In the beautiful blood-colored ice debris that fell in a colorful way.

In an instant, he finally embraced Ban Hong's slender waist and slowly fell from the air, and his feet lightly stepped on the ground.

"What kind of frozen magic is this"

He stared blankly at the moment when he landed in front of him.

Gildas's mind at the moment is full of terrifying ice-freezing power that is completely different from Gray's ice modeling magic just now.

"It actually smashed my smashing magic ice."..._And the time just now_" Recalling that the speed of the passage of time in the space where I was just now was affected by the terrifying "ice magic" in front of me.

Gildas' resolute face suddenly became heavy. Obviously, the strength of this mysterious young wizard in front of him, contrary to his elegant and handsome appearance, was terrifying and unbelievable.

"Wait a moment…

"Gildas... we are not the enemy" Just when Gildas finally shot again, he suddenly stopped him.

"you know me?!"

Hearing that Mo Shan accurately said his name, Gildas's face was startled. He did not expect that someone would know him in a place like Lingfeng Zhuo Ni'a, which is usually uninhabited.

I'm the strongest backup of the Tail Tail Guild... Me and the old man Makarov are also friends." Looking at the stunned expression on Gildas' face in front of him, he explained in an instant and took out from his black coat. A dazzling badge was swung gently in front of him.

"Holy Ten?!"

Seeing the dazzling badge that flashed in his hand in an instant, Gildaston's pupils shrank.

"It turned out to be old man Makarov's friend" 670 heard that he knew Makarov in an instant, Gildaston's expression relaxed when he said with a wry smile: "I didn't expect that my Lingfeng Zhuonya would be on a mission for a hundred years for so long_. … There is such a young holy ten wizard in the world." With a big orange back and small stubble, he is strong and tall, wearing a dark green windbreaker, and the coat of arms of the Fairy Tail Guild is worn on the left. on the chest.

Standing in front of Shanna and Banhong, this man who seems to be vicissitudes of life is the strongest among the three strongest backups of Fairy Tail, and the super S-rank magician who masters the super-advanced destruction magic-Crash. A Gildas.

For a moment, I didn't expect that I and Ban Hong had just entered Lingfeng Zhuoniya not long ago.

It was so coincidental to encounter a hundred-year mission that is challenging the most difficult task in the magic world (that is, a mission that has not been completed in a hundred years, is the most difficult mission, followed by a ten-year mission SS-level mission, and S-level mission again), Gildas, who was on a mission on the expedition to the spiritual peak Dronea.


Just when he was about to speak.

At this moment, the complexion suddenly changed, and the air in the mountain forest where the three of them were suddenly vibrated wildly, and a huge black wing symbolizing death and destruction suddenly swept the sky above their heads.

Chapter 41: The Black Feather of the End (for a reward and automatic)

Darkness is its feathers, and death its scales.

A black dragon with a body as large as half an island suddenly swept across the sky above the heads of Banhong and Gildas.

The black scales are immune to most of the magic in this world, the sharp minions can tear through any defense of the opponent, and the cold teeth can bite the strongest shield in the world.

Wings, muscles, sharp claws, and fluttering teeth undoubtedly do not reveal a deadly knowledge.

A pair of huge black wings that symbolize death and destruction slowly fluttered and fanned in the air. Driven by its terrifying magic and power, the air around the three of them continued to emit an uneasy roar.

"This is?!"

Suddenly seeing the black dragon appearing above his head, Gildas' face changed wildly, and the I hole instantly shrank to the size of 7 pinholes.

Nia, the most dangerous place in the world in Lingfeng, has always been said to have traces of dragons, but Gildas did not expect to meet a dragon today.

"And this dragon is" After seeing the unique death pattern on the black dragon above his head, the muscles of Gildaston's whole body instantly tightened to the extreme.


The blue and blood-red pupils locked onto the black death dragon passing by in the sky above his head, and instantly recognized its identity.

The source of evil, the king of dragons, and the black feather of the end, there is no dragon in this world that can have such a unique pattern of death except for Akunorokia.

Moreover, Aknologia is the only dragon-killing wizard in history who has completely transformed into a dragon. 400 years ago, he almost wiped out all the dragons of the dragon family, and is known as the King of Dragons.

The strongest black magician in the history of magic, Zelf, called it "the source of evil", a giant dragon that destroyed everything and brought despair and pain.And his appearance also means that the end of the right era is coming, also known as the end of the black feather.

To put it simply, this black dragon is likely to be the strongest creature in the world, except for those illusory gods.

"It's really this black dragon that destroys the world." Different from the dignified expression on Gildas' face next to him, he could not help showing an excited smile on his originally elegant and calm face," "Too All right…

"Ban Hong._..._I didn't expect us to be so lucky today.

I saw Shanna tightly grabbed the hand of the beautiful swordsman Banhong beside him, "As soon as he came to Lingfeng Zhuonia, he met Longyi and was the strongest black dragon, Akunorokia." There was an uncontrollable excitement and surging inside.

Although there have always been legends about dragons in the three two-dimensional worlds he experienced and even the worlds in his previous life, but the real dragon was the first time he saw it today.

And I remembered that if I could successfully tame a dragon, and the strongest black dragon in the world, Akunorokia, would be used as my mount,

What a shocking thing that would be.

"I've never seen it before." Looking at Moment, the excitement on his face at the moment, as if a child saw his beloved toy, the beautiful swordsman Banhong's big emerald green eyes can't help but bend into a crescent shape, ""Instant The adults look so happy"

Are you lucky?"

It should be the biggest misfortune, right?" I actually encountered the most terrifying monster in the world..._

Glancing at the moment when his face was full of excitement and anticipation not far from him, Gildas smiled bitterly in his heart, he could no longer understand what the young people were thinking.

At this time, the black dragon Akunolokia, who was gliding fast in the mountains of the Lingfeng Zhuoniya Wilderness Forest, seemed to have also heard the noise from the bustling earth under his feet, and suddenly stopped his flapping wings.

"Half Cao!"

"It noticed us!""

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