Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 318: , a grand debut

"Come on, Orochimaru, you don't need to resist anymore, this is the only remaining self-remembering curse seal of the Vortex family. You should be honored to be able to use it on you!"

In the splendid underground space, countless golden talisman leaves rose and danced in the air, brilliance and brilliance, making the originally dark and obscure Anbu rarely look luxurious and thorough.

It's just that under the glittering appearance of the sealing formation, a rotten and debilitating aura is quietly permeating, as if the country of the vortex that has been wiped out, also seems to symbolize the fate of the owner here.

King Hades held a kunai with a talisman in his hand, and walked step by step towards Orochimaru, who was trapped by the black technique.

It seems that the use of this technique is somewhat similar to controlling the reincarnation of dirty soil.

Once the kunai is stabbed into the back of the neck, Orochimaru will be in danger of being brainwashed!

However, whether it can be successful or not...

"what happened?"

The surrounding splendid space walls suddenly flickered on and off.

A faint energy fluctuation seems to have penetrated the sealing formation, but the seemingly impregnable formation has a particle that has been quietly assimilated!


An attack struck like lightning and flint, and the stunned Hades was kicked away!


Everyone present was shocked. Kazama held two kunai in front of Tobirama in an instant, and the three elite Anbu rushed up at the same time. Yama also quickly struggled to get up and stared at the boy who suddenly appeared. !

"Who the **** are you? Why are you here!"

Ye Long patted the dust on his body and looked around in admiration.

The sealing formation left by the Uzumaki family is really powerful, and this is the first time he has seen a formation that can shield space ninjutsu!

It's a pity that the relationship between him and Orochimaru is more similar to the category of "natural powers", using real energy and cannot be targeted.

"Orochimaru, you are really embarrassed!"

"Ha ha."

Orochimaru smiled coldly and ignored it.

Not caring about the people who were like the enemy, Ye Long gently pressed his hand on Orochimaru's shoulder, trying to break the **** on him.

The confinement on Orochimaru is a powerful formation arranged in advance in the space. It is not so easy to crack. Ye Long tried to swallow the power of the seal, but found it very slow.

"Boy, don't waste your energy, the vortex's seal formation is invincible!"

The King of Hell silently put away the technique of self-remembering the Seal of Curse, rolled up his sleeves and approached Ye Long, his palms suddenly appeared dense incantations, and it looked pitch black!


Ye Long nodded seriously.

"It seems that the country of the vortex was destroyed, which is indeed justified."

"Bastard! What did you say!"

Tobirama looked at the boy who suddenly appeared in front of him, with the same long black hair, a slightly taller stature, purple-red evil eyeshadow, similar clothes...

"What's your relationship with Orochimaru?"

Tobirama suppressed his anger and asked coldly.

The appearance of Ye Long made him feel extremely uneasy. There was a huge flaw in the foolproof plan. The most unacceptable accident happened. There seemed to be a sudden break in the thread!

"Lord Tobirama, we are acquaintances. The Orochimaru who once appeared in front of you is actually me."

Ye Long looked at Tobirama with a meaningful smile, and the same snake eyes glowed with greed and coldness!

"Orochimaru is actually a clone of me, and my real name is Ye Long."

Ye Long looked at everyone, "Of course, you probably don't need to know anymore."

"Take this intruder for me!"

The King of Hell was furious, and under his order, more than a dozen Anbu appeared around again, turning into afterimages and mercilessly rushing towards Ye Long who was cracking the seal!

"Betraying the village, no matter who you are, you must die here!"

"Really, that's really... a pity!"

Ye Long's hand didn't leave Orochimaru's shoulder. Facing the dozens of Anbu who rushed forward, his other hand silently formed a seal!

"Wood Dun · Thorns Kill!"


The ground suddenly burst, and countless thick and ferocious, gigantic thorny rhizomes gushed out wildly, attacking the small Anbu like a flood of beasts!

Huge rhizomes were strangled and strangled, monsters generally spread desperately in the space, and a dozen Anbu seemed to be moths to the fire, and were instantly swallowed by the torrent of wood escape!

"What?! This is Mu Dun!"


Watching Anbu being madly slaughtered by thick rhizomes, some squeezed into minced meat, and some torn apart, it is far less than the shock of Tobirama and others!

"You actually know how to escape! Who are you?!"


Ye Long proudly looked at Tobirama absentmindedly.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to disappoint you. I'm not from the Qianshou clan. And I know how to escape. I shouldn't be the only one in the past, right?"

"Did you transplant Mudun cells? How is this possible!"

Ye Long was very satisfied with the blow that Mu Dun brought to the crowd, like a slap on their faces, Tobirama's expression could be described as being lost.

"It can't be Danzo. He didn't have any reason to do this, and he shouldn't be able to do it..."

Tobirama's fist clenched, and his whole body was trembling slightly!

The continuous shock had made him a little dazed. He knew that he might have completely lost control of the situation!


Tobirama quietly held a kunai engraved with the Flying Thunder God technique beside him, and his complexion soon became worse.

The space ban was not destroyed, and Fei Lei Shen still did not respond, that is to say, except for this guy who suddenly appeared, they are all trapped here now!

"Bastard! Hugh is going to be arrogant, he's just a **** transplanted with Mudun cells. If you dare to sabotage Tobirama-sama's plan, no matter who you are, you will die!"

The King of Hell stood up and Feng Zhen was publicly slapped in the face. Today, he is to blame, but he still doesn't think Ye Long can become a threat.


Hades sneered and activated the technique in the Immediately, a stronger sense of oppression than before struck again from all directions.

Ye Long's complexion changed, he only felt that his body was suddenly heavy, and even his mental power was suppressed!

"No one can defeat the Uzumaki Ninja in the sealing formation of the Uzumaki family! No one!!"

The King of Hell roared loudly, his face was crimson, a violent aura suddenly surged up from his body, a pitch-black stick appeared in his hand, and rushed straight up!

"No matter who you are, I will let you know what an unwise decision it is to sabotage Tobirama-sama's most important ritual!"

Fengjian's face was cold, his whole body suddenly blurred, dragging a long afterimage and sprinting towards Ye Long!

"Go all out, this guy has too many secrets, we must keep him!"

Fengjian let out a low voice, holding two daggers that flickered with cold light.

"You must be of great value, but when you appear here, you are asking for your own death!"

"Hehe, you dare to threaten my life, this moment is doomed!"

Ye Long's expression remained unchanged. Although the seal of the whirlpool was strong, in this space, his power was severely suppressed.

But what he has in his body is not chakra but true essence! Even with such a disadvantage, he is still confident that he has the power to fight.

Today, either you die or I die!

"Ye Long, can you hurry up and use the wooden tunnel directly!"

The suppression of Orochimaru was undoubtedly greater, so he couldn't help urging.

"By the way, I can just destroy your seal with a wooden dungeon!"


Ye Long woke up suddenly, his hands clasped together, more powerful strength rose, and a faint red light appeared.

"Woodun, the tree world is coming!!"

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