As if he had lost his mind, he stared at the moment when he smashed the frozen corpse of Nalu Budding library with a foot in front of him.

Among the pools of blood and corpses around her, at this moment her long red hair seemed to be indistinguishable from the river of blood on the ground. Her originally pretty face was now distorted by extreme fear. . "Don't come's can there be such a magic in the world..." "What's your name..." Mosana gradually walked in front of Freya, staring at her who was already insane, right eye The reincarnation of God's eyes shone with a strange and mysterious blood-colored demonic brilliance, and directly controlled her with illusion.

"I... my name is Freya" Freya, who had already fallen into a mental disorder, was completely caught up in the illusion of the eye of the reincarnation of the gods, and finally calmed down, and honestly said her name.

"very good……"

Seeing that Freya finally became honest and was completely controlled by the illusion of her own reincarnation eye, she nodded with satisfaction and continued to ask: "Your guild...or your guild leader Ivan" He put all the important Where are the magic books hidden?" "You know... Freya..." "Magic books..." After hearing the question from Momo, Freya was silent for a while, as if recalling the exact location, and finally spoke up. ..: "On the innermost shelf of the guild's library" there are the books that President Ivan reads most often... "


From Freya's mouth, she successfully got the message she wanted, and she said thank you elegantly in an instant, and then the corner of her mouth raised playfully, and she walked towards the crow's tail guild castle in front of her..." "The most Inside the bookshelf"

"Let me see... where is it..." Walking into the huge and eerie ancient castle, through the long guild hall, in an instant, I finally came to the library of the private collection of Ivan, the president of the Crow's Tail guild.

He glanced at the rows of bookshelves full of magic books in front of him, and his eyes finally fell on the last hidden bookshelf.

"Found a little"

The celestial spirit magic of the Zodiac, the modeling magic of the rock, the curse of the word magic, the magical beast receiving magic... um... there are also celestial magic..."

In front of this bookshelf filled with all kinds of mysterious and powerful magic books, Mo Mo's eyes quickly glanced at all kinds of magic books, and whispered to himself, "Not bad... The collection is very rich..."

"As expected of Makarov's son... Laxus' father..."

After flipping through the books for about ten minutes, he finally put down these magic books in an instant.

Although these are considered the best of magic, 3.6 does not allow Momo to see top-level magic books such as God Extermination, Demon Extermination, or Lost Magic. (Dragon slaying magic needs to be taught by the dragon family, and cannot be learned through magic books)


At the moment when I was just about to leave with little interest.

Suddenly, the Tenseigan of God suddenly saw that there was a hidden compartment on the top of the bookshelf that was invisible on the surface.

If it wasn't for the eyes of the gods that penetrated things like the Tenseigan of God in an instant, he would not have been able to discover the mystery here at all.

"This is?!",

After using violence to open the dark box, he successfully took out an all-black magic book without a title from it.

Chapter 25 Mysterious Magic Book (for a reward and automatic)

"Today is the right time...

After carefully flipping through the mysterious magic book in his hand.

Looking at the magic words above all other magic books, his deep eyes suddenly lit up, "I didn't expect... Makarov's son actually hides such a good thing."

"Unfortunately..." "Marrying clothes for others... This book is mine now" After closing the mysterious magic book, the corner of his mouth lifted slightly, and he casually put it into his own king. among the treasures.

"Big Crow's Tail." "Thank you for helping me collect such a good thing" "Hahahaha..." With a satisfied and weird smile on his face, the unbridled laughter echoed in Big Crow's Tail. In every corner of the castle guild, the figure gradually disappeared into the gloomy atmosphere.

Only the countless corpses outside, the blood-splattered earth, and a woman with blood-red and long-haired faces sat in a pool of blood with a stunned expression, 08 formed a strange and incomparable picture.

I don't know how long has passed.

At the gate of the Crow's Tail Castle Guild, a large group of black magicians finally returned.

"The guild... everyone..." As soon as they came back, everyone cherished them and looked at the hellish scene in disbelief, "What the hell happened here?!"

"Narubuddinku is also dead... all killed..."

Looking at the terrifying scene of blood flowing in front of him, as well as the corpse of Narubuddinku, which was frozen and shattered by ice, as well as the ancient fortress who was bombarded with many holes by inexplicable weapons, I saw wearing a mask and a high hat, The black mage Obra with long hair and long nose was completely stunned.

As the well-known dark guild in the magical world of Asland, how could someone destroy their guild to such an extent?!

"Freya? Are you still alive?"

At this time, Obra, the black magician of the big crow's tail, finally saw Freya who was still sitting beside her in countless corpses and pools of blood, and immediately flew over and ran in front of Freya.

"Freya!? What the hell happened here?!

Seeing that Freya was still alive, Obra asked her frantically, "Did those regular Light Guilds do it?!


"Silver-white long-haired demon... everyone" guild...

Freya, who was completely in a state of mental breakdown, did not seem to hear Obra's roar in front of her. She was still sitting dumbfounded among the countless corpses and pools of blood, murmuring and repeating the same words with blank eyes. "It was all destroyed in an instant... We are no match for him at all" The long silver-haired demon?!

There is only one enemy?!

Suddenly everyone was shocked, and they frantically searched the magical world of Aslund to find out which sorcerer had long silver hair and the power to destroy their entire crow's tail guild.

"There is only one opponent?"

As Obra in front of her continued to question Freya, who had a nervous breakdown.

At this time, Ivan, the president of the Crow's Tail Guild, wearing a black fur-collar cape and a strange mask on his head, flashed a thoughtful look in his eyes, "Holy Ten? Say?"


Ivan, whose mind has fallen into the abyss of the devil's way, doesn't care about the life and death of these guild members at all.

But a terrifying thought suddenly came to mind, and the complexion under the mask suddenly changed wildly, and the whole person suddenly rushed towards the rickety old castle guild in front of him like a burst of madness.


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