, 'eternal, momentary...,'

I saw that after the huge pirate ship docked, the red-haired Shanks jumped down from the bow and landed on the island, staring at the young and handsome face in front of him, his tone was solemn. There is still a hint of surprise. I came here today to meet Mihawk's duel. I didn't expect to meet

The world's 'strongest, man...,'.

Hahahaha. Give me a face... Corpse

While speaking, the red-haired Shanks glanced at the eagle-eyed Mihawk who had fallen beside him at the foot of the instant, saving the shocking high temperature burns on his body, he couldn't help being secretly shocked in his heart that Mihawk, who was wrapped in a big sword, was actually killed. People get hurt like this.

Although he was secretly shocked and obsessed in his heart, Mihawk was his friend for many years, and Shanks had to harden his scalp and said at the moment in front of him: 'How about releasing Mihawk...,'

Give you a face??

Hearing what the red-haired Shanks said in front of him, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly. Could it be that the guy in front of him really ate the 'face fruit, like the legend?

(Please ask for a monthly pass and flowers, (mouth 3 [-] [-]) inch).


Chapter 98 Red-haired Shanks (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 98 Red-haired Shanks (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 98 Red-haired Shanks (for a reward and automatic)

'Shanks...you idiot...less

Before he could speak, Mihawk, who was dying at his feet, suddenly cried out, "This is a fair duel between me and him... Losing to him is because I am inferior to others and don't need your intervention!!"

With the high-spirited fighting spirit and arrogant spirit of an eagle, the great sword Boom Mihawk, how could he allow Shanks to speak out to save him after he was defeated in the hands of an instant.

"Shut up Mihawk...,'

Seeing the hawk-eyed Mihawk who was dying at the moment before him, still insisting on his arrogant principles, Shanks couldn't help but get angry, "Do you want me to call you to die here?!"

Second redhead, Shanks. Have you been floating on the sea all year round and your head got water?"

Although he didn't intend to kill Mihawk in the first place, he saw the anxious look on the red-haired Shanks' face in front of him, and he couldn't help laughing playfully, 'We don't know each other...why should I give it to you? This face?"


Facing Moment's rhetorical question, Shanks was slightly stunned. He didn't seem to have thought that Moment would give such an answer, but he quickly reacted, and his face was firmly fixed for Moment in front of him.

"No matter what. Mihawk can't die here...,'

Unable to guess Setsuna's intentions, the red-haired Shanks doesn't know what happened between Setsuna and Mihawk before he got here, but Mihawk is his friend and he has to save it today.

He is the man who will become the world's largest sword-wrapped man in the future!!"

The king of life!

As Shanks' voice fell, a sudden, invisible and intangible momentum seemed to condense into substance, and suddenly erupted from Shanks' body.

This feeling was instantly familiar, and it was the lustful lust of the Chosen who only one among millions of people could possibly awaken.

'It's the captain's crystal king who is lustrous...,'

It seemed that he felt the invisible breath that erupted from Shanks on the island. At this time, the pirates on the red-haired pirates suddenly cried out excitedly.

'Being able to precisely control the lust and lust of the king...avoiding his own crew...'l's azure blue eyes narrowed slightly when he saw this detail.

Although he has not yet entered the second stage of King A's lustful lust to form a substantial physical attack, he has been able to precisely control his own anger and will not spread to his own people. It can be seen that the red-haired Shanks in front of him is worthy of the original Pirate World Among them, the most lustful man,

'Hmph. The king's vengeance...,'

Feeling the invisible surging momentum conveyed from the red-haired Shanks in front of him, the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching slightly, just in time to try his ability to break through the boundaries and evolve.

King Jing's color v gas · [-]nd paragraph!!!

In the unbelievable gazes of Shanks and Mihawk at the foot of the moment, the entire ground under the foot of the moment was cracked, and all the surrounding rocks were shattered, and an unimaginable majestic momentum instantly condensed into substance , Shanhu tsunami generally spreads and spreads madly in the center of the moment.

As di as the sea, as mighty as a prison-

dong dong dong.

I saw that the red-haired pirates on the seaside, except for the powerful elite crew members such as Jesus Bu and Ben Beckman, all pirates were affected by the condensed crystal king Seweng's energy in an instant. The pounded garlic generally fell to the ground.

'Your quality...,'

Looking at the moment in front of him in disbelief, and feeling the real aura coming out of him, Shanks knew in his heart that this was Weng Wang's seductive aura stronger than himself.

'You guys seem surprised...,'

Taking all the shocked expressions on everyone's faces into his eyes, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. The effect of saving King Jing's serenity in the second stage was better than he imagined.

'Except for Captain Roger...there is someone in the world who has reached this stage...'

Forgetting the ground and rocks that were shattered by Weng Wang's serenity, Shanks' face was full of surprise and disbelief. As a trainee crew member on Roger's ship, he had such an aura that he only had in the former One Piece. I saw it with Roger.

・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ [-]

'No wonder. There are rumors all over the sea now...,'

It seems that he finally realized the suffocating strength of this young and handsome man in front of him, and a bitter smile appeared on Shanks' face, "Say you defeated that terrifying man with Whitebeard... ,'.

Save the rumors are true...,'.

But. Mihawk is my friend...,'

I broke free from the powerful aura brought by the terrifying [-]nd stage of the terrifying King A. Shanks' firm expression never changed. Even if he died here today... I can't let him go! !',

Armed color a gas · entanglement!!

At the moment Shanks' voice fell, a jet-black and exquisite armed color instantly entangled.

The violent edge pierced through the void, and in the reflection of the azure blue pupils, a sharp sword light flashed in the air in front of him, as if it was like a stack of turbulent waves and waves in the sea, suddenly moving towards him. poured out.

I saw that the Western sword in Shanks' hand had appeared in front of Moment's eyes like a gust of wind.

As far as swordsmanship is concerned, Shanks' swordsmanship is not inferior to Hawkeye Mihawk in the realm of Dajianqi. If all other strengths are added, Shanks, one of the four emperors in the future, will obviously be stronger. .

Although it was not a sword-qi slash from the air, the jet-black armed aura wrapped around the sharp western sword in the hand of red-haired Shanks was extremely exquisite, like a majestic gust of wind swept toward him in an instant.

Armed color a gas · cover!!!

The god in the left eye had already foreseen Shanks' move in advance, and the second stage of the armed color collapsed gas instantly covered the body of the moment, forming an indestructible and indestructible armed armor.

The loud noise of the clash of gold and iron came out, and Shanks opened his eyes in surprise. He saw that the sword that he had slashed with all his strength was easily blocked by the scabbard in his hand.

(Please reward monthly passes and flowers, (inch one 3 one) 7).


Chapter 99

Chapter 99

Chapter 99


Mihawk, who was lying on the ground and couldn't move, saw that Shanks had already fought with Shanks, and he suddenly opened his mouth to remind Shanks to be careful of Shanks' terrifying physique, 'Be careful of his...,'

But Mihawk's reminder was obviously a bit late, Shanks only felt a flower in front of his eyes, and he raised his hand to block it.

I saw that the legs and feet instantly turned into a phantom, and a warm flame was rubbed in the air, and the dark armored aura suddenly hit Shanks in front of him with a whip leg.

Shanxton, who was struggling to raise his hand to block, felt a strange force like a giant beast attacking him, and there was a burst of severe pain in his arm, and his whole body was kicked out like an instant cannonball, straight as if The arrow shot into the adjacent island '[-]'.

'The voice can't keep up with my movements...,'

After kicking the red-haired Shanks out with one leg, Ye Yu's smile instantly appeared on his face, and his azure eyes glanced at Mihawk, the eagle-eyed man under his feet.

Only Weilin.

Just as he was about to chase Shanks who was kicked into the island next to him by himself, at this time, three jet-black armed color bullets burst out from the ship of the Red-haired Pirates, forming in the air. Items, the arrangement of fonts strikes towards Moan Breaking Air.

'Gah... the sniper who blocked the battlefield. What a hassle...,'

His eyes caught the rapidly attacking armed color bullets around him, as well as the Jesus cloth on the red-haired pirate ship in the distance, and suddenly there was a burst of pupil power in Tensei's eyes.

Reincarnation Eyes Coming!!!

bang bang bang!!

I saw that the three armed chromatic gas bullets shot out of Jesus Bu's hands instantly smashed into the air, and bombed three fist-sized deep pits on the ground where he stood at the moment.


As the top sharpshooter in the sea, Jesus Bu, who has extraordinary eyesight, immediately noticed the disappearance of the trail in an instant, and immediately reacted and wanted to observe the surrounding environment, but at this time came a loud reminder from his companion next to him.

'Jesus cloth! Watch out behind you!!"

With Ben Beckman's loud reminder, the moment no warning appeared out of thin air behind the piercing Jesus cloth, his deep eyes couldn't help but subconsciously looked at Ben Beckman next to him.

Ben Beckman, the deputy captain of the Red-haired Pirates, has an extraordinary IQ. In the original war on the top, he held a pistol and restrained the actions of the Navy Headquarters Admiral Kizaru.

Seeing Moment appearing on their ship out of thin air, Ben Beckman immediately approached Moment with Rakiru and other elite crew members.

I saw Ben Beckman's eyes gleaming with wisdom, and he instantly pulled out a long-barreled shotgun that was pinned to his waist. He raised his hand and a huge bullet wrapped in a jet-black armament shot towards Moment Breaking Air. out.

Unlike ordinary pirates on the sea in the first half of the Great Route, as a sea mound across the sea in the second half of the Great Route, mastering the ability of armed sex is a must for all of them.

humming a bunch of trash... corpses

Although every sea slug surrounded by the red-haired pirates around him is one of the best and most powerful sea scorpions in the new world, he raised the corner of his mouth in disdain, and his azure pupils suddenly burst into flames. A layer of endless pupil power erupted.

Tenseigan·Shinra Tianzheng!!!


The deafening sound came out, and I saw a majestic and unstoppable shock and repulsion, which suddenly erupted centered on the body of the moment, and a huge circular pit on the ground under my feet was constantly spreading.

what is this?!"

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