Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 944: , reincarnation eye

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"Every cell in the body seems to be killed by a strange force, and I can't feel it!"

Shen Nong opened his mouth wide, and his hands trembled involuntarily. More than a dozen Mist Ninjas died before his eyes, and he didn't even perceive the fluctuations of Chakra.

What kind of power is this?

Is this their strength!

Shennong's eyes flickered, that kind of terrifying power that he couldn't even perceive, maybe that was the confidence of these two people...

"Thank you for your help!"

The three surviving Konoha ninjas were also terrified by the three people who suddenly came out of the space, but the other party took an understatement to save their lives.

"I don't know the three..."

The kunai in the hands of the leading Konoha ninja still didn't let go. He looked at the three of them suspiciously, and he always felt quite familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Where is Matty's team?"

Facing the three Konoha ninjas, Ye Long didn't mean to waste time, his eyes flashed, and the eyes of the three Konoha ninjas became empty at the same time.


Shen Nong was horrified again, and then fell silent. With such a terrifying illusion ability, I am afraid that it only takes a look to deal with him!


The leading Konoha ninja showed a hesitant expression, and after thinking for a while, he realized, "Maitedai ​​is just a shinobi, but he is not qualified to lead the team. He should now be under the command of Tamura Kamiujin, and he should be on a mission in the southwest."

"It's also funny to say that, Matday has been a forbearance for half his life, and his son is now on the same battlefield with him, and he can be regarded as a father and son soldier.

The funny thing is that Matdai's son is said to have become a Chunin, and his level is higher than his father, hahahaha! "

The three Konoha ninjas seemed to have lost their minds, completely speaking out what was in their hearts.

But the more joyful they laughed, the more frightened Shennong was in his heart.

"Ah, that's it."

Ye Long thought for a while and said, "You should have received information from Uchiha Fuyue recently, but the seven people of Kirin's ninja swords gathered together, how are you going to deal with it?"

"The Seven Ninja Swordsmen..."

A look of horror flashed across Konoha Ninja's face, as if he was very entangled in his heart, but he quickly said, "Sir Shikaku already knows about it, and has already made arrangements, but it has not been disclosed to everyone.

And his countermeasure is... release a small number of Konoha ninjas to carry out strategic sweeps as usual, pretending not to know about Kirito's actions.

He himself led the main force of the three clans of Zhuludie to retreat secretly, waiting to join the reinforcements sent by Konoha, and then slowly figure it out! "

"Ah? There is actually such an operation?" This time Ye Long was a little surprised.

"That's right! Mr. Lu Jiu said that in the face of absolute power, his resourcefulness is pale. Konoha's reinforcements did not arrive so quickly, so he had to leave the car to protect the handsome!"

The face of this Konoha Ninja looked very dark, while the other two Konoha ninjas seemed to be ignorant and yelled.

Among the civilian ninjas, only the trusted Junin has the qualifications to know about this plan. Lu Jiu retreated with Zhu Ludie's main force, and those Chunin and Jiunin, who had low identities and no background, had become abandoned children and cannon fodder of the war without knowing it.

"Hehe, people are all selfish, even a wise man like Lu Jiu is no exception. And what he did is indeed right. Rather than being defeated by the army, it is better to preserve the living strength. This is the decision a qualified commander should make! "Orochimaru said in a deep voice, with the affirmation of Lu Jiu in his eyes.

"I am the Jōnin who voluntarily stayed behind after the break, after all, if all the powerhouses are withdrawn at once, Kiriyin will also find out.

In the past two days, Wu Ninja's routine sweeps have become more and more frequent, and I am afraid that the seven people of the ninja sword will be shot soon.

However, the main force has almost retreated. Master Lu Jiu has also set up numerous traps in the original camp and buried a large number of detonating charms. When the mist ninja stepped on our bodies, those traps are enough for them to drink a pot! "

Although this Konoha ninja was controlled by illusion, his eyes were extremely determined, and he was obviously someone who was willing to give his life for Konoha.

"Okay, I've got it."

Ye Long chuckled lightly, burying traps in his own camp, and the Nara clan is also a ninja who likes to use detonating talismans.

Obviously, Matt and his son have inadvertently become Konoha's cannon fodder.

It is no wonder that the Chunin team of the original time and space Matekai met all the seven ninja swords, but the army of Konoha disappeared. This is not equal at all.

It turned out that all the Konoha could fight ran away, leaving only them to die!

The main force ran away, and only Maitdai was left to come forward, and only then did he show the power of the eight-door Dunjia, beat the seven-ninth sword, and became Konoha's "hero".

It's ironic to say it!

"Go ahead."

Ye Long waved his hand, and the three of Orochimaru rushed to the direction of Matt and his son, leaving behind the muddleheaded Konoha Ninja, completely unaware of what happened...

"Ebisu, have you found an enemy?"

"No, everything is fine!"

"I don't know Huo Xuanjian?"


In the dense forest, the three figures lying in the grass whispered and stuck their heads out after confirming that the vicinity was temporarily safe.

"Huh, the recent battle is really thrilling, and Mist Ninja's offensive is getting more and more ferocious."

Metkay was leaning against the tree trunk, his shiny teeth clenched in bandages, wrapped around his hands earnestly.

"Kai, you are the strongest among the three of us, and you will have to rely on your physical skills for support in the future!" Ebisu, who was wearing sunglasses, looked very nervous.

Kai was promoted in Naruto's temporarily-increased Chunin exam, while he and Shiranui Genma were temporarily promoted due to the war situation. He knew very well that he was the type of charge.

Facing the tragic war, Ebisu realized how carefree and carefree life in the ninja school was, and how ignorant and weak he was.

On the contrary, he usually despised Matekai, who looked down on him in every possible way. The sharp physical skills and the smile that looked like a sand sculpture made him feel extremely reliable at this moment!

It would be great if you never graduate, stay in school, even if you are a teacher...

"The atmosphere in the camp is getting weirder and weirder, and I always feel that those Junin are hiding something from us."

Shiranui Xuanjian was still holding a thousand books in his mouth, and he leaned against the tree trunk to rest.

Although his strength is not outstanding, his perception is very keen, and he has already noticed something wrong.

"How is that possible?" Ebisu shrugged.

"Huh? There seems to be a situation!"

Shiranui Xuanma's face suddenly froze, and he stared at one direction, "The cordon that I set up in that direction was touched by someone, I'm afraid it's Wu Ninja again!"

"What?!" Ebisu was startled.

"Not good... The warning lines in several directions were touched at the same time... I'm afraid, it is a large force!"

Shiranui Xuanma pulled out a thousand books that had been stuck on the ground, with untraceable silk threads wrapped around it, and his eyes were uncertain.

"Really? Then let's knock them down!"

Kai didn't pay attention to the eyes of his teammates at all, turned over and jumped up the treetops.

The forest in the distance did not know when a heavy fog had formed, and the fog could not be seen, and it was still moving slowly.

"No, that's Mist Ninja's Hidden Technique of Mist, I'm afraid there really is a large army, it's troublesome now!"

Seeing the scene in the distance, the carefree Matekai's expression also became solemn.

"Hurry up and notify the nearby squads and inform the camp of the information!" Ebisu's face was pale under his glasses, and he quickly formed one by one handprints because he was nervous and made mistakes several times.

"It's not good."

Shiranui Xuanma's face was very ugly, "Judging from the direction in which this mist ninja is going, it will inevitably encounter blocking from several of our teams, but we have found them, but we have not heard any reaction from other directions."

"Could it be that this Wuyin army directly killed the other scout teams?" Matekai couldn't help asking.


Shiranui Genma clenched his toothpick firmly, "Several nearby teams have real Shangnin in charge. Although a large force like Wuyin uses the technique of Wuyin to cover, it is actually not much different from blatant. It stands to reason that they have long been been found!"

"Oops, the squads within a few kilometers are completely unresponsive!"

Ebisu exclaimed, his voice full of panic, "Did they get killed, or... they retreated themselves without notifying us?!"

"Damn it!" Genma Shiranui cursed secretly, and even Kai became agitated.


Intense flames shot up into the sky, and the strong air flow violently lifted the thick fog.

The three were taken aback, but Shiranui Xuanma's eyebrows twitched slightly.

That was the detonating talisman trap he carefully arranged!

"Hahaha, well done, even Master Shinobi praised you for your hidden trap!" Kai laughed and patted Genma Shiranui on the shoulder.

Shiranui Genma smiled smugly. Any nearby Konoha ninja must have heard such an explosion.

However, the surrounding forest was still quiet, except for the flying birds that were startled away.

The thick fog seemed to dissipate, and Kirin took the initiative to release the Hidden Mist Technique.

Looking at the figure revealed in the mist, the faces of the three of Shiranui Huo Xuanjian suddenly changed drastically!

"This...this is...!"

The thousand books hanging from the mouth of Shiranui Xuanjian fell to the top of the tree with a click, and the Kai team looked at the angry face of Mistin in the distance, and a huge panic surged in their hearts.

Seven people, seven knives, they walked at the forefront of the mist ninjas, representing the cutting-edge fighting power of the mist ninjas.

It was Kiriyuki's famous group of seven ninja swordsmen. The fighting strength of the seven of them joined forces. It is said that even a real shadow-level powerhouse can be surrounded and killed!

"Damn it, this simple trap can't be found!"

The watermelon mountain puffer ghost roared angrily, holding a large sword shark muscle. Next to him were two Mist Ninjas who had been killed, but he was unscathed.

"Hee hee hee, senior, I'm afraid those cunning Konoha ninjas have run away, arranging these traps to hinder our pursuit." Ringo Yuli, who was carrying Thunder Saber Tooth, grinned, revealing sharp teeth.

"So it's enough to just rush and kill all the way. With our strength, we are not afraid of these tricks. Even if we encounter the main force of Zhuludie, we can clean up!" Loquat Shizang, who was carrying a large beheading knife like a door, shouted.

"Hehe, the main force of Zhuludie probably doesn't have the courage to fight against us. In my opinion, they will directly attack their camp at the fastest speed. If they are lucky, they can leave their tails behind." User of Shuangdao·Pingdie The ghost lamp full moon faintly said.

"It's all Nara Shikakunoha's trick!" Wu Lijinba, the user of Explosive Knife and Droplet, said coldly.

"Kill it directly, don't swallow it slowly like this!" The user of the blunt knife, the user of the blunt knife and the wild bait, said angrily.

Kuri Arashimaru, holding a long knife and a needle, nodded and agreed.

The mask covered his face, but he suddenly raised his head and looked in the direction of the Kai team, as if he had noticed something.


Shiranui Genma immediately buried Kai and Ebisu's heads in the leaves, and after a while he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What a sharp look, I was almost discovered!"

Shiranui Xuanjian tried his best to calm his heartbeat, "But what's going on? The Seven Ninja Blades appeared together, but our troops disappeared!"

"I think what you said before is good, the situation is quite bad, those Konoha Junin really have something to hide from us?"

Through the gap in the leaves, Ebisu timidly looked at the group of seven Ninja swordsmen who were driving straight in, "What should we do now?"

"Inform Konoha Camp directly, this is the only thing we can do."

Shiranui Xuanjian sighed, the distance was too far just now, and the Seven Ninja Swordsmen could not hear what the seven people said, but he seemed to smell an ominous aura.

"you're right."

At this moment, even the impulsive Kai had no other thoughts.

Under the gaze of the two people, Ebisu gritted his teeth and channeled his own ninja beast, a yellow-green budgerigar.

"It's up to you, little girl!"

"Hey ah~"

Ebisu stuffed the information on the parrot's legs and threw it away.

The budgerigar flapped its wings and flew in the direction of Konoha camp.

However, a thousand books suddenly ripped through the air and shot towards the parrot, and Kuri Kushiwan calmly glanced over, as if he had expected it.


Blood splashed, Ebisu's ninja parrot was pierced by thousands of books in the air, and fell to his death.


Kai and the three were startled. UU reading The Seven Ninja Swordsmen and Mist Ninjas in the distance all looked at his position. Wuli Jinba took a step directly, and with a "crash" sound, it connected to the droplet. The detonator scroll unfolds.

"Ninja Detonation Talisman Shuriken!"

Countless detonating talismans ejected from the reels and shot towards the position of the three members of Kai's team in the distance.

Under the blessing of Chakra with no pear or eight, the detonating talisman became extremely hard, like a card, it floated out for dozens of meters, and the "Duo" stabbed on the tree trunk, penetrating the tree for three points.

"Boom boom-"

The woods exploded violently, and countless trees were blown apart, including the one where Kai's team was hiding.

The three of Kai's team jumped off the ground in embarrassment, and there were already seven Ninja swordsmen who were eyeing them!

"It's dead now!" The three of them felt like falling into an ice cave.

"Hee hee hee, where did I say stupid parrot, so there are still three little mice hiding here?" Ringo Yuli smiled and looked at the three of them, as if looking at the flesh on the felt board, and there was even a hint of pity in his eyes .

"Quack quack, poor abandoned son, if you dare to plot against the old men, let's take a knife on you little devils first!"

The watermelon mountain puffer grinned wickedly, swung the big knife, and a few misty ninjas rushed towards Kai and the three behind him, with awe-inspiring killing intent.

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