An angry roar came, and I saw a pink figure rising up from the frozen ruins in the distance. It was Doflamingo's ability to use the thread fruit to bind the clouds in the sky with thread. , attacking Moment with a foot on the void.

Wild Waves White Line!!

In Doflamingo's rage, all his power suddenly burst out, and tens of thousands of thin transparent white lines were arranged horizontally in an instant, and the entire ground under everyone's feet formed waves formed by the lines.

In the blink of an eye, an attack of furious waves like a sea wave formed, surging up from under Moment's feet in an instant, and quickly approached the middle of the house, and Jin was about to be trapped in the line and completely smashed.

Devil fruit awakening?_.''

Seeing the magnificent scene on the ground around me, I was a little surprised for a moment. I didn't expect that Doflamingo had entered the stage of awakening the Devil Fruit so early. It's really good to save this guy's talent.'._.

Reincarnated Eyes Luo Tianzheng!!!

The huge wave of white lines surging up through the entire ground is about to surround and strangle Moment, and the blue eyes surge with a force, and a majestic repulsive force explodes in an instant centered on Moment, and all the white lines on the ground underfoot are all lined up. flew out.

(Continue to run streaking this week, Xiao A doesn't want to say anything, thank you for the explosion today).


Chapter 89 You are too weak (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 89 You are too weak (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 89 You are too weak (for a reward and automatic)

'what is this?!"

Doflamingo, who was stepping on the invisible white line under his feet in the sky, was surprised that his Devil Fruit Awakening was completely destroyed in an instant, but he suddenly felt that his body was stagnant, and his whole body could not move.

Tenseigan · Vientiane Tianyin!!!

I saw that after the moment under his feet disintegrated Doflamingo's offensive, a pair of blue eyes firmly locked his figure, and gently stretched out his hand to face Doflamingo in the sky.

Suddenly, Doflamingo in the sky only felt an irresistible strong gravitational blessing on his body, and the whole person involuntarily flew in the direction of the moment under his feet.

Armed smugness · hardening!!!

Doflamingo was about to be sucked in front of him by Instant's "Six Three Three,"} I force, and suddenly a layer of dark armed color 9; Qi instantly wrapped around Instant's feet, and suddenly kicked out.

Brother Doflaming, who was instantly sucked in front of him, only felt a sharp pain in his stomach, and his two eyes almost stared out of his sockets. At this time, his strength had not yet reached the peak of Qiwuhai in the original book. With the rank of admiral in the navy headquarters, he didn't even have the chance to resist.

It was slammed into the stomach in an instant.

Feeling the incomparable force of Steel Casting into his stomach, Doflamingo couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood, and he couldn't even breathe a simple breath.

Immediately afterwards, Doflamingo, who was about to resist, only felt his neck tighten, and his whole body was picked up by the neck in an instant, and a dark palm full of armed disgust suddenly made him. All the strength to resist was lost.


Hurry up and let him go!!"

Seeing that his young master, Doflamingo, was instantly defeated by the moment, the whole person was strangled by the neck and held in his hands, and the top cadres of the five surrounding Donji Cide families finally couldn't help rushing towards the moment.

Too much _._." In an instant, even turning back to Gan and the others was not interested, but bursts of majestic pupil power burst out from the blue eyes.

Tenseisen · Hell Tour!!!

All of a sudden, the five top officials of the Tang Jide family who were rushing towards Moan suddenly felt an unimaginable gravity being imposed on him, his body became extremely heavy, and he was suddenly forced to stop.

All of a sudden, everyone was crushed to the ground by the sudden gravity, and they felt that their bodies were so heavy that they couldn't even lift a finger.

For a while, the scene seemed to be extremely slippery 8e

In an instant, he stood unharmed in the middle, holding Doflamingo in one hand, but all the top officials of the Donji Cide family who attacked him were all lying on the ground, unable to move, but no one could laugh at this time. The crushing absolute power revealed in an instant made everyone chatter.

Damn _._What kind of power is this._.''

The tall and strong stone fruit person Pika was crushed by the terrifying gravity on the ground under his feet. He could easily carry a whole pirate ship, but at this moment he couldn't even move. arrive.

I saw the bright blue light in the eyes at this moment, and the endless pupil power burst out, slightly raised one of his feet, and stepped out gently.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and Corazon and Luo next to him only felt that the whole earth under their feet was shaken violently. A strong gravitational force pressed out a bottomless giant pit, and everyone fell into it.

You _._ You put them all. One.''

He was choked by a palm that was sclerotic in the armed color 0, and Doflamingo's entire face was suffocated to the color of pig liver. All slammed into the bottomless pit under his feet, and suddenly the whole person began to struggle frantically.

Feeling the struggle of Doflamingo in his hand, he immediately grabbed his neck and smashed him to the ground with one hand, and countless snow splashed up, revealing the original black ground...

'Cough cough._.''

Brother Doflamingo, who was smashed to the ground in an instant, couldn't help but gushed blood from his mouth again. Just as he was about to get up, a powerful and unparalleled gravity poured into his limbs and bones, and his whole body suddenly became numb. It was crushed to the ground as if it had been poured with cement.

"Damn._.I must kill you.One.''

The whole body was crushed by the majestic gravity, and Doflamingo, whose limbs were spread out in a large shape and was crushed into the hollow of the ground, only stood in front of him with an extremely flat face for a moment.

The slender quaint sword in his hand was not unsheathed, but just pointed at his Yuexiong mouth, as if a whole mountain of diligence suddenly suppressed him and couldn't move.

'No. You're too weak...,'

Hearing Doflamingo's mad clamor, I saw Momo's shaking his head slightly regretfully, looking at Doflamingo's blue eyes under his feet with a hint of pity in addition to indifference. It's like treating a poor bastard.

'Weak have no interest in letting me kill you...,'

Hearing the words he said, and looking at him for a second, Doflamingo suddenly felt that the blood in his whole body was flowing backwards. He only felt that all the shame in his life combined would not be enough for today's 2.4 moment.

In an instant... Doflamingo almost clenched his teeth and etched the name into the depths of his soul.

'Then...the fruit of the operation and Luo...and Clazon...,'

As if he didn't feel Doflamingo's eyes that were about to devour him alive, he pulled the corner of his mouth slightly and showed him a mocking smile.

'I took it all with...,'

As the sound of these words fell, Doflamingo's head was stepped into the soil under his feet in an instant.

(Continue to run naked this week, Xiao A doesn't want to say anything, and thank you for your usual support today.


Chapter 90 Serve for Me

Chapter 90 Serve for Me

Chapter 90 Serve for Me

With the foot that wrapped around the armed lust for the moment, Doflamingo only felt the blackness in front of his eyes, and the entire arrogant head was completely stepped into the soil by the moment, and he completely lost his sense of exhaustion.

The whole land of Destiny Island Minion has been completely destroyed._.

Fenwei on the ground in front of him, Doflamingo's entire head was stepped into the dirt, motionless as if he was dead_.

Only Doflamingo's dark sunglasses lay drunk on the ground, reflecting the dazzling brilliance._.

Corazon and Luo were close to one another, and they didn't even dare to breathe out.

The Doflamingo, who was like a dream demon in the eyes of the two of them, was instantly defeated by the man in front of him, lying on the ground like a dead dog, unable to move.

In front of this man, the incarnation of that devil is like a childish child. It seems so vulnerable_ the strongest combat power in the world that the entire navy and the world government are afraid of. Eternity, a moment..._.''

At the moment when Shi Shiran 07 walked towards him in a daze, Corazon worked hard and finally found an adjective in his mind, 'Strong like._.God's._. ''

'Dover was just in front of a baby who hasn't learned to walk"._.''.

Don't come here!!"

At this time, Luo, who saw that Momo was getting closer and closer, spread out his palm to block the dying Corazon. Although his eyes were full of fear, he was still dead. Bite Cang a stubborn.

'Thinking kid._.''

Seeing the stubborn young Trafalgar Law standing in front of him, he raised the corner of his mouth with some playfulness, 'If you don't let go, this guy will die here _._.''

From the little ghost in front of him, Momo seemed to have vaguely seen the shadow of the death surgeon, one of the eleven supernovas in the future.

Hearing Shanshen's words, Luo's stubborn face was slightly stunned, and Shanshen stepped out and walked past him.

Divine Healing!!

Under Luo and Corazon's unsure eyes, he suddenly stretched out one of his hands, and a golden glow suddenly burst out from above, and under a burst of light, the dying Corazon was immediately covered under his feet. whole body.

In the blink of an eye, I saw that all the large and small wounds on Corazon's body, including all kinds of fatal wounds, were rapidly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

'this is…,'

Feeling that all the injuries on his body were almost healed in an instant, Corazon opened his mouth in complete shock. The shock and surprise in his heart at the moment were completely written on his face.

'There is such a powerful healing ability in the world...,'

Standing up from the ground and moving his body a little, Corazon held his hands in disbelief. This was a magical ability he had never heard of before.

'Mr. Leng Kela. He was cured all of a sudden?!"

Seeing that Corazon, who was lying on the ground with bruises and bruises, was healed in an instant, Luo suddenly jumped up with joy, and the boy's face was full of hope.

Thank you

Corazon, who felt that his body had fully recovered, looked at the man in front of him who seemed to be omnipotent with a complicated expression on his painted face, and thanked him.

"No thanks

Hearing Corazon's thanks, his eyes gradually fell on his black feather coat, and a sinister smile appeared on his flawless face, 'Since I saved the two of you... Then the two of you will be Just work for me...,'

Although Trafalgaro is only a teenager in front of him, he has already eaten the fruit of the operation and his future potential is infinite, and Corazon...

Although I can't imagine what kind of effect the fruit of the Silence Fruit will have if it is developed, but if the ability of the transparent fruit is combined, the two completely transparent and completely silent abilities will work together. The intelligence work is bound to be very effective.

Do you serve him...,'

Hearing the words he said in an instant, Corazon knew that with the strength of himself and Luo, there was no room for rejection in front of this man, but he couldn't help but think in his heart.

Is it. Eternal, momentary

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