Seeing the huge and majestic repulsion that erupted from her body in an instant, Charlotte Lingling's complexion changed completely.

As a devil fruit person, if she falls into the sea, especially in such a high-pressure deep sea below [-] meters, even she can't imagine what the outcome will be.

Time won't stop because of her psychological struggles.

Under the urging of the endless mountain and tsunami-like pupil power, I saw that the entire board of the ship was completely shattered, and Charlotte Lingling, who was closest to the moment, only felt a shock all over her body.

The whole person was instantly blasted out by the huge repulsive force of the moment.

An incomparably huge circular pit spread under Mo's feet in an instant, and the main ship of the entire BIGMOM pirate group was completely bombarded and shattered by the majestic repulsive force that broke out in Mo'an.

wow wow wow...

BIGMOM's huge pirate ship was just smashed to pieces in an instant. Without the protection of the coating, the endless high-pressure seawater around him was madly squeezed and ravaged in an instant.

bang bang bang...

Accompanied by the influx of endless seawater, there are also the heavy artillery raids of the countless BIGMOM pirate fleets around. Countless special artillery shells formed a dense rain of bullets in the seawater, and attacked the moment.


Samsara Eye · Susanoo!!!

In the face of this endless high-pressure seawater and countless heavy artillery raids, the pupil power of the Samsara eye of the right eye erupted without any hesitation.

Flame-like black energy began to emerge from the whole body. In the blink of an eye, a huge black energy giant quickly wrapped around his body, and quickly grew blood and veins, and finally formed

With a full set of Kai armor, it easily withstood the squeezing invasion of the endless high-pressure seawater and the attack of countless shells.

"Charlotte Lingling...I didn't think you were lucky enough to hear a momentary playful voice coming from the pitch-black Susanoo.

In an instant, the azure blue and deep God's Reincarnation Eye penetrated the endless deep waters in front of her, and she saw that Charlotte Lingling happened to be bombarded into a BIGMOM pirate ship by her own Shen Luo Tianzheng.

among the team's ships.Immediately, the endless pupil power in the right eye of the blood-red demon of Ability God's reincarnation was instantly urged to the extreme by him.

Under the shocked gazes of everyone on the entire Fishman Island, the black Susanoo energy flames around the body shrouded soaringly, and in a flash, a man dressed in battle armor held a super long samurai in his hand.

The hundreds of meters of energy giants of the knife suddenly appeared in the deep and endless deep sea [-] meters below the ground.

The Ultimate Body Susanoo!!!


In the horrified eyes of all the pirates in the entire BIGMOM pirate fleet, this huge dark devil in the endless deep sea suddenly unfolded his huge wings behind him, stirring the air.

Endless high pressure sea water around.

Especially against the backdrop of this endless deep sea, this terrifying and shocking picture is about to smash the rationality of everyone around the fish-man island!

"Charlotte Lingling... Today, no one in your BIGMOM Pirates wants to escape.

"Bury me all in this endless deep sea!!"

I don't know what the reason is, but the sound transmitted from the ultimate body Susanoo was not blocked by distance and sea water at all, and it was transmitted clearly to everyone around the fish-man island.


Why am I here today??

Why do we provoke a demon like 'Eternity, Instant'!!

Hearing the death sentence pouring into his ears in an instant, and seeing with his own eyes this huge dark demon in the dark and deep sea in front of him, countless intricate feelings of remorse flooded all BIGs at once.

The heart of the members of the MOM Pirates.

Sen Luo sword!!!

Before the pirates on the BIGMOM pirate group had finished their repentance, the enormous power of the super-long sword in his hand, Susanoo, ripped apart all the high pressure in front of him in an instant.

The sea, the sky and the earth cracked, as if to cut everything in front of him into nothingness.

Just when the minds of all the people on Fishman Island were swaying, they saw the moment when they were standing proudly in the endless deep-sea ultimate body Susanoo, the blood-red demon in the Samsara eyes in the right eye was advancing, and the mighty majesty that could reach the sky.

The Senra sword slashed out by the super long sword in the hands of the martial arts god slammed out in an instant.

In an instant, after the sword of Susanoo, the ultimate body, that severed all things, it seemed that the entire deep-sea world had lost its color.

The sword energy in the air is torn apart!


After the ultimate body Susanoo's sword was slashed out, there was a dull roar in the high-pressure sea water in front of him, and I saw that countless ships of the BIGMOM pirate fleet were completely destroyed.

Some pirates died and fell into the endless deep sea to be swept away by the violent undercurrent...

""Yi is too strong....Sama-sama is simply too powerful!!"

A pair of beautiful big eyes (with Qian Zhao) shone with countless splendid stars, the charming mermaid White Star hiding beside Neptune on Fishman Island, looking at the huge dark demon in the deep sea overhead

There were countless BIGMOM pirate fleet ships, and they immediately jumped for joy.

"This... is a one-sided massacre. The people... less

Seeing that Moment, as he himself said, had killed the entire BIGMOM pirate group by himself, Neptune beside Shirahoshi couldn't believe his eyes.

Although everyone on the sea knows that the power of the 'One Emperor' must be above the 'Four Emperors'...

But if you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that the gap would be so huge...

With the continuous majestic sword energy of the ultra-long sword in the hands of Susanoo, the ultimate body, the ships of the BIGMOM pirate fleet continued to destroy and fall...


Chapter 178 The Bigmom Group Destroyed (For Rewards And Automatically)

One Piece Chapter 178 Bigmom Destroyed (For Rewards and Automatic)

"Damn... It's impossible to be his opponent in this deep sea... little

Seeing that the sky-splitting sword qi slashed out from the hands of the huge dark demon god in front of him, the countless pirate ships under his BIGMOM pirate group were destroyed one after another and fell into the endless deep sea.

Being swept away by the violent undercurrent, Charlotte Lingling's heart was gradually driven into the boundless abyss.

If she were to fight Charlotte Lingling on land and sea, she might still have a slim chance of winning, but in this endless high-pressure deep sea, she, a devil fruit person, faced the moment like this

Huge ultimate body Susanoo, what can she do??

"In that case... less

The fierce eyes swept the surrounding deep sea pirate fleet ships that were constantly being destroyed in an instant, and Charlotte Lingling, who knew that she had no other way out, clenched her teeth and suddenly became cruel.

"Rather than be killed by him like this...

Endless fierce rays of light flashed in Charlotte Lingling's eyes, and she glanced at the countless pirate ships around her that were destroyed in the hands of Susanoo, the gigantic ultimate body, Charlotte Lingling suddenly turned herself on.

The devil fruit ability in the body is activated to the extreme.

"Then don't let the old lady give it a shot!!!"-

657 - Corrosive New Morning!!

I saw Charlotte Lingling's hands! A majestic corrosive acid spurted out like a tsunami!

"Ah ah ah... less

A series of screams just sounded, and soon disappeared.The first to be attacked by Charlotte Lingling's indiscriminate and severe corrosive acid was all the crew members of the BIGMOM pirate ships around her!

goo goo goo...

A violent tumbling and boiling sound sounded, and the entire huge pirate ship that Charlotte Lingling was in was instantly completely dissolved by the huge corrosive acid that erupted from her whole body.

"What is she doing... less

The huge ultimate body, Susanoo, slashed out with a sword, and the majestic and fierce sword energy in the air instantly tore apart the endless high-pressure sea water in front of him and destroyed a piece of BIGMOM pirate ship.

I noticed a situation on Charlotte Lingling's side!


It was like a sound of boiling water coming, and the blue and blood-red pupils opened slightly in surprise, and in the endless high-pressure deep sea in front of them, with Charlotte Lingling as the center, the

The endless sea water was assimilated into the violent corrosive acid that erupted from her body, as if it spread wildly and rapidly like a plague!

But in the blink of an eye, the high-pressure seawater in the entire deep sea outside the fish-man island was assimilated into a violent corrosive acid by Charlotte Lingling, and the huge bubbles protecting the fish-man island were overwhelmed.


The remaining dozen or so BIGMOM pirates did not escape the end of being melted by this endless corrosive acid, and they were completely dissolved in an instant.

"Good strong corrosion ability... less

Suddenly surrounded by the endless corrosive acid around him, he was a little surprised to notice that Susanoo, the ultimate body outside his body, began to gradually dissolve. Although the speed was very slow, this acid

The corrosive power of liquids is surprising enough.

"Is this a plan for me to perish together... or do I plan to fight back and escape from Ascension... little

Through the black ultimate body Susanoo, her blue and blood-red eyes firmly locked on Charlotte Lingling, who was like the source of this plague in the distance, and her eyes narrowed for a moment, "Hmph... No matter what it is, it's already gone. Do not

important... less

"Because your destiny is only one... that is... less

Glancing at Susanoo, the ultimate body that was constantly being dissolved by this endlessly violent acid in the body outside of his body, he suddenly ((cebb) turned the vast and majestic glacial universe in his body.

"Buried here!!"

Aurora Punishment!!!

The huge and majestic freezing power in the body burst out, facing the high-pressure deep sea that turned into endless corrosive acid around him, and instantly stood proudly in the huge demon god's ultimate body Susanoo, holding everything frozen.

The power of ice slammed forward with both hands.

9 time, as if an extremely beautiful aurora descended on the deep sea abyss below [-] meters...

In the eyes of everyone on Fishman Island, it seems that the entire time and space of the endless deep sea has been frozen. All the surrounding matter has come to a standstill.

Immediately after the hands were waved forward in the ultimate body Susanoo, the endless white aurora suddenly rushed forward like an ancient wave, and a layer of white brilliance instantly rendered the crowd.

In front of people, there is an endless deep sea.

Charlotte Ringling. …

BIGMOM Pirates. …

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