Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 947: , Konoha New Era

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In the splash of water, the trees cracked, and with the deafening explosions, countless broken corpses floated on the water.

This is a war, and a tragic civil war broke out in Wuyin Village, which is now on the verge of collapse!

The absolute geographical closure, so that the outside world does not know, in the world of the blood fog, the ninja living in the land of water, who are living in dire straits, finally made their final cry.

Hundreds of ninjas, even civilians who had just picked up their weapons, roared and rushed to the location of the Water Shadow Building under the leadership of an elite force, launching a suicide-like attack.

Countless kunai burst out from the dark fog with the whistling of death, easily harvesting life, but were washed away by a strong and irritating fog and melted, revealing the hidden scene.

A handsome man in a green robe, with a flower-shaped black stick, stood at the top of the Shuiying Building, staring coldly at the rebels gathered from all directions, and beside him were masked Mist Ninja Anbu. The fourth generation of Mizukage, Gotachibana Yakura, is standing in the line, ready to slaughter the enemy at any time and defend the village of Wuyin!

"Enlightenment! You devil!"

"The chief culprit in launching a war without authorization and causing the entire country to face disaster!"

Facing the water shadow that was close at hand, causing the source of evil in the blood mist, the resisting crowd instantly rioted, and they all clenched the weapons in their hands, wanting to smash this short-looking man into tens of thousands of pieces.

"Ha ha ha, can't you finally bear it, a group of stupid ants, you dare to resist me, who gave you the courage?"

Yakura sneered and glanced at the crowd in front of him, his deep eyes finally stopped on a woman in the crowd who was wearing a blue robe and had a charming and enchanting figure, "You betrayed me, Terumi Mei, you are outrageous!"

"No, you are wrong, Mizukage-sama, this is not my decision alone, this is the unanimous decision of all the civilians and ninjas in the country of water, including the daimyo of the country of water!"

Terumi Mei slowly walked out of the crowd, facing the aloof Yakura fearlessly, "The rule in the blood fog has brought unbearable pain to everyone, no one in this country is willing to accept your rule.

Therefore, for the sake of the righteousness of the Land of Water, please hand over your rights and accept our investigation. Given your identity, no one will embarrass you. "

"No one will embarrass me? Hahahaha!"

Yakura's dark green pupils shone with blood-red light, and a huge and ferocious Chakra burst out from his thin body to form a Chakra cyclone visible to the naked eye. The terrifying killing intent made everyone in front of him scream. The rebels of , the momentum is stagnant!

"Damn, what a huge Chakra, how did this guy cultivate, why does he suddenly have such a powerful power?!"

"I heard that the three major families have gathered all the elites in the clan to join forces to kill this demon, but he was beaten out by himself, and even destroyed the three major families with one hand. The strength is unrivaled, even the strongest in history A powerful water shadow!"

"It's terrifying, it really deserves to be the monster who used his strength in the water shadow election of the three major families..."

The strength shown by Yakura made countless resisters feel terrified. After all, the elites of the three major families have already disappeared. In addition to the third ninja war that just ended, the ninjas of Kirigakura Village suffered heavy losses, except for the mist led by Terumi Mei. Most of the Anbu in Hidden Village are low-level ninjas and ordinary people.

But even so, Terumi Mei's extremely pretty face still did not show a trace of panic, she slowly touched her bright red lips, and the corners of her mouth curled into a graceful arc.

"How about Ao, have you found anything?" Terumi Mei whispered.

"Hehe, this guy is just bluffing. Although he looks very imposing, but through my eyes, I can see that his body does not have the terrifying Chakra that looks so terrifying, and he is even under you!"

Beside Terumi Mei, a middle-aged mister wearing a blindfold sneered, if you look closely, the veins around the eyes under the blindfold burst out at this moment, as if performing some kind of pupil technique.

This person is one of Terumi Mei's trump cards, the "white-eyed killer" Ao of Kiriyin Village!

Although Konoha's Hyuga clan has extremely strict control over the boundaries of the blood, each branch is marked with a caged bird curse, but by chance, Ao was still in the previous war, from a Hyuga ninja who captured a eyes.

It is said that it is one of the few clan ninjas of the Hinata clan who should be dispatched to the battlefield for manpower tension, and this eye is also the only white eye that the Hinata clan has obtained by outsiders.

After winning over to Ao, Terumi Mei has secretly used the ability of Ao's white eyes to observe Yagura for a long time, and the conclusion that Yagura finally came out was not invincible.

Although she couldn't understand how Yagura broke out of the siege under the sure-kill siege of the three major families, and killed the most elite powerhouses of the three major families with terrifying strength, she still believed in Qinghe Baiyan's perception.

How can a coup d'etat change the dynasty without taking risks?

The country of water has reached the final moment, and if Yakura continues to mess around, it must be doomed.

The three major families are destroyed, and the next one should be the other people, so they have no way out.

Moreover, Terumi Mei also believes in her own strength. She has two kinds of blood and has grown up in the war, and she believes that her strength is no less than any powerhouse in the ninja world!

"The reason for forcing you to abdicate is the last resort decision of everyone!"

The equally powerful chakra erupted from below, and Terumi Mei with eye-catching orange long hair stood out from the crowd, and said coldly, "Yakura Goji, our Wuyin Village is isolated overseas. It was originally a pure land with no competition in the world. You participated in the war for no reason, causing life to be ruined, just for your inexplicable preferences!

In addition, you have persecuted the three major families of Wuyin Village for no reason and massacred them. "

Terumi Mei stepped forward step by step, and without every word, people's anger and courage rose to the top, faintly overwhelming Yagura's arrogance again.

"Besides, my people have received accurate information. In the past few months, it seems that you have been transferring the only remaining property and materials in Wuyin Village, and even secretly gathered some strong people to secretly extradite them out of the village!"

Terumi Mei shouted coldly, "Yakura Kuroko, you are simply insane, what qualifications do you have to continue to hold the position of Mizukage?!"

"That's right, Yakura, I am impeaching you on behalf of all the elders of Wuyin Village!"

An old man raised his scepter and shouted loudly. He is the elder teacher of Wuyin Village. It can be said that he represents the will of all civilian ninjas, similar to Konoha's elders.

"Long live Terumi-sama!"

"Go to hell, Yakura, citrus orange!"

"You devil!"

The people who supported Terumi Mei seemed to be greatly encouraged, and shouted frantically. The momentum completely overwhelmed all of Yakura's subordinates, even Yakura's subordinates. At this moment, many people had a huge shake in their hearts. I couldn't help but tremble in the hands that were clenched tightly...

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's really touching, Wuyin Village still has such an excellent talent, why hasn't the war for more than ten years killed her?"

Yakura remained expressionless, unmoved by Terumi Mei's majestic crusade.

Behind Yakura, two people wearing Kirin masks were whispering.

"When we persecuted the three major families before, whether it was Terumi Mei or the famous name of the Land of Water, all of them were on the sidelines, and they were safe.

Because we have weakened the power of Kiriyin Village by doing this, but those small families and commoner ninjas are happy to see them. It should be because the three major families have oppressed them for decades, covering the sky with only one hand, and they don't even need to care about the big name. opinion. "

Bai Jue sneered, "Now that the three major families are destroyed, they feel threatened, so they will join forces to resist.

This is the weak, obviously short-sighted, but always thinks how great he is, outstanding! "

"People who haven't felt the pain will never be willing to try to resist."

Wearing a tiger-print mask, Obito looked at the crowd at his feet coldly, as if he was looking at worthless grass, without any emotion in his eyes.

Yakura's evil deeds are well known, but it was actually controlled by Madara Uchiha and he took over.

For the misfortune of Kiriyin Village, Obito would have no mercy at all.

He is no longer the Obito he used to be, and he only has revenge and create a new world.

"How about bringing soil, are we going to come forward?"

Bai Jue laughed and said, "If you don't show up, Yakura, who has lost control of Madara's power, is just an empty shell, and it is estimated that even the woman Terumi Mei can't be defeated.

The country of water will be controlled by that woman in the future, and we all have to be swept out. "

"Of course, with your current strength, even if you make a move, it won't change the overall situation." Bai Jue added silently.

Obito may be able to use his ability to assassinate Terumi Mei, but the flames of resistance are already burning, and Obito does not have the absolute strength to suppress everything like Madara Uchiha.

"The materials that can be transferred by the Land of Water have been transferred to my Shenwei space, and the rest of the people who are willing to follow us have also left the village. There is no value here anymore."

Obito said coldly, "Uchiha Madara has already brought this country to its knees, and will not have the strength to affect the situation on the mainland for more than ten years.

The only pity is that Sanwei has not been resurrected until now..."

Obito clenched his fists tightly, and even his body was shaking slightly.

The death of the three tails, naturally, was because Kakashi killed Rin, who was a human pillar.

The resurrection of the tailed beast is far away, especially the three tails have died many times in a row, and the chakra in the body is already extremely weak, and they can't wait for them to capture the seal again.

"Then just wait until Sanwei is resurrected and then come back to get it. At that time, we will join the Xiao organization in Yuren Village. This kind of trivial matter is just a breeze." Bai Jue said indifferently.

"Let's go."

Obito turned his head and left, indifferent to the rebellious ninjas who had already rushed towards Yakura and Mizukage Building behind him.

A burst of violent explosions followed by a half-day of water splashing behind him. The overwhelming ninjas rushed up and quickly engulfed Yakura's men. Terumi Mei even stepped forward and faced Yakura alone.

"Hehehe, I'll give you some small gifts at the end."

Bai Jue was also unwilling to participate in such a meaningless battle. Before leaving, he jokingly smiled. Dozens of mist Ninjas pretending to be Bai Jue's clones suddenly rushed up and slapped a large number of detonating talismans on them.

In the violent fire, a full Hundred Mist died on the spot, bringing the final damage to Wuyin Village.

"Jie Jie Jie, there will be a period in the future, the water shadow of Wuyin Village in the future!"

In the blaze of fire, Bai Jue silently burrowed into the ground, and Obito beside him had already stepped into the Shenwei space.

They finally lost the back garden of Wuyin Village, but next, the two will lead the ghost and others to the country of rain and start the next plan...

"Water Escape·Water Dragon Ball Technique!"


Wuyin Village, three full hours later.

With a "thump", Yakura, in ragged clothes, knelt on the water, his face pale, and the chakra in his body was exhausted.

By his side, all his loyal subordinates, including the ninja who Bai Jue pretended to be, were all killed and wounded.

"Surrender, Yutachi Yakura!"

Terumi Mei walked towards Yakura step by step, her blue shirt was also torn a lot, revealing her looming white and delicate skin. Obviously, it was not easy for her to defeat Yakura.

Beside him, Qing, Ringo Yuri and other elite men also slowly approached, including a talented young ninja named Changjurou.

Yakura is defeated, and what awaits him is an absolutely tragic end, and they will assist Terumi Mei to become the new master of the country of water.

However, at this moment when everyone expected, Yakura, who had been in the end, suddenly became confused, with scarlet rays of light in his eyes, nonsense in his mouth, and fell to the ground and struggled in pain.

"This...this is...?!"

Everyone didn't know Chojuro, who opened his eyes, was taken aback.

He had observed Yakura several times before, and had always been suspicious of the strange chakra flow in Yakura's body, and even had a feeling that Yakura was being manipulated by illusion.

But this guess is too unbelievable, Qing does not think that someone has the strength to control Yakura, and the current situation is precisely because the chakra in Yakura's body is exhausted, and the control of his illusion energy is rampant.

But if the guess is true, the time that Yakura was manipulated has lasted for at least a few years.

In other words, the culprit who caused the huge disaster in Wuyin Village... may actually be someone else!

If so, that would be horrible.

"Hurry up and save people!"

In the chaos, Yagura was quickly controlled by others, and then he was heavily protected by Terumi Mei's men and moved to a safe and hidden place.

This news is too shocking and will have a huge impact on Wuyin Village. It must be extremely cautious and not let ordinary people know.

"How could such a thing happen?"

The elder of Wuyin Village sighed deeply, while Terumi Mei's expression on the other side was gloomy, "We will do our best to block this news, including our actions this time, we must keep this secret!"

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