But under the shocked gazes of Gildas and Banhong, the black dragon Akunolokia still spit out human words, and his icy pupils stared at the only human who successfully traumatized him in 400 years.

Chapter 45 Catch the Black Dragon (for a reward and automatic)

After the black dragon Akunorokia uttered words.

And in the stunned eyes of the three of them, the size of the body began to shrink rapidly, and in a flash, it turned into a human appearance.

The black dragon Akunorokia in human form is a teenager with silver-white wild hair, dark skin covered with mysterious death patterns, and a pair of eyes of destruction.

He was also wearing a black cloak, and his eyes seemed to hate and hate all creatures in this world.

On his body, between his forehead and brow, there was a deep, bloody wound, which was the eternal wound left by the instant success just now.

"You don't look very old." Looking at the silver-white long-haired, dark-skinned boy incarnated by the black dragon Akunorokia in front of him, he looked at him with interest with deep and evil eyes, "I heard that you used to be one too. human right 11

"Who are you?!" She didn't seem to hear Mo's question at all.

I saw the black dragon Akunorokia in human form in front of him still persistently asked his own question.

"Okay." Seeing the silver-haired boy in front of him completely ignoring the question he raised, he sighed helplessly for a moment, "It seems that he is still so bad at communicating with people_…

"That... my name is Setsuna

Finding that trying to communicate verbally with the black dragon Akunorokia in front of her was a futile effort, she had no choice but to give up.

The blue and blood-red demon eyes stared at the black dragon Akunorokia a little, and in an instant he simply said his name, and directly stated his purpose, "I hope to be able to find a dragon in this world. As my mount" "I heard that you are the strongest dragon king in the world... so

Sister-in-law" Just before he finished speaking for a moment, the reincarnation eye of his right eye suddenly shrank with a strange brilliance.

I saw the young black dragon Akunorokia in front of him, disappearing in place in an instant, and appearing in front of him at a speed that was almost out of the eyes of the reincarnation of the instant god.

The palm of his hand opened and turned into a sharp claws of a dragon that ripped apart everything, and slammed it directly into Moan's face.

In the original book, the young black dragon Akunorokia's blow directly killed Serena, the most powerful magician among the ten saints in the Isuyinger continent, and the head of the four heavenly kings of Isuyinger.

In Lingfeng Zhuo Ni'a, he was just a playful attack, which directly caused Gildas to be severely injured in an instant, losing his left arm, left leg, and part of his internal organs, forcing Gildas to Abandoned ""Hundred Years Mission"".

In the eyes of the black dragon Akunorokia, the king of dragons, the dragons, the strongest species in the world, are only objects that he can slaughter at will, not to mention the human beings who are like ants in his eyes.

But this human being in front of him dared to open his mouth and say that he would tame himself to become his mount, even if this human being had enough power to hurt himself as just now, this is not something he can tolerate



However, the young black dragon Akunorokia ripped apart everything with the dragon's claw.

It was still firmly grasped by the palm of a human hand, and there was a violent roar in the air.

The palm of the instant directly grabbed the wrist of the juvenile black dragon Akunorokia's claw, although the body of the black dragon Akunorokia was obtained by slaughtering almost all the dragons of the dragon family 400 years ago. Destroy the body.

But Moan's body not only merged with the ten tails, but also became a fusion of Bengyu in the last two-dimensional world, which is completely an existence that transcends common sense and is immortal.

Moreover, this has not taken into account the fearful power brought by the ultimate blur.


A huge deep pit instantly appeared in the middle of the earth under his feet.

I saw that one hand firmly grasped the dragon's claws that were bombarded by the young black dragon Akunorokia, and the whole person took a violent kick in the air and blasted out.

The terrifying force that could not be calculated directly tore the sound barrier in the air, and slammed the young black dragon Akunorokia onto the ground, and the whole earth stretched out with spider web-like cracks.

Black Dragon's Teeth!!!

Was suppressed by the instant using such terrifying power.

This instead inspired the endless desire for death and destruction in the eyes of the black dragon Akunorokia.

The dark and dark magic in the air burned into a deadly flame, and the other hand of the young black dragon Akunorokia on the ground turned into a claw and slammed a devastating blow towards Moan again.

"Play melee martial arts with me" "You won't be my opponent after cultivating for a thousand years..."

The blue and crimson pupils were completely filled with the dark flames bombarded by the black dragon Akunorokia in front of him.

However, on the handsome and evil face in an instant, there was a sneering smile at this moment, and black magic power had already spread around the body.
Doom Rising Dragon Strike!!!

The black dragon Akunorokia, who incarnated the dark dragon slayer, blasted the dark teeth in the hands, and was instantly smashed by the doomsday destruction dragon bombarded from the legs of the instant.

The jet-black air dragon blasted out in an instant, and he swallowed it directly.

The terrifying power seemed to tear him to shreds in an instant, as if a dark flower of doom had bloomed.

With the roar of the destroying dragon, he bombarded the sky of Lingfeng Zhuonia with the young black dragon Akunorokia. The shocking movement directly shocked almost all the murderers of Lingfeng Zhuonia. beast.


He was hit by the terrifying force of the Doomsday Rising Dragon at zero distance from the front.

Rao was such an indestructible and invincible body as the black dragon Akunorokia, and he couldn't help but open his mouth and spilled the dragon's blood all over the sky.

In the roar, the black dragon Akunorokia could no longer maintain it, and directly exposed his dragon body in the sky.

Just as he was about to release the ultimate black dragon's roar once again, he was destroyed together with the entire Lingfeng Zonya. At this time, the icy pupils of the black dragon Akunorokia suddenly began to expand infinitely.

Chapter 46 Prison Lock Crazy Dragon (for reward and automatic)

Lingfeng Zhuoniya.

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