Naruto’s Hidden Shadow Snake

Chapter 348: ,newborn

Under the gloomy sky, the torrential rain washed the ground, creating countless messy ripples.

The ground became wet, muddy, and continued to absorb moisture. The sludge became looser, gradually covering the instep, and even had a tendency to turn into a swamp.

A child in a single coat stood alone in the rain, helplessly endured by the storm, soaked all over, but there was no one to help him.

"It's a stab—!"

The huge and exaggerated lightning suddenly bombarded the place not far from the child, like the roar of Thor's destruction, the dazzling light swallowed the vision, and then the huge roar made the whole world throb.

"Be careful, don't be struck by lightning, or you will be lost forever..."

"Go forward, go forward, don't look back, don't let the mud swallow you..."

The empty voice echoed in my mind, and I couldn't tell where it came from, but it seemed to be the coordinates that pointed the way forward, urging the child to keep moving forward.

"It's a stab—!"


The child just felt hungry and thirsty. It was raining heavily, but the temperature was getting higher and higher, making his head more and more dizzy.


Incomparably dazzling lightning struck the top of the mountain that was close at hand. Under the horrified eyes of the child, the top of the mountain turned into ashes, like the fingers of a giant, easily crushing an ant!

"You will die! You will really die if you are hacked!"

The child's pupils shrunk to the size of the eye of a pin, and the electric current emitted by the lightning touched his body, instantly paralyzing his whole body. His originally drowsy brain seemed to be immersed in a bucket of ice water. !

who I am?

where am I?

What should I do?

A series of questions filled his mind, and faintly, the child's body seemed to have grown a bit, and many inexplicable pictures appeared in his mind.

"Go ahead, don't look back, don't let the mud swallow you!"

The anxious murmur echoed in his ears again. The boy didn't have time to think and couldn't help but turn his head, but he was horrified to find that a rolling torrent appeared in the rain curtain behind him, and the muddy waves were dozens of meters high. He slapped to pieces!

"No! Help!"

The boy turned pale with fright and started to run desperately!



The thunder roared like artillery fire, and the ground had turned into a muddy swamp that engulfed his calf. The boy ran forward in horror, and behind him was a terrifying wave!

It was a great flood!

That is the blood of despair that devours all life and turns them into corpses and flows!




Getting closer, the torrent of blood-like torrent was approaching, the shadow of death shrouded him, and some roars of strange arts entered his ears, which was even more creepy!

Green poisonous frogs, jet-black long snakes, scarlet lizards, and unknown monsters with blurred flesh and blood have been corroded with flesh and blood, even the bones are melting, merged with sewage, and vowed to pollute the whole world!

"Give up resistance, join us, and sacrifice your life for glorious evolution!"

A mix of countless roaring shouts swept through the boy's brain, causing him to be instantly confused.

The footsteps were getting slower and slower, the mud had already covered his waist, and black shackles pierced out of the torrent to bind him severely.

"Just die like this and be swallowed up by the flood..."

The boy's eyelids are getting heavier and heavier, almost fainting...


Suddenly, a drop of black liquid fell on his shoulder.

The severe pain ripped apart his senses like a flood of beasts, driving him completely mad!

"Ow, ooh—!!"

The black liquid fell from the sky, the skin was corroded, and curls of green smoke came out. It was the most deadly venom, which made him want to die, and his survival instinct forced him to move forward again!


This drop of liquid was so domineering, the chains that imprisoned him were also corroded, becoming rotten and loose, and even the torrent seemed to have a trace of scruples, resulting in a slight pause.

"Run, run to the top of the mountain ahead, and avoid the flood!"

The prompting voice sounded again, a huge peak appeared under his feet, and the boy ran up with all his strength.


The torrent hit the cliff, sputtering stormy waves, and the boy had already climbed halfway up the mountain and was not washed away.


An angry roar came from the torrent. It seemed to express dissatisfaction and anger. The flood continued to soar, and it wanted to drown the mountain together!


The mountain also made a strange roar, as if to protest the intrusion of the torrent, and the two sides were fighting fiercely.


The black venom continued to drip, and the boy ran towards the top of the mountain with scars, but he seemed to find that his body was starting to get stronger, and it was not as laborious as before, and even his mind became clearer.

"I am... Beiliuhu...

I want to... get rid of the shackles of my body...!"

Bei Liuhu raised his head, and in the sky, a dazzling blood moon was spinning at a high speed, and the three hook jade projected a blood-like brilliance!

"Be careful—!"

Beluhu had already climbed to the top of the mountain, but all around him were floods.

There is no way out, he has been completely surrounded!


The incomparable huge lightning shot down again, this time it no longer missed, just hit the mountain!


There was lightning and thunder, and even the entire space trembled violently, and even terrifying cracks appeared!

Beluhu's figure has disappeared. Under this earth-shattering thunder of destruction, the mountain peaks were shattered into pieces, the floods evaporated, and the sky turned into a boil!


The world has become a huge vortex, whether it is the fragments of the mountain tops or the boiling flood, they are all swallowed by the huge vortex.

"Don't give up on yourself..."

"Destruction is also new life..."

The whirlpool world under the water is like the vent of a tornado, where a small piece of flesh and blood grows again, evolves, and becomes the appearance of a teenager.

"Gu ah—!"

Suffocation, a deadly crisis like death with a ruthless iron fist around his throat!

"No! I can't die here! I'm going to be a detached being! I'm going to the top of the whole world! I'm going to live!!" Two rays of light, one purple and one gold, penetrated through many obstacles and illuminated his body, as if bathed in warm light.

The power surged in the body, and the powerful mental fluctuations turned into two glorious rays of light that shot out of the eye sockets, Bei Liuhu roared, and easily broke free from the prison of death!

"Swallow it, evolve it, and wake up..."

"Raise your head, you are no longer that weak and inferior being..."

Beluhu's chest is like a bottomless black hole, the flood of corpses wrapped in all kinds of corpses, and the mountain peaks that have turned into pieces are desperately pouring into his body!


As if it was just an instant, the world was finally clean, the rain stopped, and the lightning disappeared. Looking around, I just felt refreshed.

Bei Liuhu raised his head, the blood moon was still suspended above his head.

However, the difference is that a blue, cyan light ball is like two satellites slowly revolving around it.

Beluhu clenched his fists tightly, and the powerful feeling in his body made him ecstatic!

"Wake up, wake up..."

"Join us, fight for us..."

The feeling of the world spinning around came, Bei Liuhu's mind was confused for a while, and then suddenly opened his eyes.

He was lying on the hospital bed, beside his voice, Orochimaru and Ye Long each reached out to hold his hands, staring at him with a dazed face with a fatherly look.

"Jie Jie Jie, finally succeeded..."

"This kid is very genetically gifted, and he will become a great one in the future..."

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