Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 947: , Holy Light

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However, even so, the hurried departure of Shirai Jue and Obito made Terumi Mei even more calm than the original time and space, and it was no longer difficult for Kiriyin Village to recover as one of the five powerful Ninja villages.

There are only two of the seven-ninja swords of the older generation belonging to Wuyin Village for the time being.

After that, the secret analysis of Yakura's situation came out. The fourth generation of Mizukage Yakura was indeed hit by a powerful illusion, and he gradually recovered his consciousness. He was annoyed and lost his soul.

"I, Yakura, are so sinful that I have no face to live in this world...!"

In front of the hospital bed, Yakura's eyes were blank and his heart was ashamed, and his petite body looked hunched and haggard.

After being controlled by illusion for ten years, Yakura's mental will appears to be very weak, and he has even suffered irreversible trauma.

Yagura hated and grieved deeply at the mastermind who controlled him and the sins he had committed against the Land of Water over the years.

"Recover with peace of mind, Mizuying-sama, you can't fall down at this time."

In front of the Yakura hospital bed, the charming Terumi Mei kissed with a sigh, her eyes twinkling, as if she was thinking about something.

Beside Terumi Mei, Ao, Changjuro, and a kind of subordinates had serious expressions and said nothing, including the senior elder of the country of water, Yuan Shi.

At this time, they were all waiting for Terumi Mei's decision.

"Having committed such a monstrous crime, even if it is the identity of the fourth generation of water shadows, even if it is controlled by others and cannot help it, I am afraid that it will not escape punishment. The best result is that I am afraid that I will stay in prison forever in the second half of my life to repent. Atonement..."

Qing secretly thought that he no longer had much hatred for Yakura, but the country of water still needed an explanation to appease the pain in the blood mist for so many years.

"Yakura" has caused too many sins, bloodbathed the three major families, launched the war of the ninja world, ruled extremely brutally, and killed too many people.

More importantly, due to political considerations, they will never make it public at this time that "Shuiying is being manipulated", which will inevitably trigger an earthquake-like panic and make Terumi Mei finally stabilize the hearts of people. Collapse again.

Therefore, this "big cauldron" still needs to be carried by Yakura. It is conceivable that Yakura will be in a tragic situation next, and even Terumi Mei can't change it...


Terumi Mei sighed silently, with a hint of melancholy deep in her bright eyes.

In fact, before overthrowing Yakura, Terumi Mei did not consider the matter of succeeding Mizukage.

Although Terumi Mei's beauty is like a stunner, dressed as a **** royal sister, she is actually a very conservative "little girl" at heart, and she doesn't want to be a strong controller.

This point is obviously different from Tsunade of the original time and space.

The overthrow of Yakura was "driven by righteousness", and Terumi Mei took advantage of the situation and became a temporary choice, but...she was not ready in her heart...

"Don't hesitate, Terumi Mei, declare my guilt to the world, I am willing to let you inherit the position of Mizukage-sama, I believe you will do better than me!" Yakura saw Terumi Mei was silent, and could not help but grit her teeth.

He was clearly disheartened about his fate.


Terumi Mei bit her lip lightly, and she quietly looked around, everyone looked like they were not angry and arrogant.

She knows that she bears the expectations of all these people, she is Shuiying, these people must also be her right-hand man, and become the future ruler of the country of water, and she can't live up to everyone!

However, just as Terumi Mei was about to bite down and make a decision, a subordinate suddenly rushed in in a panic, making everyone glared!

"It's not good, Big Sister Terumi Mei, there are a lot of strong men outside the village, they...they...!"

The report from her subordinates suddenly broke the tense and stagnant atmosphere, and Terumi Mei was slightly relieved, but soon, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"What did you say? What do you mean?"

"Could it be that someone took advantage of the fire and wanted to invade our country of water?!"

"How is that possible? Who else would be interested in us here? Could it be Konoha coming to take revenge...?"

"No...No!" The ninja still had shock on his face, and finally couldn't help but say, "It's not the real enemy, but...everyone will know when you go out, they are all outside the village!"

Under the leadership of this ninja, Terumi Mei and his subordinates went out with a cold face, and even Yagura finally covered his face and walked out.

Although he considers himself to be heinous, if the country of water is provoked from outside, Yagura will definitely resist at any cost, thinking that he may be able to find clues to the culprit behind it.

"You... you are?!"

Accompanying them was a large group of ninjas with passports, and they were quite aggressive. However, when they saw this person outside the village, everyone was stunned, and even Yakura was shocked.

"Kui Ye Qiangsheng, are you still alive?!"

"The Hui Ye clan, the ghost lamp clan, the Shui Wuyue clan, the survivors of the three major clans, actually appeared at this time!"

Everyone looked at the leader Hui Ye Qiangsheng, as well as Ghost Lan Jiyue, Ghost Lan Man Yue and others behind them, all showing shocked expressions.

In their image, the three major families have been completely wiped out. Even if there are bloodlines remaining, they are only lingering on, and the culprit is Yagura.

Unexpectedly, these people suddenly appeared at this juncture. It seems that the survivors of the three major families have quietly formed an alliance and joined forces in an incredible way. At least one-twelfth of the clan remains.

Although compared with the heyday of the three major families, there are very few people in this regard, but the current Wuyin Village is too weak, and their appearance is too crucial, so that all those who have passports in power have to sink their hearts. !

After all, the three major families were once orthodox, just like the Qianshou Uchiha clan to Konoha, as long as they did not completely wither, they would hold a righteousness that others could not match.

Although Terumi Mei's personal strength is strong, and even has the great merit of overthrowing Yagura's brutal rule, after all, the background is still too weak.

At this time, the appearance of the three major families obviously had no intentions, which made people have to think about it, and even ignored the question of how they "magically" joined forces and survived...

"Kui Ye Qiangsheng, you are still alive, it's unbelievable!"

Yagura said in a low voice, his eyes complicated.

During the time under the control of Uchiha Madarahiki, he was like a dream. Although he could not control his behavior, he was still impressed by some important things.

Among them, Yagura once succeeded in a series of brutal orders, such as the succession of Mizukage and madly launching wars in the selection of the fourth generation of water shadows, fought against the army of Hyuga Uchiha on the battlefield, and received the most profound memory of being besieged by the three major families. .

In particular, the memory of being besieged by the three powerful families headed by Kaguya Qiangsheng is the clearest. One is the most recent time, and the second is that Kaguya Qiangsheng has caused him the most profound damage. When the wave army fights!

"Why, is my life stressing you? Dear Mizuying-sama."

Kaguya Qiangsheng said with a half-smile but not a smile.

I still remember that when he led the crowd to kill Yakura, although he was already hinted by Orochimaru that there would be an "unexpected" situation, he was still shocked by the "Yakura" at that time.

It is simply an invincible tyrant. One person can fight against more than a dozen blood sacrifice ninjas of the three major families of Shangnin, and he can still be suppressed. Even if he uses most of the methods, he is not an opponent.

At that time, everyone thought that Hui Yeqiang was alive and dead, and Hui Yeqiang was also dying from serious injuries. It took Orochimaru a lot of work to repair his body.

Although Kaguya Johnson knew about Yakura's secret at that time, it was not the power that really belonged to Yakura, but seeing him at this moment made him jealous!

"Yakura, you devil, why are you still standing here? Why don't you die?!"

Most of the people from the other three families don't know the inside story. In their eyes, Yakura is an out-and-out executioner, and the scene shows signs of getting out of control for a while!

"Everyone calm down!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Terumi Mei immediately shouted and sent someone to expel the surrounding ordinary villager ninjas, and no one was allowed to approach.

"Things are not what you think, Mizuying-sama is actually a victim!"

Terumi Mei knew that she had to stand up at this time. After changing the hesitation before, her eyes became extremely sharp, and her whole person became stronger!

"Sister Terumi Mei is serious!"

The still young Chojurou's eyes widened, and even the corners of Ao's mouth filled with a smile.

This is the woman they support and protect and will inevitably dominate a country in the future!

"...Shuiying-sama is also being used by others. You and me, and even the entire country of water are the pawns and victims of the black hand behind the scenes, so please don't be blinded by hatred, otherwise it will only make the enemy laugh!"

Terumi Mei talked eloquently, her voice was sonorous and powerful, Kaguya Qiangsheng quietly looked at the woman in front of him, and there was an imperceptible smile on the corner of his mouth.

"This is what Orochimaru and Lord Yelong said, the future ruler of Wuyin Village, do we need to put it on the bright side of the water shadow, she is indeed an amazing woman!"

Hui Ye Qiangsheng secretly said.

The every move of Yakura and Mizuying Village is naturally under his watch, and this time is just waiting for the right time for the education committee.

According to the orders of the two adults, the three major families controlled by Hui Ye Qiangsheng will not seize the position of "Shuiying", but will secretly control the overall decision-making of the entire Shuiying Village. Ninja!

Although Terumi Mei is strong, and even has a strong subordinate, compared to Konoha's situation, the power of civilian ninjas and ordinary small families is still too weak.

As long as there is development in the future, with the continuous resource cultivation provided by the two adults, the blood ninjas of the three major families will inevitably rise rapidly.

In the Ninja world, after all, the strong prey on the weak and speak with absolute strength.

After that, Terumi Mei was still the high-ranking Mizukage who was qualified to attend the Five Shadows Talk, and the "Place Noodles" of the Hidden Forest Village.

But the one who really controls the country of water will be Kaguya Qiangsheng, and it will be the hidden Orochimaru, Ye Long...

"That's the way it is. For the sake of the village and the entire country of water, I hope that everyone will temporarily put down their hatred and work hard to develop, so that we can hope to one day crusade against the mastermind who has given us endless pain!"

Terumi Mei said with emotion, at least her subordinates and many ordinary ninjas of the three major families were infected by it, and their emotions changed significantly, and even the eyes of Yakura, whose heart was like a dead tree, also had a ray of light.

"And I suggest that Mizukage is still in the role of Yakura-sama, so that the outside world will not know our real situation at the moment, and there is just a chance to develop.

We secretly support Master Shuiying and appease ordinary people, all for the future development of the country of water! "

After Terumi Mei finished speaking, he stared at Kaguya Qiangsheng, his bright eyes twinkling, hoping for his approval.

"Clap clap clap..."

The applause sounded, Terumi Mei frowned slightly, and Kaguya Qiangsheng applauded unexpectedly, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth, "Lord Terumi Mei is really righteous and admirable, even willing to give up the position of the water shadow at his fingertips."

"Everything is for the sake of the village." Terumi Mei said solemnly, looking at Kaguya Qiangsheng's half-smiling look, she couldn't help feeling a little annoyed. .

Give up the position of the water shadow that he originally obtained, and use his own strength and the three major families to check and balance to stabilize the situation.

For the sake of the village, Terumi Mei can be said to have paid too much, but is it really that easy to get rid of the three major families that originally dominated the country of water?

Although the remaining power of the three major families is now terrible, even if the return is supported by some people, it will not be so easy to be tough with the power of Terumi Mei.

But at least the potential of the three major families is unrivaled, and the huge and deep breath of Kaguya Qiangsheng in front of him is not released, and it also puts a lot of pressure on Terumi Mei!

But to the surprise of Terumi Mei and others, Kaguya Johnson finally nodded, "I agree with you, and should not be blinded by the so-called hatred."

"The position of the water shadow, our three families will not participate, but our return is inevitable, and Wuyin Village still has our inalienable rights!"

Kaguya Qiangsheng and Terumi Mei passed by and walked to the village calmly.

"These guys...really willing to give up the position of Mizukage, let go of Yakura, let go of hatred, are they really so good at talking...?!"

Terumi Mei, Yakura, and the others looked at the three families who had gone away in a daze, with different expressions on their faces.

"Maybe they just have self-knowledge and know that they can't compete for the eldest sister's head." Chojuro whispered while hiding in the crowd.

"is that so……"

Terumi Mei sighed slightly and remained silent.

The three major families were successfully appeased without bloodshed, which can be said to have given a boost to the road to revival of Wuyin Village in the future!

This is indeed the most ideal ending, but... Terumi Mei always has a feeling that something is not right.

This is her instinct as a woman.

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