After the sword of Susanoo, the ultimate body, that severed all things, it seemed that the whole world had no color, and all the pictures were frozen by this powerful force.


After the sword of the ultimate body Susanohuo was cut out, there was a deafening roar from the red earth continent far away, and I saw that two huge peaks were cut down by the sword energy. shock

The roar of the ear has been transmitted to the battlefield.

"The mountain...the peak of the mountain was actually cut off...Small

Intermittent voices came out, and all the navy soldiers and soldiers of the Shinra Empire army who were watching from below saw that the two mountain peaks in the distance collapsed and fell down, and suddenly their tongues began to knot.


"Where's Polsalino?!"

Sengoku and Garp were the first to recover from the ultimate sword of Susanoo, the ultimate body of the moment, and looked around the entire battlefield to search for Kiabou's figure, but found nothing.

"You don't need to look for it... He has been completely killed by my sword and turned into nothingness... little

It seems that he saw through the thoughts of Sengoku and Garp, and the huge ultimate body Susanoo delivered a momentary voice, and slowly retracted the super long sword in his hand, and the huge energy sword was still faintly entangled.

Around a layer of dark armed color 0 gas.

"Dead... General Kizaru was killed by him!?" Hearing the words spoken by the instant, all the navy soldiers on the battlefield suddenly felt a chill in their hearts, and their morale suddenly received a strong blow.

"Damn... Polsalino was actually killed by him... little

I saw with my own eyes that the sword that cut off everything just now and completely cut the yellow monkey into nothingness. At this time, the resolute face of Akainu, who was blown to the side by the instant, was full of horror.

Although the relationship with Kiabou is not very good in normal times, but seeing him being killed in an instant, Akainu can't help but feel the sadness of the death of a rabbit and a fox.

"He actually killed an Admiral of the Navy Headquarters in front of the five of us... can't go on like this... little

Some dazedly staring at the moment in front of this giant demon god, the eyes under the glasses of the five old stars of the Taoist suit are constantly shining, and he lost a hand in the battle of the former Holy Land Mary Joa.

With his arms, he is still diligent in the realm of kendo.

"If this war is lost... less

Wearing a black suit, the blond Wu Lao Xing quietly appeared beside the Dao ((cefi) clothing Wu Lao Xing, staring solemnly at the huge and mighty Shikigami in front of him, his tone in front of him.

Wei Yu was solemn and solemn, "Then no one can stop an organization like the Shinra Empire from rising... The world government must not allow such a thing to happen!!"

"It's different from the last time... This time, all five of us are working together to give birth.

The bald-headed and bearded Wu Laoxing was completely covered with a dark armed color, and it was vaguely like a pair of armed armor. Obviously, his domineering cultivation has reached an imminent breakthrough.

Armament is domineering to the point of the third stage, "And no matter how strong he is, there is only one person... We have to stop him no matter what!!"

"Stop me?! Hehe... less

It was shrouded in the entire huge ultimate body Susanoo, and the dark energy flames made it difficult to see the mask for a moment, but the indifferent and ethereal voice still passed from it, and it resounded.

Throughout the huge battlefield, "Today your world government and navy will become the stepping stones for the foundation of the Shinra Empire!!"

With the sound of the moment, the super-large sword in the hands of Susanoo, who broke through the sky in front of everyone's eyes, slashed out at an incredible speed in an instant, as if the entire huge body had no threads.

The weight of a centimeter is average, and the sharp sword light suddenly tore through all the air in the air and attacked the Five Old Stars under his feet.

Ghostly Slash!!

Facing the world-destroying blow of the Heaven-reaching Demon God in front of him, the four Five Old Stars under their feet suddenly felt a surge of pressure and killing intent. The eyes of the Taoist Five Old Stars gleamed under the glasses, and the first-generation ghosts in their hands exploded.

He issued countless curses of evil spirits that were almost visible to the naked eye, accompanied by a slash of sword energy that seemed to split the entire world, and swung his own powerful blow towards the sword glow of the ultimate body Susanoo.


The air roared, and all the navy soldiers and the soldiers of the Shinra Empire army in the entire battlefield temporarily fell into a state of deafness.

I saw that the five old stars in the Taoist uniform were about to reach the peak of the great swordsman realm. sword

Immediately, an infinite dazzling brilliance collided.

In an instant, the whole world changed color, and the shock wave visible to the naked eye blew away all the soldiers around the battlefield.


Chapter 141 Shanna vs Wu Laoxing (for a reward and automatic)

Chapter 141 Shanna vs Wu Laoxing (for a reward and automatic)

"This old guy... actually became stronger... less

The body was shrouded in a huge black ultimate body Susanoo, and he felt the resistance from the super long sword in his hand, and a strange look flashed in his blue and blood-red eyes in an instant.

, 'It seems that I am not the only one making progress. Ruan. …

"But... it's more interesting this way, isn't it... less

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly, and the blood-red brilliance in his right eye flashed, suddenly increasing the impulse of his pupil power, and the super-long sword in the hand of Susanoo, the huge ultimate body outside the body, suddenly sent out a more intense burst of energy.

The sharp edge instantly shattered the gigantic sword-qi slash of the evil spirits that was slashed by the Taoist Five Old Stars in front of him.

"Not good....Can't fight head-on!!"

Seeing the huge and mighty Shikigami in front of him, he instantly smashed his own sword qi slash with a sword. Wu Lao Xing in the Taoist suit suddenly shouted in a deep voice. His figure flashed, and the four Wu Lao Xing disappeared in place.


The ultimate body, Susanoo, slashed the ground with a super-long sword in his hand, and suddenly the entire frozen sea under his feet cracked a huge gap that stretched for hundreds of meters with no end in sight.

Dragon Breath!!

At this moment, it seemed to have seized the gap that was exposed at the moment of the shot, and the huge dragon in the sky suddenly burst into a violent roar, opening his mouth was a violent dragon breath that melted everything,

The large azimuth covers almost half of the area of ​​Susanoh, the ultimate body of the moment.


It seems that the sound of objects being melted keeps coming out, and I saw that half of the body of Susanoo, the ultimate body covered by the breath of the huge dragon, was gradually being melted. Although the speed was very small, it was undeniable that

The dragon incarnated by the curly-haired Five Old Stars indeed has extremely powerful power.

"Nice power... less

Sensing the change of Susanoo, the ultimate body outside the body, his blue and blood-red eyes flickered slightly. He held his hands in front of Yue Hun and did not move.

The huge dragon in the sky slashed out with a sword!

Just at this time.

Air Cannon!!

The whole person turned into a void of air, the long-haired five-star star floating silently in the sky, aiming at the ultimate body Susanoo standing in the sky in front of him.

The air is rapidly compressed, creating a vacuum channel between the visible and the invisible.

It was as if a dull sound wave like Hong Zhong Dalu came out, and in an instant, I felt a violent shock all over my body. Although the long-haired five old star's air cannon did not smash Susanoh's defense, it was huge in an instant.

The ultimate body, Susanoo, was knocked back a few steps, and the entire battlefield was shaken in 9 hours!

"What kind of ability is this... Is it a natural air fruit??"

Standing proudly in the ultimate body Susanoo, his blue and blood-red eyes narrowed slightly, and his eyes were firmly locked on the long-haired five old star in the void in front of him, whose figure fluttered like a wisp of invisible air.

Secretly speculate in my heart.

Moonstep · Shave!!

At this time, I saw the five old stars with blond hair as if they were teleporting. Combining the moon steps and shavings in the six styles, they crossed black arcs one after another in the sky, and instantly the whole person appeared in the top five of the body in an instant.

The ultimate body, Susanoo, charged quickly from his body.

Life is returned!!

Type Six Demon Finger Gun!!

The blond five old stars instantly entered the state of returning the life of the six-style mystery when the double legs were attacking the body of the huge Susanoo, and the ten fingers of both hands suddenly became as soft and slender as noodles.

The air above his head fluttered and shook as if there were no bones.

Boom boom boom!!!

Suddenly, a deafening explosion sounded, and in an instant, countless deep and shallow giant pits appeared on the surface of the ultimate body, Susanoo Hukai.

I saw that after the five old stars of the blond hair entered the state of return of life, every finger of both hands displayed countless finger guns in an instant, and tens of thousands of air bullets formed a dense attack like a waterfall.

In the blink of an eye, countless holes were bombarded on the huge and mighty God Kai armor.

"Hum... annoying flies... less

Although an attack like this can't break through the defense of the ultimate body Susanoo at all, it can't help but irritate him, and the Samsara eyes suddenly burst out with infinite pupil power.

 …for flowers  …

Reincarnation Eye·Shin Luo Tianzheng!!!


The deafening sound came out, and I saw a majestic and unstoppable shocking repulsion, which suddenly erupted centered on the body of the moment, and instantly all the offensive around him, all the ground and

The ruins, all the objects were bombarded out, and a huge circular crater on the ice underfoot was constantly spreading.

"It's this ability again... less

Feeling the majestic repulsion that came from the sudden impact in front of his eyes, the pupils of the blond five old star shrank slightly. He once suffered the pain of this trick in the first battle in the Holy Land Mary Joa, and the memory


“So fast!!”

Just as he was about to use the Moon Step and Shave out of the attack range of the six moves, the blond five old star suddenly opened his eyes, and saw the invisible repulsive circle of Shen Luo Tianzheng that erupted in front of him instantly spread out, like a streak.

The incomparably huge atmospheric barrier instantly sent him and the ice surface under his feet blasted out!

" shouldn't be unfamiliar with this kind of power...

Looking at the blond five old star being blasted out by the god Luo Tianzheng released by the reincarnation eye of his own god, he instantly raised his mouth and smiled coldly.

"Ugh... less

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