Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 943: , the power of Shion

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At this moment, Zi Yuan was just a baby. Looking at the panicked mother, she instinctively felt a huge threat and let out a harsh cry.

"It's a pity. Originally, I still had some ideas for a guy like you, who has the blood of the pure Otsutsugi clan."

After defeating Otsutsuki Kamura, a power that had just touched the existence of the Six Paths, Ye Long's heart was not disturbed, and he was thinking of another problem entirely.

He hasn't created a new soul avatar for a long time, and the ability to split his soul has cooled down very early. If he can't continue to obtain a new avatar, Ye Long's strength growth rate will be invisibly limited.

Even because of restricting his talent for a long time, Ye Long also created a consuming clone reincarnation to deal with Hei Jue.

But it's useless to be anxious, it's not just to take the body of a strong man at will.

Powerhouses with similar abilities, even if they are fused, cannot increase their strength much after merging with the main body.

The choice of avatar is the top priority, which is related to the future potential and development direction, and must not be hasty.

Since the last time he refined the sprite into a avatar, Ye Long reserved the sacred power of the witch as one of the future avatars, and has never found a suitable object since then.

It stands to reason that the Tenseigans of the Otsutsuki clan also belong to the Otsutsuki clan and ninja abilities, but this is not the case.

The Otsutsuki bloodline of the ninja world finally evolved into the eye of reincarnation, while the end point of the moon Otsutsuki bloodline is Tenseikan, a special pupil technique that belongs to the inheritance of Otsutsuki Yumura.

You can see the ability and development direction of Tenseikan, which is very different from Samsara Eye and Baiyan. Even the powerful pupil technique that Kaguya Otsutsuki, the ancestor of the ninja world, does not have, has huge potential.

Ye Long's body already has multiple powers, including the blood of the Otsutsuki clan in the ninja world, which is the condition for awakening the eye of reincarnation in the future.

With such a body already fused with multiple abilities, re-integrating Tenseigan would be enough to chew, and even create unknown conflicts.

To know that the ability of the reincarnation eye is enough, plus other blood and natural energy, if Ye Long directly uses the body to awaken the reincarnation eye, he will first face a very embarrassing problem - he must constantly switch his eyes to display different It is almost impossible to fully exert one's own strength.

It's like Uchiha Obito in the original time and space, with his reincarnation eye and kaleidoscope at the same time, he can use all his abilities, but he can't play it to the extreme.

It looks amazing, and it can control a group of puppets, but in fact, everything is proficient and everything is loose.

And if you create a clone with Tensei Eyes, it will be different. Under the condition of displaying the ultimate form of the white-scaled orochi - the form of the Orochi, he can completely display all the clones' abilities!

Therefore, Ye Long was very excited when he first saw Datongmupu Village, and decided to refine it into a fourth avatar, but found that Datongmupu Village was not a real and stable life form. An ancestral hero who was temporarily "resurrected" by the spiritual will power of the Otsutsugi clan and the power of powerful blood.

If Ye Long forcibly refines Otsutsuki Pu Village at this moment and becomes a clone, then immediately returns to the ninja world and uses the eyes of the Hinata clan to awaken the Tenma... Maybe there is a chance to succeed, but it will only be a flash in the pan, because Otsutsugi Pu Village's body will eventually Corruption, completely disappeared in the world.

Losing the power of blood, his clone is just an ordinary person with an empty body, completely abolished, and the loss outweighs the gain...

"It seems that you can only devour your remaining bloodline power and prepare for the future."

Ye Long walked slowly towards the remnant of Otsutsuki Pu Village, with the red light of [Devouring Core] shining in his palm.

Since there is no possibility of sacrificing and refining in Otsutsuki Pu Village, then it is better to devour the future Otsutsuki Sheren, which is the same.

Ye Long doesn't know if there will be Otsutsuki Sheren in this world. If it can't be done, he can only use the blood power of Otsutsuki Pu Village to cultivate...

"The glorious Otsutsugi clan will never surrender to an evil and despicable existence like you..."

Perceiving Yelong's approaching step by step, his body and remaining will collapsed a little bit, and Otsutsuki Pu Village slowly floated up.

The originally mutilated body has actually recovered at this time. Of course, the energy will not recover, and the body is faintly transparent.

"It seems that I have followed your way. Your original purpose was to devour the power of my Otsutsuki clan, right?" It seemed that the light returned, and Otsutsuki Kamamura's body shone even more.

"You're right, but it's a pity that the response was too slow."

Ye Long smiled and said, "Although I'm sure to defeat you, it makes sense to use an easier way of fighting, right?"

"Haha, I am really a sinner of the Otsutsuki clan!"

Otsutsuki Kamura's tone became more and more serious and sad, as if he had made a decision, staring at Ye Long in front of him, "In addition to guarding the moon, as the guardian of the Otsutsuki sect, my appearance also shoulders the responsibility of continuing Otsuki. The mission of the blood of the wood family.

But in order to deal with you, in order not to let you harm the world created by my ancestors, I can no longer take care of everything, and must make sacrifices! "

With the sound of "swipe", Otsutsuki Pu Village quickly flew into the sky, holding both hands in the distance, and a very complicated handprint was slowly formed.

With his movements, Otsutsuki Kamura's body became more and more shining, and his hair and hair were transparent. However, in the originally dim sky, five light spots like stars flickered, and a majestic and powerful force slowly emerged. , The world is filled with solemn coercion!

"This... what kind of power is this...?!"

Ye Long was surprised to feel the extremely strong chakra fluctuations in the sky, and finally suddenly realized that it was exactly the same as those giant Tenseisen!

"Impossible, I have moved the giant Tenseisen to a safe place, and should no longer be controlled by Otsutsuki Kamura!"

Ye Long quickly denied the possibility of Otsutsuki Kamura being able to control the giant Tenseigan from a distance. The huge chakra that appeared in the sky was definitely another existence.

"Wait, what are those five points of light in the sky?"

Otsutsuki Kamura's movements seemed very slow, and Ye Long had no intention of stopping him at all.

Then Ye Long noticed the vision in the sky.

After opening the eyes, the five light spots were actually some kind of metal base station, obviously made by the Otsutsuki clan.

The five base stations released a strong bloodline power, and faintly formed a link with Chakra, who was born out of Otsutsuki Kamuramura at this time, and seemed to be performing some kind of ceremony.

Finally, before Otsutsuki Kamura's body was completely exhausted, he completed his preparations and let out a low drink in the sky!

"Ninja Reincarnation of Puppet!!"

"Boom," the incandescent light illuminated the sky. Under Ye Long's unbelievable gaze, five bright bands of light meandered out from the five base stations, and quickly merged into the body of Otsutsuki Pu Village from the air.

If you look closely, those light bands are actually made up of white eyes!

"How is this possible? Isn't there only one giant Tenseisen? Where did these Tenseisen come from?!" Ye Long couldn't help but exclaimed.

He didn't know that there was indeed only one giant Tenseigan base station on the moon, and that was the one that was controlled by the Otsutsuki branch to destroy the Otsutsuki sect.

However, the moon is so big that it is difficult for the Chakra of one Tenseigan base station to cover all of it, so there are five secondary Tenseisen base stations to assist.

When Otsutsuki Xuanyi launched the rebellion before, he directly arranged for his subordinates to destroy the secondary Tenseisen of the five base stations, and restored them to countless white eyes, which could not function in a short period of time.

However, Otsutsuki Xuanyi, the head of the branch family, did not know that the Zong family had sealed the last trump card, Otsutsuki Xuanyi's heroic spirit, in one of the secondary base stations.

At this moment, the Otsutsugi clan has reached the critical moment of life and death. Otsutsuki Kamura finally decided to absorb all the secondary Tenseigan base stations, tens of thousands of white eyes, and let their strength break through the final limit!

"I didn't expect, I really didn't expect you to have such a backhand!"

The speed of Otsutsuki Pu Village's fusion of countless eyes is actually very slow, Ye Long can easily stop it, but Ye Long not only has no intention of stopping, but even starts to cheer for Otsutsu Mu Pu Village excitedly!

If Otsutsuki Kamamura really completes the puppet reincarnation technique where he lost his eyes in the original time and space and failed to complete the last fight, he can temporarily obtain the power of Tenseigan, and even obtain a real body and a real resurrection!

And in this way, Ye Long will have the opportunity to devour Otsutsuki Kamura's body, refine him into a fourth avatar, and get his hands on the power of Reincarnation!


Otsutsuki Kamura does not know Ye Long's mind. He does not have a complete will, and he works hard to integrate the enormous power in his body.

Tens of thousands of white eyes approached his illusory body, as if half melted and turned into a white viscous substance to wrap around his body and merge into it little by little.

During this process, Otsutsuki Kamura's body stared little by little, his breath soared, and at the same time he suffered unimaginable pain!

"Come on, don't give up!"

"For the Otsutsugi clan, for your mission!"

"Persistence! Persistence is victory..."

Puppet reincarnation is definitely a high-risk forbidden rebirth technique, and the cost is comparable to the reincarnation inborn technique of the eye of reincarnation.

Not to mention that it will permanently consume a lot of white eyes, consume a family of blood, and the body will instantly withstand the fusion of thousands of people's cells, and there is a risk of failure.

If Otsutsuki Kamura was still conscious at this time, seeing Ye Long desperately cheering for him, he would not know how he would feel.

Fortunately, Otsutsuki Kamura does not have a complete will, and did not collapse in the intense pain, and the new body is gradually taking shape...


With a clear long howl, the green light spread out like the fire of a prairie prairie, and the greatly changed Otsutsuki Pu Village appeared in the flames, and a pair of deep eyes stared at Ye Long again!

"Success! This is Tenseisen, this is Tenseisen Chakra Mode!"

Otsutsuki Pu Village stood with his hands behind his back, and the robes attached to the emerald green chakra carried a detached and sacred atmosphere.

On his forehead, a slender antenna extends to the back of his head, representing his noble and pure blood.

Nine jades that glowed green light floated behind his head, which contained the terrifying power that was enough to wipe out the shadow-level powerhouse in an instant——

The fully resurrected Otsutsuki Pu Village did not disappoint Ye Long, and entered the Tenseigan Chakra mode directly, and the amazing power instantly broke through the six levels!

"Your purpose is to plunder the blood of my Otsutsugi clan."

Otsutsuki Pu Village said coldly, without a trace of emotion in his tone, "The mission given by the ancestors cannot be desecrated, to kill you and others, I will sacrifice myself, so that the Otsutsuki family will once again be born with a new pure-blooded bloodline."

"is that so?"

Ye Long was slightly startled, and vaguely guessed the origin of Otsutsuki Sheren.

As the last person in the branch, he has the purest Otsutsuki bloodline. Perhaps Otsutsuki Sheren was not a normal "birth", but a "son of God" who was bred using the huge Otsutsuki blood power before the branch was completely destroyed. ".

"Unfortunately, although you have awakened such a power, it still won't change the fate of the Moon Otsutsuki clan."

Ye Long joked, "After all, you just fulfilled me, the new Otsutsuki Pu Village!"

"Go to hell, demon heresy!"

The revived Otsutsuki Pu Village seems to have wiped out all emotions, with a bright green light all over his body, rushing directly to Ye Long, leaving a dazzling trace in the air!

"Ninja·Yue Nian Shifting Stones and Breaking!"

Zhijian Otsutsuki Pumura let out a low voice, and a trace of green chakra escaped from him.

The earth vibrated, and countless huge moon rock rubble seemed to be dragged by invisible hands, and they burst into the air one after another.

"Xianju · Big Snake Thunder!"

Ye Long waved his blade, lightning flashed, and he also faced With the violent explosion, the explosion continued to erupt from the sky, the blazing thunder slammed against the endless green boulders, and countless rubble floated into the universe. In space, it seems that a layer of meteorite belts has appeared on the surface of the moon.

Both sides are existences at the level of the Six Paths. The strength of Otsutsuki Pu Village and Zhang Kai's strength are obviously stronger than that of Toto Otsutsuki in the original time and space. Obviously not a real six-level powerhouse.

And Ye Long, although unable to draw infinite natural energy from the surrounding space, the power accumulated by himself is equivalent to a six-level powerhouse who has entered the immortal mode.

The two sides were fighting. For a time, the surface of the moon was flying with sand and rocks, and the sky was dark and dark. It was many times more intense than the one-sided battle before.

"Is this... the end...?"

Some surviving people of the Otsutsugi clan who were not engaged in combat walked out of the dilapidated bunker in panic, looking at the lightning and thundering sky in the distance with their mouths open.

"The terrifying Chakra, is the power of the ancestors appearing again?"

They wanted to get closer and see the two sides fighting in the storm, but the devastating storm was fleeting, and the aftermath left countless buildings and survivors to ashes...

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