Chakra: Household

"It seems that the abilities that can be exchanged through the use of points... have all been automatically matched by the system into the laws of power that adapt to the current world... little

Through the eyes of the reincarnation of the gods, this powerful pupil technique was perfectly displayed, and the azure blue blood-red demonic eyes immediately fell on the person who was attacking in front of him, identifying his identity, 'It turned out to be the navy

The former general of the headquarters... Black wrist, Zefa. Wind: less

The man in front of him was burly and sturdy, with arrogant purple hair, and the arms of both hands were completely dyed dark because of his superb armed V gas.

Although his arm hadn't been cut off by 'Whitebeard II, Edward Weibull' and installed a shredder made of Shanghai Stone, he still recognized his identity at a glance.

Pumping for eternity, instant... The design drawings of Hades are things that the world government ordered to get... less

Zefa looked at the black energy giant wrapped in the body in front of him, and frowned with fear, "Hand over it... that thing is too dangerous... less

He has resigned from the position of admiral of the Navy Headquarters and became a naval instructor for many years. Today, he and his students, Smog and Tina, took a group of internships to the navy for an internship, but they met a young man from the water.

They all sailed out of the boats calling for help on Judiciary Island.

"Too dangerous??"

Hearing what Zefa said, he chuckled in disapproval, "Actually, I'm more dangerous than that thing... less

"Forget it...I'll let you see the power of God that is known by the world...if you see it once with your own eyes, you can't escape the power of God.

As soon as the voice fell, the endless pupil power in the right eye of the blood-red demon, Ability God, was instantly urged to the extreme by him.

Just when everyone around him didn't quite understand the meaning of the words he said, the black Susanoo energy flames around his body suddenly surged, and in a flash, a man was wearing a battle armor.

Holding an ultra-long samurai sword in his hand, an energy giant of hundreds of meters soared into the sky and went straight into the clouds.

"Complete body Susanoo... No... It should be the ultimate body Susanoo:. Factory

Some were fascinated to look at the ultimate body Susanoo standing in the sky in front of them, looking at its volume several times larger than the full body Susanoo, wearing white armor as if it came from the kingdom of heaven to reality

The mighty shikigami, in an instant, murmured its name.

Talk about FL. [-] what is that... less

Looking at the hundreds of meters of shikigami standing on the shore in front of them with horror, everyone present was blank in their minds, and temporarily forgot how to think and accept this reality, because he

The scene they saw in front of them was completely beyond the power they knew.

"Is this the power of God:.

Rob Luqi has been unable to understand what is going on with this Tongtian Shikigami, who is several times taller than all the giants in the world. The only thought in his mind now is to crush the moment just now.

They were just playing when they were full of C P9.


Chapter 120 The Sword of Sen Luo (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 120 The Sword of Sen Luo (for a reward and automatic)

"Since I got the Eye of's the first time I've used this power...less

Holding the moon with both hands, Hung stood proudly among the diamond-shaped crystals in front of the forehead of Susanoo, the ultimate body standing in the sky. He looked down at all the people who were as small as the dust at his feet. A pair of blue blood red

In the bright and deep eyes, there is a color that ignores the common people.

"What the hell is this??!"

Looking at this huge and mighty shikigami rising from the sky in front of them, everyone present almost forgot how to breathe.

In front of this mighty shikigami, it was like a baby standing in front of an adult.It's like a world apart.

"Is this the 'world's strongest combat power', the power of eternity and instant... Shao looked at the huge and mighty shikigami who couldn't see the top of his head, Zefa's heart was also shocked, after all, he is also the first time today.

Once I saw the real power of the moment, although I had imagined it for a long time, it was finally less than the shock of what I saw in front of me, "No wonder even the five monsters in the Holy Land Mariejoa can't do anything about him... less

"Are we really going to fight a guy like this... little

At this time, all the navy soldiers on the coast of the entire water capital looked at the mighty god standing on the edge of the coast with dull eyes, and felt that they were small like the gravel in the dust.

Like, 'mouth we'll die... less


I don't know who swallowed his saliva with difficulty, and the guns and weapons in his hands fell to the ground. Before the battle started, all the navies under his feet had already begun to collapse.

"This is the power that stands at the top of the world: .

He clenched his fist tightly. He didn't even notice that the long nails in his hand were deeply embedded in the palm of his hand. Rob Ludge has now begun to understand how ignorant he is.

"I just said that I want to defeat such a guy... little

I saw that Rob Ludge, who had a calm face, was now full of bitterness and self-deprecation, 'This way... we will never want to get out of his control... less

"It seems that what he said just now will conquer and control the whole world in the near future... It's really not an empty word. People: less

"Zefa... I know you hate all pirates... little

Standing in the diamond-shaped crystal in front of Susanoo's forehead, the ultimate body towering straight into the clouds, he stared down at the tiny Zefa, which was as small as an ant under his feet, and passed from the sky to the big one under his feet.

The voice in the ground is too far away, and it seems ethereal and ethereal like Sanskrit, 'But I'm not a pirate... There is no old grudge between us... less

"There's no need to stare at me with such bitterness and hatred...

"Hmph... Although you are not a pirate... little

Hearing the sound that came down from the sky above his head in an instant, he saw Zefa snorted coldly, his neck lifted almost at a [-]-degree angle, and he stared up at the top of his head, Susanoo, the diamond-shaped forehead.

The moment in the crystal, "But you have killed so many navies.... Destroyed the naval headquarters.... Invaded the Holy Land Mary Joa:.

"A single crime here is enough to sentence you to death countless times! And today you took away the design drawings of Hades of the Water City... less

While speaking in a deep voice, Zefa's deep eyes were locked on the high sky above his head. The whole body was wrapped in a huge and mighty shikigami and he couldn't see his face clearly.

The firm resolute, 'You are the world's most dangerous felon... Absolutely can't let you get the terrifying ancient weapon like Hades!!"

"This world can't hold a dangerous existence like you!!"

"The world can't hold me... Since that's the case... less

Some helplessly shook his head gently, no matter whether Zefa deserved to die or not, what kind of grief he had in the past, and what kind of persistence and justice he had in his heart, at this moment, he had no intention to listen to his nonsense any more.

"Zefa... I respect you as a rare navy who insists on justice in his heart... Young Master

Looking down at Zefa on the ground under his feet, there seemed to be a slight sigh in his mouth, and a sharp light that was hard to look at broke out from his blue and blood-red eyes, endless.

All the mysterious brilliance circulated in it.

"Let you die under the sword that cuts off everything!!"

When this sentence was passed on to everyone's mind, they saw Susanoo, the gigantic ultimate body in front of him, raising his hand to stir up the sky in an instant, and suddenly waving at Zefa on the ground under his feet.

The sword, the majestic power ripped apart the entire air in front of him, and the color of the world changed as if to cut everything in front of him into nothingness.

Sen Luo sword!!!


I saw Zefa, who was wrapped in dark and armed color, moved frantically in the air at extreme speeds, and the Moon Step and Shave in the Six Forms were brought into full play by him, but he couldn't ask him to rush to the bottom of his heart.

The sense of fatal crisis, "I haven't caught all the pirates... I haven't... less

Time will not stop because of the obsession and struggle in Zefa's heart. At the moment when he was standing proudly in the high-altitude ultimate body Susanoo, the blood-red demon in the eyes of the reincarnation of the right eye firmly locked Zefa.

The silhouette of the giant, the mighty Shikigami that could reach the sky, the Mori Luo sword slashed by the super-long sword in the hands of the huge and mighty Shikigami hit him instantly.

"What kind of power is this... Are we all going to die... less

Facing the sword of Susanoo, the ultimate body above the head, which cut off everything, the minds of all the people in the whole land under their feet were blank, and for a while they forgot who they were.

Life is death.


Immediately after the sword of the ultimate body Susanoo was cut out, a deafening roar suddenly came from the water capital far away, and an endless gully was seen under everyone's feet that stretched to the water in the very distance.

Du, the entire magnificent water capital was split in half by this Sen Luo sword.


Chapter 121 Undercurrent (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 121 Undercurrent (for a reward and automatic)

"Water... The Capital of Water was split in half... little

Intermittent voices came out, and Rob Lucci and Kalifa, who were watching from below, saw an endless and deep ravine under their feet that split the entire Water Capital in two, and suddenly their tongues started!


wow wow wow....

As the entire Water City was slashed in half by Susanoh, the ultimate body of the moment, countless seawater poured into this endless gully on the ground beneath the feet, and the majesty of the Water City was completely swept away. water

The upper city is divided into two territories.

"The sword is out of my heart. People... why bother... little

The blue and blood-red eyes stared at Zefa, who was cut into nothingness by his own ultimate body, Susanoo, in the ravine under his feet. At the same time, he was a little shy in his heart, and he was also feeling the reincarnation of his own god.

The pupil technique displayed by the eyes is simply amazing.

Susanoo, who symbolizes destruction and destruction, does have the powerful ability to sever all things with one sword under the endless increase of pupil power of his own eyes of reincarnation.

"Teacher Zefa!!"

Seeing that his teacher and instructor Zefa had turned into a pink under the sword of the 24th giant, Smog, who fell among the naval soldiers, roared angrily.desperately trying to get out of the ground

He struggled to get up on the face, but he was hit by a kick that instantly covered the second stage of the armed color V gas, but he couldn't even do such a simple action.


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