Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 952: , the weapon of 6 sages

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The Konoha ninjas watched Jiraiya from afar, seeing that his body, which had swelled violently after swallowing too much chakra, had basically shrunk back, but his form was still different from ordinary people.

Still wearing the iconic red jacket, the paint on his face has changed, looking ferocious and manic.

The frog pupils after immortalization are more exaggerated than before, and the eyes are turning like real toads, silently staring at the ruins in the distance, as if they can see through obstacles and lock their targets;

His limbs are now thicker, especially the forearm, which grows out of thin air than before, and his palms are open like a fan, showing a crimson color;

The body also looks burly and strong, and as he breathes, it seems that the surrounding air is sucked into the abdomen;

The white hair on the back is also more lush, and it completely covers the back without using ninjutsu, like a thorn cloak, and it also shows a faint red color!

If it was said that Jiraiya's image became ugly after becoming an immortal before, as if he had always been a human-shaped toad, then now that he has mutated again, he is simply a crimson toad!

It has become more ferocious and ferocious, but it also has a certain oppressive aura that makes ordinary people who cannot perceive natural energy feel terrifying!

"The child's father, Xiao Zilai also rashly entered this mode, shouldn't... there's no problem?!"

The two toad immortals, who were originally like pendants after Jiraiya entered the immortal mode, were standing aside at this time, their faces full of worry and solemnity.

"Perhaps only he himself knows about this problem. Our strength is no longer enough to analyze his current state and consequences..."

Shenzuo's eyes were solemn, "Although his current appearance does not tend to petrify because he has absorbed the two natural energies, and he basically maintains his rationality, but...for such amazing energy, there will be a certain price to pay!

In short, there must be huge risks in this immortal mode that we have never seen before. Perhaps only the big toad immortal knows this! "

"You poor old man, doesn't it mean that you didn't say anything?!"

Shima slapped Shen in angrily, "The question now is should we stop Jiraiya forcibly to avoid more serious consequences?"

Before, Jirai also showed great power. With the help of Wentai's bouncing power, he appeared in the air to block Ye Long, and he showed great power. With one move, the power of Ye Long, who seemed to be invincible before, was smashed into the earth. The two immortals couldn't be more clear.

If Jiraiya who entered the ordinary immortal mode is also a leader among the shadow-level powerhouses, then this mutated immortal mode has made his strength even further.

As far as the terrifying Blood Jade Spiral Pill just released, the power of this state has even broken through the shadow-level category, otherwise it would be impossible to fly "Otsutsuki Xuanming" with one move!

That kind of brutal natural force full of destructive aura and killing intent seems to have run counter to the peaceful and tranquil fairy chakra of Miaomu Mountain. While the destructive power is huge, it also carries a strong ominous aura...

"Xiao Zilai worked too hard. He was defeated by the guy from Otsutsuki before. Although it was nothing on the surface, he was obviously very unwilling."

Deep Zuo sighed, "Especially compared to his partner named Orochimaru, the other party seems to have mastered a more powerful and evil fairy mode, and he has long carried out some strange transformations on his body in the name of helping the boy. …”

"It must be that guy who killed Xiao Zilai, I can see at a glance that the snake-like guy is not a good person!"

Zhima said angrily, "It was the magic of the Dragon Earth Cave that killed him. That kind of power... made Xiao Zilai go crazy!"


Shima looked at the angry wife and shook her head helplessly, because such words can only be said behind the guy's back.

Miaomushan's immortal art has the most acute perception ability, and even produces some kind of mysterious "sixth sense".

And whenever they met Orochimaru head-on, the breath of the other party gave them considerable pressure, causing them to fall into a state of intense tension uncontrollably...

"Don't worry, I have no problem for the time being, sorry for worrying you."

Jiraiya's voice suddenly appeared in their ears, startling them both at the same time.

The other party can actually hear their conversations so far apart, and can communicate with them in such a strange way.

This is a more advanced control of natural energy, and it is obviously an ability that is strengthened after entering the immortal mode.

"Little Jiraiya, then you...?" Fukasaku tried to speak.

Sure enough, Jirai in the distance also responded, and the words appeared in their ears again, "I'm fine now, but this mode has a time limit, and I guess that when I finish this technique, I will definitely It will exert a strong load on the body, and even lead to collapse..."

"What did you say?!"

Shima paled in shock, "Then you now—"

"La la la-"

In the distance, the inner wall of Konoha, which had been blasted out of a large pit, suddenly trembled, and a huge explosion occurred immediately.

And Jirai, whose appearance has changed drastically, seems to have already existed, with a pair of bulging frog eyes staring at the mid-air.

Amidst the scattered gravel, a white figure appeared in the air again, who wasn't "Otsutsuki Xuanming"!

It's just that the other party's appearance at the moment is obviously a little embarrassed.

Jiraiya's previous earth-shattering move obviously failed to end the demon who claimed to be the strongest of the Otsutsugi clan, but it seemed that he had already injured the opponent, and the injury was not light...?

"It's unreasonable, the ants in the ninja world, come to attack, my great Otsutsuki ninja!"

At this time, Ye Long looked desperate, and his heart was even more solemn.

I have to say that Jiraiya's attack really hurt him without his special precautions.

This may be the first time in years of unilateral competition with him that he has gained an advantage...

Of course, this is not the point. It is impossible for Ye Long to fight with Konoha this time, and he will not show more strength as "Otsutsuki Xuanming".

Ye Long observed Jiraiya's state and couldn't help but be surprised.

For this once-closest partner and a ninja he truly recognized, Ye Long was also very attentive to the latter's cultivation of immortality.

This is the first time Ye Long has seen this strange immortal mode in front of him.

He had been buried in the ruins for a long time before, and with Ye Long's in-depth knowledge of immortality, he has roughly understood the current state of Jiraiya.

And the conclusion is not very optimistic...

"The immortal mode that can understand this state is really worthy of being Jiraiya you, the famous ninja hero in the original time and space!"

Ye Long murmured, "As a human being, you should be the first person to display such power as a fairy.

Am I putting too much pressure on you?

It's just this state, it's better to use less...! "


"Lord Hokage!"

"It's okay, I can still resist an attack of this intensity."

Here, Ye Long is confronting Jiraiya who is in a special state. On the other side of Konoha Village, everyone including Sarutobi Hizan is staring, a figure also suspended in the air - Tiandao Payne!

Sarutobi's hunch came true, Akatsuki attacked on a large scale, and amazing battles broke out in other places, and even an unbelievably powerful enemy like "Otsutsuki Xuanming" appeared, but the target was still his Hokage, and the piece behind him. significant area.

At this moment, he is by his side, Minato Minato, many Anbu ninjas, the strong coefficient of Konoha's big and small family are listed, and even includes Minato Minato's lover, Jiuwei Ren Zhuli, Uzumaki Kushina!

Everyone stared at Tiandao Payne's figure with dignified eyes. Although Uchiha Fuyue had fought with him before, there was no eyewitness feedback, and everyone was still shocked by Tiandao's ability.

Before, Tiandao drove straight in from the sky, and instantly found Sarutobi Hidden who was standing in the Hokage Building.

If it wasn't for Sarutobi Hizan always taking precautions and using the earth escape defense in time, this building that stored countless important materials and secrets would no longer exist.

And this was just a "hello" from Nagato to Sarutobi.

After that, without Sarutobi's orders, the Anbu ninjas who were in charge of guarding jumped into the sky to try to kill Tiandao, but they were directly compressed into a pool of flesh and blood by a shot of Vientiane Tianyin!

In the air, they didn't even have the opportunity to borrow strength, and they were killed in seconds. Even a few guys who had reached the strength of the shinobi couldn't escape the gravitational capture. The deaths were unclear and miserable.

And officially due to this tragic battle, the Anbu immediately recalled all the powerhouses who had planned to encircle Yelong.

In addition, at this time, Jiaodu, Scorpion, Dried Persimmon Ghost Shark and others have already retreated, and the Bai Jue clone responsible for causing chaos has almost dealt with it. Except for Jiraiya who is still facing Yelong, the strong people in Konoha are all Concentrated in the vicinity of Hokage Rock.

"This bastard, actually trying to attack and destroy Hokage Rock is unforgivable!"

Countless thorns and vines slowly subsided from the tall Hokage Rock, revealing the head carvings of the four Hokage.

Below, Tsunade stared at Nagato's figure angrily, his face was very pale, and there was even a faint wrinkle on his forehead.

Before Ye Long defeated countless Konoha ninjas but deliberately did not kill them, he successfully consumed Tsunade's huge chakra and indirectly made her out of the battlefield.

At this moment, Tsunade has consumed the chakra stored in the Yin seal, and it seems very reluctant to use a large-scale wooden escape, and even a bit overdrawn.

"Don't worry, I have already set up a space barrier around me. If the other party uses this despicable method again to try to humiliate Konoha Shinobi Village, I will never let him succeed!"

Namikaze Minato's expression was rare and chilling. He had already filled his surroundings with specially made kunai, and then he could launch Flying Thunder God to deal with it. However, Tiandao was hanging high in the sky at the moment, so Minato, who had a relatively simple attack method, had no countermeasures for the time being.

"This enemy should be the leader. Judging from their peculiar costumes, except for the previous Otsutsuki ninjas, they should all belong to the same organization."

Uzumaki Kushina also spoke up. Don't think that she is just a woman and Minato's lover. As a stable and reliable nine-tailed person, she is like the faint leader of Konoha Jin's whirlpool clan. Kushina is Konoha very important. powerful combat power!

"You have to find a way to attack this guy, otherwise no one knows what else he will do."

Hiruzen Sarutobi furrowed his brows. At this time, he had already taken off the Hokage Imperial robe, revealing a lean figure and a black forbearance, and summoned the golden hoop rod incarnated by the ape demon, looking like he was going all out. .

It's a pity that even the Sarutobi Hizen, known as "Dr. Ninja", can't deal with "air combat".

It is absolutely unwise to rashly use the psychic beast to lift off. Those Anbu ninjas who were killed by the heavenly way are the lessons from the past!

At the same time, Tiandao, who looked down on the earth, also frowned.

The previous exploratory confrontation, coupled with the information Xiao Nan obtained from the battle situation, the strength of these people in front of them is very good, and they are not characters that can be easily defeated.

The fourth generation of Hokage Sarutobi Rizan, even if it has passed the peak a little, will not be much weaker than the Sanzo Yu Hanzo of that year.

Therefore, when Sarutobi and the others had no way to deal with him, he also did not dare to land.

In the face of so many shadow-level sieges, Tiandao alone can't handle it...

"This person should be the leader of Yuren Village, the legendary Payne.

And the organization he represents is the Akatsuki who replaced Sanjiaoyu Hanzo and now rules Yuren Village! "

"How can Qu Xiao organization be so powerful...?!"

Tsunade below stared at Yahiko's appearance of Tiandao, and gradually overlapped with the teenagers in Yuren Village in memory.

But it wasn't Yahiko who had the eye of reincarnation in his memory, and after so many years, Tsunade couldn't confirm it.

"What did you say? He is the leader of Yuren Village?!"

Hearing Tsunade's words, everyone was shocked.

"That's right, we met from a distance before, and there was a female ninja beside them at that time, just..."

Recalling the evacuation of Yu Nin Village, Tsunade said in confusion, "This guy seems to be the same as the original leader of their organization, Yahiko, and I remember that the dead Yahiko didn't have a reincarnation eye!"

"It turned out to be the reincarnation eye of the head of the three major pupil the eyes of the legendary Six Paths Immortal..." Nara Shikuji frowned, "If it is really the reincarnation eye, the other party will be similar to the other one. There may be other troublesome moves, depending on the ability to control gravity.

Oh, what trouble, what trouble! "

"If so, then this guy must have a huge connection with the dead Yahiko, perhaps for revenge."

Minato Namikaze analyzed, "After all, there have always been rumors that Yahiko died in the hands of Rope Tree, and the Kingdom of Rain... There were also many disputes with Konoha before..."

"It's just a rumor!" Tsunade said coldly.


In the air, Tian Dao snorted coldly, his deep eyes emotionless.

"You should know what the situation in the country of rain was like back then."

"And you must be wondering who I am and why I launched this attack on Konoha.

Just let me tell you, it represents the weak who suffered from the wars of the five major countries and lived in dire straits! "

The way of heaven overlooks the earth, without joy or sorrow, like a **** in charge of ruling.

"In other words, I'm here for revenge!"

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