Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 259: , Battle of Danzo


There was another earth-shattering collision, and Ai and Tobirama began to fight again.

Tobirama's strength is not comparable to the current Sarutobi. He inherited the powerful strength of the Senju clan, possessing physical strength similar to Tsunade's strange force and a perverted chakra.

In the original book, the so-called thousand blows, among the powerhouses of the older generation, only Hashima and Madara have the kind of strength that cannot be broken, and Tobirama is no different.

Even if he is really tough, Tobirama can use his water escape ninjutsu to suppress Ai and bombard him, so that Ai has no temper.

And Tobirama also has Fei Lei Shen, illusion, and invincible perception, Ai's physical skills can hardly pose a threat to him.

Except for Ai's unexpected move at the beginning, Ai has become more and more reluctant.

Although it looked like he was trying his best to suppress Tobirama, he was actually under a lot of pressure.

Once he weakens his attack strength, I am afraid that he will be overwhelmed by the tsunami-like offensive of Tobirama in an instant.

He might be able to resist with his rough skin and thick flesh, but once Tobirama is freed, what will happen to the Yun Ren army?

Tobirama was clearly at ease, but Ai's heart became more and more anxious, and she could not wait to shout "retreat" directly.

It can only be said that it is indeed Hokage Tobirama. He also has a sharp mind and is much more powerful than the future golden flash.

In such a situation, how long can Ai hold on?

On the other side, Yun Ren's number two character Li met Danzo, and the situation was obviously much better.

Li's current strength is no less than that of Ai. His ninjutsu skills are not as good as Ai's, but his advantage lies in his stronger physique and more violent chakra.

Li is only a little poor in experience, and in time, he will definitely surpass the current Ai.

An azure meteor rammed across the battlefield, reaping the lives of countless Konoha ninjas, and there was no single enemy wherever it passed.

Several sharp wind slashes followed, embarrassingly, they couldn't catch up with Li's ultra-high speed, and they all failed, blasting out long and narrow ravines.

"The stab from hell, the three books are in one hand!"

With a loud shout, Li turned into a thunderbolt, and suddenly charged towards the densest place of Konoha ninjas!

Those Konoha ninjas looked desperate and terrified, and the hurried earth escape was smashed through like tofu.

Hearing "Puchi", Li actually pierced five or six Konoha ninjas directly. These poor fellows were strung on Li's arms like candied haws, blood clots splashed, and they were still struggling in vain.

With the explosion of the lightning on Li's body, these unlucky ghosts were all shattered into pieces of flesh in the sky!

The blood rained on Li's head and face, and Li bathed in the sea of ​​blood like the devil in the deepest nightmare!

The pattering rain in the sky couldn't wash away the strong **** smell at all, and the surrounding Konoha ninja looked terrified and at the same time involuntarily backed away.


Seeing this scene, Danzang's eyes were split, staring at Li, but the sword in his hand was trembling slightly.

It was very similar to the second time when Uchiha Kyou faced Li, Danzo was also unable to confront Li in this way, so he could not stop Li from rushing into the Konoha ninja to kill.

Li's killing efficiency is too high, because he doesn't need to worry about other people's attacks at all!

Danzo's face was extremely gloomy. He knew that although he was also a shadow-level person, he was definitely not the opponent of the reckless man in front of him.

His strength is on a par with Uchiha Mirror, although he is good at Feng Dun, which can restrain Li and pose some threats to him.

But with Uchiha Kyo's lessons learned, Danzo has a faint fear in his heart!

Tobirama was nearby, Danzo gritted his teeth, gave a low voice, and rushed over again.

It's just that he quietly followed a few Anbu elites to assist him.

"Hahaha, you are also Tobirama's disciple, right? I remember your name should be Shimura Danzo?"

Li grinned and licked the blood splattered on his face, looking at the wind escape ninja in front of him.

Well, although it's not as good as me, I'm afraid it will be difficult for me to kill him.

There are people around him who are helping me, trying to hold me back, which is like a routine with that Uchiha mirror.

"I don't have time to fight with you now, I'll see you later!"

Li sneered and rushed to Konoha Ninja again. The difference from Uchiha mirror is that Danzo doesn't have the illusion of Sharinyan that can limit Li!

"Damn! Stop for me!"

Danzo roared angrily, his body was entangled with wind chakra, and as the blue light circulated, he suddenly entered the wind chakra mode.

"Wind escape · vacuum shaving!"

The frantically accelerating Danzo finally managed to catch up with Li, and with a backhand he held the tachi, and a slender and incomparably sharp wind chakra slashed into Li's back!


Li's complexion changed. He only felt a burning pain on his back. He stretched out his hand and wiped it. It turned out to be his own blood!

Danzo's Feng Dun really broke through the Lei Dun defense, under the circumstance that Li was not prepared.

"Hehe, your speed is much faster than Uchiha Kyou, but how much strength do you have to fight against me?"

"Hehe, you'll know if you try it. This time you will definitely lose. In this war, your Yun Ren will only lose to us Konoha!"

Danzo took a deep breath and showed a grim smile.

He took out his sinister mouth and began to stimulate his opponent!

"Damn! Die for me!"

Danzo's taunting skills seem to have played a role, the electric light on Li's body burst violently, the electric cocoon jumped wildly, and rushed directly to Danzo, with a punch!


Danzo looked at the serious Li's eyelids twitching! Was this the monster Uchiha Kyo faced at the time?

Naturally, the troops brought by Konoha's surprise attack on Yun Ren were not too many, although when Tobirama appeared, a flood of golden mountains overwhelmed Yun Ren's formation.

But this Li is too tricky. If he can't find a way to deal with him, Konoha's advantage will be greatly weakened.

The blue light on Danzang's body became stronger and stronger, he stuck his knife on the ground, and his hands quickly formed a seal.

"Wind Escape·Vacuum Continuous Waves!"

Danzo took a big breath of air and spit out razor-sharp Several winds were intertwined, blocking Li's route to death, and the sharp breath seemed to be about to Li's body chakra and flesh are chopped at the same time!


Li snorted coldly, and put both hands in front of him. The thunderbolt on his body seemed to have solidified into a solid body.


Like the harsh sound of cutting steel plates, the vacuum waves actually shattered Li's body, splashing the sky with light!


Danzo showed an unbelievable look. No one can resist this ninjutsu head-on, so he still uses Lei Dun!

"Go to hell!"

There were several slender bloodstains on Li's arm, but he didn't seem to feel any pain. He broke through the blockade of Feng Dun and hit the stiff Danzo with one punch!


Danzang turned into a piece of broken wood, but Li didn't hesitate, and kicked him behind him again!

"Yi Lei Shen Furious Thunder Axe!"

"What? So fast!"

Danzo's figure had just appeared, and Li was caught off guard, and hurriedly used the wind escape to resist.

"Wind Escape · Vacuum Jade!"

A huge blue-colored wind projectile shot out, Li Yan laughed and kicked it without dodging or avoiding it!

If there is no accident, Li may just be injured, but Danzo is hard to say!

However, at this moment, thick vines suddenly entangled Li, pulling him tightly!


Li was taken aback. Although he quickly broke the vine, his attack was stiff and chakra weakened a lot!


The wind was strong, and Li's moves were severely disturbed. He hit the front and was thrown far away.

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