Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 270: , undecided

"Okay, now it's time to make a decision."

Looking at the five panting and exhausted disciples, Tobirama said lightly with neither sadness nor joy on his face.

The end point is just around the corner, but after a hundred and a half, obviously, they can't hold it any longer.

Turning to bed, Xiaochun's hand was a little stiff. Just now, she was the one who analyzed the situation for everyone, drew a suggested route on the ground, and came to the conclusion that someone needed to cut it off.

In fact, the conclusion is clear to everyone that someone else has to sacrifice.

Anbu had all been killed. After the previous delay, the golden horn and the silver horn were pulled a little further away, but the two maggot-like tarsals would soon catch up.

Their situation is actually the same as their own, whoever can't hold on will be doomed.

"It's an exciting time, I wonder if the ending will change?"

Yuan Yelong used the power of his white eyes to sense Toriyama's movements from a distance.

In fact, he has secretly made a move to obstruct the golden angle and the silver angle, otherwise it would be even more difficult for the group without Uchiha Mirror.

"Anyone willing to come out and break it?"

Finally, Tobirama opened his mouth.

Looking at his five disciples, Tobirama remained calm, but quietly looked at it with scrutiny.

Sarutobi was unafraid, staring straight at Tobirama with a stern face, as if he was ready to die at any time.

Danzo lowered his head, his face was a little gloomy, he didn't look directly at Tobirama, he seemed to be hesitating and struggling.

Originally wanted to go all out with Jinjiao and Yinjiao, he was really exhausted, and in the face of a certain death situation, he was a little timid.

As for Koharu and Mito Kazuma, their heads were lowered even more.

But Tobirama didn't expect them either. After all, they basically couldn't buy much time with their strength. Xiaochun was still a medical ninja, so it was impossible for him to be his turn.

In fact, even if Kagura Uchiha was still alive, Danzo and Sarutobi were the only people who Tobirama wanted to test.

Only the two of them have the opportunity to compete for Hokage, and the others actually didn't have that qualification from the beginning.

"Teacher, let me do it, I'm willing to break up for everyone!"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Sarutobi waited for a while, and finally stood up without hesitation.

Danzo was startled, his face was complicated, his expression seemed to be regretful or ashamed, but he was a little relieved?

Tobirama looked at the two again, but didn't know what he was thinking about.

"The teacher thinks that I am also willing to stay and break."

Seeing Tobirama's lingering silence, Danzo gritted his teeth and said the same!


Ye Long, who saw this scene in the distance, was shocked.

"Sure enough, the situation began to change..."

"Okay, you don't have to fight anymore. It's not your disciples' turn to do such a task after the end. You are all Konoha's future."

Sarutobi was unwavering, but Danzo was still a little tangled. Tobirama looked at the two of them, but thought of himself and his elder brother, Senju Hashirama, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Sarutobi is more like his eldest brother, and he liked him quite a bit when Hashima was still around.

In Sarutobi, Tobirama saw the will of fire, which is hope, light, determination to move forward bravely, and the righteousness of benevolence and peace.

But he doesn't have the strength of the pillars. Hashimama as Hokage is actually a mess, and he is too forgiving in many things, and he needs his younger brother to wipe his ass.

But there is only one thing, Hasuma has enough strength, so he has the privilege of compassion.

Thousands of wear and ten thousand wear, but not strong enough, Hasuma led Qianshou to defeat Uchiha. As long as he was alive for a day in the Megatron Ninja world, Xiao Xiao dared to beat Konoha.

And Sarutobi doesn't have benevolence, light, and strength, but it's not strong enough.

If you can't be sympathetic, then I'm afraid you have to compromise.

Can he really support Konoha's future development and prosperity?

Looking at Danzo again, if Sarutobi represents light, then Danzo may represent darkness.

From Danzo, Tobirama even saw his own shadow.

Selfish, suspicious, unscrupulous, ruthless... This is still in front of him.

But Danzo's advantages are equally obvious, decisive, capable, and have the means to do the dirtiest work, to clear obstacles for Konoha in secret, and also have qualifications.

So Danzo is more like Tobirama, also black-bellied, realistic, and keen on the study of forbidden techniques.

Danzo also loves Konoha and does his best, although not as thorough and selfless as Sarubi's love.

However, like Sarutobi, Danzo is like Tobirama, but far inferior.

Danzo's vision is still not long-term enough, and his power is not large enough, and he is more selfish and extreme than himself.

Perhaps, this is also because his strength cannot reach that level.

Tobirama sighed, he didn't expect things to develop to this extent.

After he chose to cut himself off, he would die.

But Tobirama definitely doesn't want to die here!

What Jin Jiao said was right, the Qianshou clan would not be able to take over. If he died, who would be able to hold up the girders?

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight. For Konoha's leadership, Qianshou has shed enough blood.

There is also selfishness in the door. If he died, the position of the three generations of Hokage, and the authority of Konoha flowed into the hands of others, can Qianshou still maintain his current status?

In the future, will he be suppressed and rejected like Uchiha, or even worse?

"The task that ends, let me, Hokage, come!"

Tobirama said these words with a smile, but his heart was extremely bitter!


The disciples exclaimed, as if to pull the plot back to its original position.

However, Tobirama finally waved his hand.

"Sarutobi, Danzo, if I don't come back, Konoha's future will depend on you two!"



Sarutobi strongly discouraged Danzo looked complicated, and the three of Koharu were either relieved or sad when they turned to bed.

Ye Long in the distance didn't hear it, but he was shocked!

"Tobirama hesitated!

He didn't directly designate Sarutobi as Hokage? !"

Ye Long scratched his head, what is this operation?

Perhaps because of historical changes, Danzo's Mudun research has made some progress, but he sacrificed Danzo and made Tobirama a little impressed?

Perhaps Tobirama had a strong desire to survive, and although he stayed behind, he felt that he could go back alive and was not in a hurry to explain the future?

Is it just a small change in history that no one knows about?

"Okay, let's go, don't forget my entrustment when you go back."

Tobirama turned his head away to prevent his disciples from seeing his tangled expression.

"How can I die here?!"

Tobirama silently senses the approaching golden and silver horns, with fierce gleam in his eyes!

"Since you want me to die, I won't make you feel better!"

After just 20 minutes, there was a rustling voice around, and soon Yun Ren appeared.

"Isn't this Tobirama?!"

Seeing Tobirama standing there, Ginjiao was taken aback, but surrounded by his subordinates, he finally gave him confidence by surrounding Tobirama.

"Yo, why don't you run away?"

Jin Jiao looked vicious and looked at Tobirama vigilantly, trying to figure out his intentions.

If it was himself, it would be absolutely impossible to sacrifice himself to win opportunities for the younger generation.

"Golden horn, silver horn, it's time to make a conclusion."

Tobirama lightly looked at Yun Ren, who was of mixed quality and bad, as if he was watching a group of turkeys.

"Today, either you die or I die!"

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