The reason why Mo Mo didn't practice the Eight Gates of Dunjia was because he didn't get the training method, and secondly, the damage to the body was too great, and it was a forbidden technique that overdrafted life.

Although the immortal mode's increase in taijutsu can never reach the level of the full opening of the eight doors, that is, the eight-door Dunjia formation, the victory lies in the safety and durability. All-round additions.

Moreover, the immortal mode also has a feature, that is, compared with ordinary chakra, people who use ordinary chakra will become more and more tired, while using immortal chakra, people will become more and more energetic, which is simply cheating. Famen.

'The immortal mode is worthy of being a plug-in for the protagonist Naruto...' Seeing the power of the immortal mode, he nodded with satisfaction.

In the original novel, the protagonist Naruto cultivated an incomplete immortal mode, and he was able to instantly increase his strength from a little rookie who was nothing to one who was able to compete with six Payne. The immortal mode is really extraordinary.

'Stinky boy! You ruined our Wet Bone Forest again!!" An angry voice came from behind, and his body froze for a moment, and when he turned around, he saw that the bat was rushing over in anger.

'I'm sorry, Mr. Clam Bat! Next time I'll come over to apologize to you... I have to leave beforehand!'. Immediately, I released the fairy mode, bit my finger and pressed my hand on the ground, the ground extended out a spell, directly A cry turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared in place.

This stinky brat, I really don't know whether it is right or wrong to bring him to the Shitbone Forest..." After Xing Jian disappeared for a moment, the bat standing in the same place muttered to himself: "I can't believe that he has practiced for thousands of years. The perfect immortal mode that no one can cultivate...,'

After a puff of smoke, Su Mo suddenly appeared in the Hyuga clan's own room.

'It's almost's time, it's time to go to Danzo to get the scroll that removes the curse mark...', looking at the sky outside the window and the birds flying, his sharp eyes seemed to pierce the entire blue bend.

Naruto Office Building.

In an office, Sandai, Danzo, Koharu, Mito Gate, and four Konoha executives are discussing the content of the meeting.

'Sarutobi... In the past year, the death rate of ninjas at Konoha Ninja Hospital is actually 0?!'. Turning to bed, Koharu was flipping through a piece of data, his old lips trembling slightly.

Yes, and this information shows that the death rate of Konoha's ninjas during the mission has also dropped by nearly [-]% compared with previous years, which is an astonishing data. "Another Konoha elder, Mito Kazuya, also stared at the data report in his hand and was amazed.

Hehe...,' Sandai shook the pipe in his hand, poured all the ash inside into the ashtray on the table, and said with a smile: "This is all the data of that kid Hinata Setsuna, who became the monitor of the medical class last year...,"

"Furthermore, the medical amulet he developed last year is indeed a major achievement that can change the current configuration of the ninja team in the ninja world...," Danzo, who was sitting at the very edge, said coldly, thinking that he had missed an appointment last year, even he The two men he sent over were also killed, and his expression couldn't help sinking.

Since it's a talent that can't be used by me, don't blame me for destroying you, it's better than you running to help Sarutobi... Thinking of this, Danzo couldn't help clenching the crutches in his hand.

medical symbol.It is also one of the biggest gains and achievements of the past year.It is a portable medical ninja that took half a year to develop.The same as the principle of the detonating talisman, the medical chakra of the palm celestial technique is injected into the talisman through a special technique, although the medical effect is not as good as that of the palm celestial technique.

But the advantage is that it can be carried with you, as long as the ninja is injured while performing tasks outside, immediately take out the medical amulet that instant research and development is equipped with, and stick it on the body to achieve the effect of quick healing.

Through this medical talisman, the casualty rate of ninjas who went out to perform missions in Konoha plummeted this year, which is undoubtedly a huge contribution to the village.In layman's terms, the more ninjas we survive on our side, the more our overall combat power will be. If we take on one more quest, the enemy will take on one less quest.

Under the circumstances, this is undoubtedly invaluable to the overall strength of a village.

Moreover, everyone in the ninja team can be equipped with this convenient medical amulet. In addition to greatly reducing the casualty rate, it can also reduce the configuration of the team's medical ninjas and increase the configuration of the main ninjas. The improvement is also huge.


It's no wonder that Danzo makes such a comment. Indeed, with this medical talisman, in a general four-person ninja team, this medical talisman is equivalent to an invisible fifth ninja, an extra medical ninja. '. The three generations rarely agreed with Danzo's point of view, and nodded in agreement, none of the people present were

Fool, no one can save the huge value behind this medical talisman.

"This Hinata Susanna is indeed a rare genius. Although he caused us a lot of trouble last year, in general, he has brought us invaluable value." The next to the bed, Xiaochun, shook his face. Wrinkled, eyes turned to three generations, 'So what you brought us here today


'Hmm...,' Sandai took a deep breath of his cigarette, and after a while, he finally said, "I want to include Hinata Setsuna in the list of Hokage candidates... little.


Absolutely not!!"

Hearing the words of the third generation, the other three people present were shocked, Danzo directly objected: 'That kid is too young, how can he be a candidate for Hokage!".

Age is not a problem, and he is not a Hokage right away, so he is a candidate..." After hearing Danzo's objection, Sandai continued to say lightly.

'Well, Sarutobi's consideration is not unreasonable... Mito Kadome on the side of the corpse seems to have the same opinion,' In terms of brains and strength, this kid is indeed qualified. In terms of identity, he is Tsunade's disciple. , In terms of credit, he was the biggest contributor to the last war with Yun Ren, and he served as the squad leader of the medical team

And the development of this medical talisman has indeed brought huge benefits to Konoha... Yan.

But don't forget that he is a member of the Hyuga branch!" Danzo said coldly on the side, reminding everyone present, "Do you think the position of Hokage can be handed over to a branch controlled by Hinata?! "

After listening to Danzo, the other three people in the room seemed to be cold and drunk, and there was a moment of silence on the field. Finally, the three generations broke the silence.

'The identity of the Hyuga branch is not too big of a problem...' The third generation put down the pipe in his hand, and a sharp light flashed in his old eyes, "I can use the identity of Hokage to ask the Hyuga clan to lift the ties to Hyuga. Moment's curse seal control. I believe they are related to Hinata, they should still sell me this


'Sarutobi, you... The Ministry of Zombies can't help but be shocked to see that the three generations are so determined to train Setsuna to be Hokage's successor...

Chapter 78

"Well..." At this time, the other two senior Konoha elders seemed to be persuaded by the third generation. 'As Sarutobi you said, it's still feasible to save money. It's time to save Konoha to young people... ,'.

You...,' the group Tibetans were a little anxious when they saw that the other two also agreed.

'If there's no problem, then let's settle it!" I skipped Danzo's exhaustion, and the three generations directly came to a decision. 'Then I will immediately draw up a list of Hokage candidates, including Hinata Setsuna. ".

Humph!" Save that the three of them have already decided on this motion, Danzang's face twitched and he stood up straight away. I hope you will not regret your decision in the future!"

After walking out of Hokage's office, Danzo's face was as if dripping water. Hokage's position has always been his uncle Kai's goal, and Hinata is a ninja who can't be used for him, so he can only use some extraordinary means... …

However, what happened in Naruto's office was completely unknown to the moment.

He is now on a tree-lined path behind Konoha Ninja Hospital, which is the path where Sasuke said goodbye to Sakura when he defected in the original book.

You are here, Xiyan. "Sitting on the seat next to the trail, I felt the wind coming from behind, and said without looking back.

'Today, you actually took the initiative to ask me out, what do you want to do..." Xiyan, who usually shows a cool and beautiful image, now looks like a blind girl in love, with a hint of coquettishness in her tone.

Moreover, she was originally on duty today, but she was not wearing Anbu's attire, but a light-colored kimono. When she was summoned, she went home and dressed up.

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