After successfully liberating his Zanpakutō, Shigure was back.

I saw Banhong's red-relief Shiyu suddenly burst into a coquettish and incomparably bloody brilliance.

The magic power and ghost flames that were left in the air after the instant release of the ghost path was completely absorbed by the rain when her Zanpakutō turned red in an instant.

"This is" Seeing the scene in front of him, his sword brows raised in an instant, and he seemed to have vaguely understood the beginning of Banhong's ability to resolve the rain when he turned red.

No Moon Flow · Ying Lou Luo Yan!!

Sure enough, when the Zanpakutō in his hand turned red, Yu absorbed all the magic power and ghost flames that remained in the air for a moment.

As if he was a magic swordsman, he saw an astonishing amount of fiery, high-temperature sword qi flames burst out in the air in front of him.

Banhong directly used his strongest profound meaning, and released a large amount of flames at the moment of launching the Moonless Sword Technique.

With indomitable determination and determination, Banhong's Receding Red Shiyu turned into a huge flame of phoenix, blooming endlessly brilliant brilliance in the face of adversity.


Especially after absorbing the instant magic and ghost fire.

The power of the flames of sword qi that Banhong erupted was beyond everyone's imagination.

"Breaking the Demon?" He looked at the huge Nirvana Phoenix in front of him.

In an instant, the blue and blood-red eyes were full of amazement. Although he had never underestimated Ban Hong's talent, the strength of the world's leading talented female swordsman still far exceeded his expectations.

"'s a Zanpakutō that can absorb magic and mana to explode stronger slashes" "In this magical really suits you...Banhong" Vector · Energy Conservation!!!

Light flashes in the deep eyes.

Facing the terrifying slash of Banhong slash that destroyed the entire hillside.

I saw the vast magic power running on the body in an instant, and there was no exaggerated movement in the instant, just a simple hand stretched forward.

Immediately, a mysterious magic circle flashed between the two of them, Banhong and Banhong, and a mysterious ripple rippled in the air.

For an instant.

Banhong widened his emerald green eyes in surprise.

I saw Banhong in front of him using the Zhanpo Dao to turn back the red, the huge flame of sword qi that Yu Zhan hit, and the bait was instantly dissipated in the air.

It was like a small flame that was extinguished by the flood, not even a trace of residual heat was left, as if Ban Hong's powerful sword-qi slash had never occurred at all.

"This is... what?" "Lord Shanna, is your magic?" Staring at the incredible things in front of him, Banhong put down the Zanpakutō in his hand and retreated to Shiyu, muttering to himself.

"Let's finish today's practice here... Banhong" Looking at the Banhong demon in front of him! Burning Charm's pretty face had a stunned look, but for a moment, she smiled mysteriously and didn't explain much to her.

His azure blue and blood-red eyes fell on the Zanpakutō in Banhong's hand when it turned red, and he nodded with satisfaction in his heart. "A Zanpakutō that can absorb magic and magic power to explode stronger slashes, for Banhong such as this. As far as the powerful female swordsman is concerned, it should indeed be the Zanpakutō suitable for this world.

After all, in such a world where magic and magic are the main tone of battle, Banhong, who owns Zanpakutō's red-hot rain, has not only properly reached the level of Saint Ten, but has also become an out-and-out demon. Guide Killer.

"It's time for us to go back... Brandish...

After recovering all the swirling thoughts in his heart, "Kill" glanced at the only remaining grassy hillside next to him.

"It's really progressing so fast... Banhong" I saw Brandish P, the "Broken Country" who was wearing a swimsuit underwear and a feather coat jacket.

Zheng Yiyong was lying on the green grass lazily and leisurely, gently fiddling with a house that had been shrunk by her transformation magic.

"If it goes on like's about to catch up with me." After standing up from the grass, Brandish moved his white Zhe's slender legs! He gradually walked to the beautiful swordsman Banhong who had completed his training. Smirking at her.

As one of the ten 0.3 two-shield wizards of the Albarez Empire, although Brandish's strength is strong enough to change the world, but she is lazy and hates trouble the most, and has a kind-hearted character, which makes her incompetent in battle. A little interest and desire.

"Hmph...Little Brandish" He glanced angrily at the pair of proud twin peaks in front of Brandish.

Although Brandish's strength is temporarily stronger, it is clear that Brandish's personality is more like a simple little girl than Banhong, a wicked female swordsman.

In the past year, the two girls have often competed openly and secretly, and Banhong's emerald green eyes are full of confidence, "Yi Yijue! I will completely surpass you! Become the most useful person in the moment. woman!"

Chapter 80 Star Spirit Wizard Lucy (for a reward and automatic)

Stepping into the evening sun's afterglow.

He stared at Magnolia, a small town with peace and tranquility down the mountain in front of him.

He ignored Ban Hong and Brandish who were walking behind him and fighting with each other.

Moment's deep eyes quietly looked at the black mysterious magic book in his hand. It was the magic book that was snatched from Ivan's collection after swept away the tail of the dark guild crow a year ago. "Since the above magic..." I have already learned all of it," he muttered to himself, and closed his eyes lightly, and all the magic contents recorded in this book flashed in his mind.


Suddenly, a blazing fire burst out of his hand.

I saw that the black magic book in the hands of the instant was suddenly ignited by a raging magical fire, and the mysterious magic and the essence of the magic path recorded on it completely disappeared from this world.

"Next" "It's time for 08 when the world turns according to my script...",

Seeing that the black mysterious magic book in his hand was finally completely burned to ashes, he muttered to himself in an instant.

At this moment, a cool breeze suddenly blew between the mountainsides, taking away all the black ashes in the moment's hands. This is the wind from the plot.


This is a prosperous port town in the kingdom of Fiore on the continent of Isu Yinger.

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