldn't it be more fun to trample you to death again? [-]_.

After seeing the moment in front of him finally retracting his cold and murderous gaze, Blackbeard Titch finally breathed a sigh of relief. The whole person seemed to be fished out of the water, and cold sweat oozes from his whole body.

But for some reason, the uneasy sense of crisis in Blackbeard's heart did not dissipate, but became stronger._._.

North Sea.

A luxurious champagne-colored ship rides the wind and waves.

After saying goodbye to Whitebeard and the others, she decided to put the matter of finding the worst battleship in the history of ancient weapons sleeping somewhere in this world, Pluto, for a moment. Instead, they brought Robin and the two to the North Sea quietly.

'Uncle Instant._.Is the island in front of you the Minion Island you're looking for..._.''Robin stretched out his slender hand and pointed to an island on the sea in the distance.

'No two_what's that?!'"

Suddenly Robin widened her beautiful eyes in surprise, because as she approached, she saw that on the island on the sea in the distance, a huge birdcage-like object caged the entire island, 'Like a bird cage_.''

'Migo._. That's the ability of the devil fruit [-]_less

Hearing the words of Robin next to him, he nodded without any change in his face, staring at the island on the sea in the distance, but a burst of surging power suddenly burst out in his blue eyes, "The speed of the boat is too slow." _._Russians hurry up._.''

Reincarnation Eyes Coming!!!

As the voice just fell, I saw that the huge luxury champagne boat that was riding the wind and waves on the sea disappeared into the sea out of thin air.

If someone saw this scene in the sea at this time, they would be surprised and even their chin would drop to the ground.

Minion Island.

This is an island known as the Island of Destiny.

The huge birdcage, outside, countless navies could not break in, but inside the birdcage, countless chaotic pirates were killing each other, and the whole island was filled with an atmosphere of despair and chaos.

'Have been missing for half a year_._.''

Surrounded by members of the surrounding Don Quixote family, Doflamingo looked at Corazon, who was dying of bruises and bruises under his feet, that is, his own brother Don Quixote Rossindi, under the cover of sunglasses. I can't see the look in my eyes.

'My lovely brother._.You betrayed me._.''

'No. 01746...Admiral Rosannadi of the Navy Headquarters...I'm a Navy...,'

The whole person lay on the ground with bruises and wounds, with a huge wooden box on his back. Corazon seemed to have exhausted all his strength every time he said a word. Brother one is to stop the various tragedies you are about to brew that I sneaked into your family undercover

'I'm sorry for deceiving you... because I don't want to be hated by you...'

Provincial seems to be talking to Doflamingo who is 060 in front of him. In fact, Corazon is telling Trafalgar Law, who is only [-] years old, who is hidden in a wooden box behind him.

No matter how much the thirteen-year-old Luo cried and slapped in the wooden box behind him, no sound came out due to the power of Corazon's Silence Fruit.

'Stop talking to me with all this nonsense...and answer my two questions..."

Hearing his own younger brother reveal that he is actually a navy, Doflamingo didn't show any angry expression on his face, instead, there was a burst of anger in his tone. On the topic of relationship, where is the fruit of the operation?! Where is Luo?!"


He knew in his heart that he would not be able to escape the fate of being killed by his biological brother Doflamingo, but Corazon laughed madly. I already let Luo eat the fruit of the operation! He is now an able person! He has already run out of this broken cage!!"

'It is estimated that it has been protected on the surveillance ship of the naval headquarters outside...,' t Corason mocked Doflamingo in front of him.

(Little A is running naked again this week, everyone don't stop at the top of the flowers to reward the monthly ticket).


Chapter 86 Doflamingo (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 86 Doflamingo (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 86 Doflamingo (for a reward and automatic)

'Hey hey hey...,'

Hearing the mocking tone of his own younger brother Corazon, Doflamingo laughed gloomily, 'Since Luo ate the fruit of the operation... Then we must educate him to die for me!!"

'The ultimate ability of the fruit of surgery...the ability to sacrifice myself to perform the surgery of immortality...let me gain eternal life!!" Mentioning the effect of the fruit of surgery, Doflamingo's face suddenly burst into a hideous smile , the whole person seems to be the incarnation of the devil.

"And you... Corazon...,'

Thinking of being betrayed by his own younger brother, the hideous expression on Doflamingo's face can make people see the nightmare of a lifetime, 'Why do you have to hinder me at all costs? Except for my father, why do you have to force me to do it for the second time? Killing relatives who are connected by blood?!"

'Mr. Cora! Let me out and you'll die! You promised me I'd be fine!!"

At this time, Luo, who was locked in the box behind Corazon, heard that Doflamingo was about to kill Corazon, and suddenly Howl Tao cried and slapped furiously in the box. But no sound can be delivered.

'Hey Dover... lo he won't listen to you anymore...,'

Feeling the exhaustion of Doflamingo in front of him, he tried his best to use the only strength left in his body to maintain the effect of the fruit of silence, but Corazon's face did not have the slightest fear of death, but instead showed a gratified expression. Smile, 'He has overcome his fate of death within three years...he is no longer the lost one

Luo, who has lost his ego...he gets nothing of righteousness from you who is like an incarnation of destruction...,'.

Leave him alone! He's free!!"

Hearing all the words of Corazon in front of him, Doflamingo finally let out all the anger in his heart, with a devilish expression on his face, and was about to pull the musket in his hand to end his own brother Cora in front of him. loose life.

For a time, the air of Minion, the entire snowy island of destiny, seemed to have fallen into an unprecedented coldness.

Just at this time.

Doflamingo suddenly noticed that the light around him was dim, and subconsciously raised his head to look up at the sky above him.

I saw a huge and luxurious ship appearing above his head out of thin air. After a while of sliding, it suddenly smashed into the snow where he was standing, and the snow splashed everywhere.


It is a very common thing to see ships on the sea, but the ships that suddenly appeared here out of thin air at this time made Doflamingo frown in surprise, 'The whole Minion Island is covered by my. The bird cage, the cage... How could a boat suddenly appear here...,'

'The whole island is in Dover's . birdcage . . . and it's all navy surveillance ships outside . . . how did this ship come to be?!"

Seeing the huge luxury ship that suddenly appeared in front of him, the dying Corazon couldn't help but widened his eyes in amazement.

Is it coming soon... corpse

At this time, everyone present heard that a cold and beautiful girl's voice came from the mysterious luxury ship that appeared out of thin air.

Uncle Instant... Hearing this girl's voice, Doflamingo frowned slightly. He seemed to have heard such a name before, but he couldn't remember it for a while...

Hmm... This is Minion, the Isle of Destiny... Corpse

With the sound of the thick and ethereal man's voice, a slender figure gradually appeared on the bow of this mysterious luxury ship, and the bright blue eyes looked at all the people present.

Who is this person?!

Seeing the silhouette that appeared in the bow of the boat in an instant, others hadn't reacted yet, but Doflamingo's pupils suddenly shrank for a while, becoming the size of a needle's eye.


How did this terrifying man suddenly appear here?!

Could it be... It seems to have thought of something, Doflamingo's whole heart began to sink, did he also receive the news of the fruit of the operation??.

It seems the time is just right... corpse

Standing on the bow of the boat, the instant Tenseiyan looked at all the people under his feet, Doflamingo, Corazon, members of the Don Katside family, and Trafalgar Law who was hidden in the box. ,' Trafalgar Law has eaten the fruit of the operation... Corazon is not dead yet... Corpse

, 'eternal, momentary...,'

It seemed to be very difficult to spit out a heavy name, even through the dark sunglasses, I could feel Doflamingo's solemn eyes. A helpless did you come here?!"

He was once born as a Celestial Dragon...

How can one not understand the power of the five terrifying monsters in the Holy Land Mary Joa...

But the man in front of him was.

In the eyes of everyone, Doflamingo, who is the incarnation of a demon, actually appeared at the moment like a demon with the bow above his head.

How did I get here?!"

Feeling Doflamingo's bitterness and solemnity, he smiled noncommittally for a moment, and there was a burst of pupil power in his azure blue eyes, " guessed right..."

Reincarnation Eyes Approaching!!.

I'm here for the fruits of surgery...,'

When the voice of this sentence sounded in an instant, the whole person (li Zhao) appeared out of thin air without warning beside Corazon behind Doflamingo.

What speed is this?!

Hearing the voice coming from behind him, Zhe saw the disappearance in front of him, and Doflamingo turned his body in awe.

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