Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 989: , stupid provocation

Danzo's face was still so serious and calm, as if everything was under his control, like a savior who deliberately appeared at a critical moment.

"The situation is not optimistic. We have tried almost all methods, but we can't crack the ninjutsu in front of us."

Sarutobi's face was solemn, "So now we can almost only put our hope on people from the outside world. According to the time, Orochimaru and Roshu should return to Konoha soon. I believe they will be able to solve the current predicament."

"What, as Hokage, you can only pin the life and death hopes of the entire Konoha and tens of thousands of people on others?!"

Danzo's face suddenly became extremely gloomy, and he couldn't even control his emotions.

Originally, he had hoped that Sarutobi would be able to lead a small group of people to retreat first, especially the Flying Thunder God technique mastered by Minato Namikaze in front of him.

After all, "a gentleman does not stand under a wall of danger"!

Guarantee your own safety first, and control the danger within the range that you can bear. This is how the "big man" responds to the crisis.

And I never imagined that the technique of Flying Thunder God is not omnipotent. At this moment, everyone's life cannot be guaranteed, including Danzo himself.

How can this be good? !

"Lord Danzo seems very excited, don't you believe in the strength of Orochimaru and Roshu?"

Tsunade snorted coldly, she doesn't have the good temper as Sarutobi, no matter how you look at Danzo, she feels unhappy!

"Presumptuous, how did you talk to Lord Shadow!" Danzang's eyes flickered slightly, and the root dog beside him yelled at Tsunade like a protector.

"Well, I came forward to solve the problem. Since there is no way to get out of here for the time being, I must find a way to persist for a longer time."

Danzo knew that it was useless to get angry at this time. As a shadow, he actually had some ideas before he came. If he wanted to protect himself, he needed the joint efforts of everyone in front of him.

"The sealing technique in front of me is obviously some unknown and powerful sealing technique. If you want to fight against this seal, you must use a seal of at least the same level!" Danzang said solemnly.

Jiu Xin Nai, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly lit up. As the princess of the Maelstrom Clan, he suddenly thought of the key.

"Danzo-sama means—"

"That's right, since it can't be broken, then cast a seal inside to fight it again to buy us more time!"

Danzang said solemnly, "With our current conditions, I think it is the most appropriate to use the Four Scarlet Flames!"

"Good idea! I think it can be done." Minato Namikaze agreed.

The Four Scarlet Sun Formation is also a very powerful sealing barrier, which requires at least four shadow-level people to cast it at the same time, which is enough to trap a powerful tailed beast.

It's just that it's more troublesome to build, and the restrictions are large, and Konoha has never used it before.

"Yes, this is indeed a good idea, without further ado, let's start!" Sarutobi also nodded, approving his old friend.

As a result, the top priority is to gather four shadow-level powerhouses.

However, when he thought of this, Hiruzen Sarutobi's face became ugly again, "When I was fighting against the seal just now, my chakra wasted a lot, and I'm afraid it's not enough to support the Four Chiyang Formation!"

"Sorry, I... Because I untied the Yin seal before, I don't have much chakra left..." Tsunade was also embarrassed.

Before Sarutobi Hizan had used almost all the powerful moves including Wudun Dalian Bullets, Chakra was unsustainable for a while.

After all, time is not forgiving, Sarutobi is getting old...

"Damn! Sarutobi, and Tsunade, you guys actually dropped the chain at this time?!" Danzo was furious, staring at the two of them.

Sarutobi Hizan looked guilty, while Tsunade was a little disdainful.

At a time of crisis, Hiruzen Sarutobi went all out to attack the seal, and she also used all her medical ninjutsu to save lives and heal the wounded, but at that time Danzo couldn't even see a person!

"I think I'm qualified for a position!" Time was running out, and Minato Namikaze was the first to stand up.

Although Minato is not known for Chakra, he is a real shadow-level powerhouse after all.

"And me, I can do it too!" Kushina also stood up, and naturally no one questioned the chakra of the nine-tailed man Zhuli.

"Humph, since Sarutobi can't do it now, let me, the shadow, reluctantly replace you and stand up to save everyone!"

There was a sneer at the corner of Tuanzang's mouth, and the yin and yang said strangely, and Tsunade hated it so much that his teeth tickled.

I saw Danzo untied the clothes on the upper body, and slowly removed the special metal bracelet on his arm, revealing his pale arms and chest.

Danzo slowly formed the seal, and then with a low voice, a dense number of strange runes emerged from under his skin and roamed wildly on him.

At the same time, an incomparably huge chakra was vented from his somewhat old and hunched body like a flash flood, and the escaping power actually formed a substantial storm!

"What a huge amount of energy!"

"It's amazing, this is Danzo, is this the strength of Konoha Shadow?!"

The onlookers were shocked, and even Tsunade, who had been looking at Danzo, couldn't help but open his mouth wide.

Kushina, who is a human pillar, is another matter. The chakra displayed by Danzo at this moment is extremely amazing, obviously surpassing Minato, Tsunade and others, and even surpassing Hiruzen Sarutobi!

You must know that when Sarutobi broke through the shadow level, Danzo was only comparable to the strength of the shadow. After that, Sarutobi advanced all the way, and Danzo just used various sideways to improve his combat power.

For a long time after that, Danzo did not show special strength, and the performance of the Ninja World War was only quite satisfactory. In addition to getting older, people have passed the peak period of ninja in people's cognition.

Although the amount of chakra cannot fully represent strength, the scene in front of them has already told them that Danzo's power has not only not declined, but has become even more amazing!

"Damn, there must be something about his dirty hookup with Orochimaru, those evil human experiments!" Tsunade cursed inwardly.

Orochimaru is good at everything, but he likes to put his mind on some "crooked ways" and join forces with careerists like Danzo.

Although the chakra displayed by Danzo in front of him is amazingly huge, it is also very violent and complex. Obviously, Danzo cannot control this power 100%, and this chakra does not really belong to him.

"Hey hey, how's it going, Sarutobi?" Seeing the astonishment in everyone's eyes, Danzo felt extremely happy.

Since we must make a move, we must let everyone firmly remember his Danzo's strength and his contribution to Konoha!

"Very good, so three people have already gathered, and one more person is needed."

Sarutobi nodded slightly, his expression was complicated, and no one knew what he was thinking.

"By the way, what about that guy Jiraiya?!"

Everyone suddenly reacted at this time, "Lord Jiraiya, it seems that he is going after that Otsutsuki Xuanming..." Some people were not sure.

"But... we probed before, and now we haven't found them within Konoha's range!" An Anbu said with an ugly face.

"What? Isn't that guy in the seal?!" Danzo was shocked, and Sarutobi looked solemn.

No wonder I haven't seen it for so long.

Jiraiya chased after Otsutsuki Xuanming and disappeared, is it successful now, trying to save them from outside, or... already defeated and fallen...?

"Look at you Sarutobi, and your disciples, who are usually called 'Konoha Sannin', they are all unreliable at critical moments, and they are not useful at all!"

Danzo finally got a little out of breath, and madly scolded Sarutobi, only to feel that his chest was too tight.

"Enough, if it really doesn't work, let me get on it, it just so happens that I have almost recovered!" Sarutobi roared.

"No way, teacher!"

"Lord Hokage, don't be too arrogant..."


Sarutobi Hizan was angry, but no one could have predicted the attack by Akatsuki, so how could he blame the disciples?

It's a big deal to build the Four Red Sun Formation, in order to save everyone in Konoha!

"Let me come, Hokage-sama."

Just when everyone felt anxious, a man in a Konoha vest with a calm face suddenly appeared in front of them.

He has deep eye lines on his face, and a family emblem with a fan of flames drawn behind him. It is the patriarch of the Uchiha family, Uchiha Fuyue!

"It turned out to be him!"

Everyone was shocked and immediately understood.

There is a gossip that Uchiha Fuyue has awakened the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, and his strength is unfathomable.

It's just that the Uchiha family has always been guarded by Konoha on weekdays, and Fuyue himself can keep a low profile, and no one really sees his strength.

At this moment, when Konoha is in a critical situation, this man who has not taken action before can finally sit still!

"Very good! Patriarch Fuyue, everyone in Konoha will see your contribution to Konoha!" Sarutobi was overjoyed, his affection for the Uchiha family greatly increased.

Judging from the inadvertently leaked aura from Fuyue, Sarutobi, Danzo and others knew it.

Uchiha Fuyue has also entered the shadow level, and the time should not be short, and his strength will definitely not be weak!

"I hope Konoha can survive this disaster..."

Uchiha Yuyu had already changed his clothes, and no one would know that he had fought a battle with Tiandao before, and he was still very tired.

Although he used the kaleidoscope writing wheel eye pupil technique "Tianjian" to meet some fragments of the future, but the so-called "people are not as good as the sky", at this time he must stand up on behalf of the Uchiha family.

"It's not too late, hurry up and start the formation, the scope of the seal has begun to shrink again!"

After the negotiation, the four chakras reached the shadow-level powerhouse and left to go to the four directions of Konoha.

After some preparations, the four people formed seals at the same time, and the huge chakra turned into four crimson beams linked together.

"Ninja Four Red Sun Formation!!"

With a sound of "Boom", the originally dim seal space was illuminated by red light, and the red-red enchantment on all sides formed a square seal rising up, covering most of the Konoha, forcibly touching the dark sky!


The whole world began to tremble violently. This was the contest between the True Earth Blast Star and the Si Chi Yang Formation. The four Namifeng Minato, who formed the seal, gritted their teeth, and the chakra continued to output, finally resisting the shrinking of the space again!

"Damn, this power is...?!"

Outside, Tiandao who was sitting on the pitch-black star and closed his eyes suddenly opened his eyes, feeling the seal under his feet, and his face suddenly changed!

"Damn, actually blocked my seal, how did these people do it?!"

Tian Dao was in a hurry, and Nagato's expression in the distance began to become solemn.

Originally, he planned that the compressive force of the Earth-Blasting Star would reach its maximum in an hour, and at that time, Konoha had already been destroyed by more than half.

Then he would detonate the seal, causing the entire Konoha to fall to the height of a thousand meters. From then on, his vitality was severely damaged and he fell to the altar, and he could no longer hinder the actions of the Xiao organization.

Unexpectedly, the person in the seal still has a way to resist, which will undoubtedly greatly increase his consumption, and will greatly reduce the final number of casualties in Konoha.

In addition, Tiandao has a hunch that things will not be so simple, and there must be other people to stop him...

"Look, the shrinking of space has stopped!"

"Great, we are finally saved!"

In the sealed space, cheers erupted from the crowd, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

And Sarutobi Hizan and the others still didn't see any optimistic expressions on their faces.

Resisting the seal contraction is just the beginning, it can only be dealt with temporarily, and it is the only thing they can do.

The only ones who really decide the fate of the whole Konoha are Orochimaru and Roshu in the outside world!

"Thousand-hand rope tree..."

Sarutobi Hizan murmured to himself, he knew that Orochimaru, a difficult disciple, had always wanted to push the rope tree to the top, but he had been hesitant before, and had even decided to favor Minato Minato.

"If Konoha should be saved for you this time, then you will be Konoha's most brilliant hero, the savior in the eyes of people."

"I can succeed!"


In a bamboo forest far away from Konoha.

A handsome young ninja in a brown shirt with a scarf around his neck sat cross-legged.

The surrounding bamboo leaves fell with the wind, rustling around him, interweaving into a moving symphony.

In an instant, the wind stopped, the man opened his eyes and stood up slowly.

He took a deep breath of the fresh air in the forest, looked at his palm, a golden streamer flashed away, and faintly condensed into a curse.

"My strength has increased again. Teacher Orochimaru's teaching is really too powerful!"

Qianshoushengshu's face showed excitement, and then he looked at the surrounding blood circle, which was silent and uninhabited, and his face collapsed again, "Hey, why do you want to practice such a tormenting practice all of a sudden?

And I think my strength is strong enough now, and with Orochimaru, how could anyone dare to attack Konoha's idea? "

"The pattern shouldn't be so small, the rope tree, the ninja world is not as simple as you think.

You have an unparalleled talent, so naturally you should cultivate hard and not waste it..."

A faint voice sounded behind Shengshu, Shengshu was shocked, and suddenly turned around, Orochimaru had appeared silently behind him, as if it had been there from the beginning.

"Teacher Orochimaru..."

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