"Damn" is this weird space magic again..."

"War Concubine" Timaria Yesta immediately noticed the figures behind her five people.

Seal of Time!!

The magic power of Chronos, the god of time, is activated instantly.

I saw that the "War Concubine" Timaria Yesta actually stopped the entire time where everyone was.

Only she can move freely at the moment of stillness. She usually uses this powerful time magic to harm people's bodies when they are invisible.

All-knowing and all-powerful!!

The god in the left eye had already seen in advance that he would be frozen in time by the "War Concubine" Dimaria Yesta.

I saw that in the blue and blood-red eyes of the instant, countless mysterious and mysterious pupils flashed in an instant, and the omnipotence and omnipotence of the gods exploded in an instant.


Seeing the moment when she was clearly using time to stand still, but suddenly disappeared from her sight again out of thin air, "War Concubine" Timaria Yesta suddenly felt tight.

The terrifying ability to see through the future and change the future in an instant, she has suffered a deep loss just now, which left a deep impression on her.Destruction of the Ninety Black Coffin!!!

as predicted.

Just in the short moment when the "War Concubine" Timaria Yesta looked extremely vigilant, the entire space was suddenly dyed with a layer of dark purple light.

A black coffin formed by a huge and terrifying magic power suddenly cut off all the space around Demaria Yesta's body, completely wrapping her whole body in it.

"what is this?!""

Time finally returned to its normal flow rate.

Suddenly seeing the "War Concubine" Dimaria Yesta wrapped in this terrifying black magic coffin, everyone was shocked.

"Ti Maria!!"

It's too late to think about it.

Seeing that "War Concubine" Timaria Yesta was completely sealed in the huge dark coffin in front of her, Agil Ram, the "Desert King" next to her, suddenly screamed in shock

Countless dark and sharp shadow blades pierced through the mysterious and terrifying black coffin, blooming countless coquettish blood flowers!


With the piercing of countless shadow blades.

All the wizards present heard the painful cry of "War Concubine" Demaria Yesta from the black coffin in front of them.

The endless dark purple light in front of him dissipated, and after the black coffin disappeared, "War Concubine" Di Maria Yesta fell to the ground covered in blood.

Although she has dismantled countless shadow blades with her strength, "War Concubine" Dimaria Yesta was still hit hard by the black coffin that broke the road in an instant, and temporarily lost her combat ability.

"Damn" saw "War Concubine" Di Maria Yesta being severely injured in an instant.

In addition to "Reaper" Bradman, there was one less combat power among them, and the remaining four magicians on the field were suddenly shocked.

"Is it...

Exactly as he said,"

"Have we all been killed by him one by one..."

Magic Power Plus Air!!

At this time, among the remaining four Albarez Protectors and the Twelve Shields, the only ones who can maintain their composure and composure are the "Desperate Colors" Erin Berselion and "The Sorcerer" Orgast.

I saw Irene Berserion's long hair fluttering slowly in the air, the high-level additional magic was activated, and the wand in his hand pointed towards Moment, directly attaching his huge magic power to the air in front of him. .

Boom!!! (ahad) A huge and incomparably hot magma instantly appeared out of thin air at the top of Moment's eyes, bombarding him frantically, and even the air was burned and distorted in an instant.

Magical Power - Earth!!

It wasn't over yet, Erin Berserion's dark eyes flashed.

Stepping lightly on his feet, the huge and endless magic power on his body was instantly transmitted into the earth under his feet.

clang clang clang._…_

Suddenly, countless deafening metal roars sounded

I saw that the ground under my feet was instantly transformed into a sea of ​​countless sharp blades by Irene Berserion's high-level additional magic.

There is a sea of ​​fire above and a mountain of knives below, no matter what kind of opponent is facing the terrifying essence of the magic way of `f1's despair' Irene Berserion, there is only one way to die.

Seeking the Jade Shield!!!

However, in the face of the magma and sword blades that came up and down, left and right, he was unmoved for a moment, and his handsome and indifferent expression did not change.

I saw twelve black Taoist jades floating quietly around the body in an instant, two of which burst out and opened in the air at a high speed, instantly forming a dark protective cover, covering the whole person in an instant.

The magma, the blade, no matter what kind of powerful magic attack, bombarded the instant jade shield, all were swallowed and annihilated into invisible air.

"It's a tricky ability" Looking at the jade shield released in front of you, swallowing up the despair of the state "Irene Berserion" released all the magic, "Magic King" Orgast's profound magic eyes Suddenly he squinted dignifiedly.

"Those black spheres around him...seem to be able to nullify all magic_..."


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